Channeled Message From The Sophia Energy, November 20, 2023.

Dear Beautiful Beloveds,

It is with Great Love in my Heart for you that I come to Connect & Share my Divine Feminine Activations & Messages with you today.

There is Great Change Underfoot in your Plane, so much so that many are beginning to notice a greater sense of Peace, of Security within themselves - despite the Events Unfolding in the World Around them.

This is largely thanks to the Light Energy that You Dear Beloved WayShower - Path-Creator - Community - Have Been Successful In Holding The Planet In On Behalf Of The Entire Human Collective.

This is no small task and you have done brilliantly and there is much rejoicing in the Higher Dimensional Realms.

We want you to watch yourself on several accounts as you go forward - 

  • Where is your Energy? Are you directing your thought attention to that which you would have see come about in these Realms? Manifestation is happening much Faster now and it is imperative that your thoughts should be directed in the direction of that which you wish to Create.

  • How are you treating the others around you? Are you allowing space for them to be who they really are? For them to take the time they need to be present with themselves and the world as this next stage of the Human Collective’s Journey Unfolds?

Until now there has been so much focus on Productivity in your Realms, which has led to a Great Deal of Busyness. Whilst Productivity in and of itself is not to be dismissed - it can be very useful at times as the Feminine Energy is also ready to accept - it is not good when it becomes the only focus so that people get caught up in a whirlwind of action and mental energy and do not have the time to come home to themselves.

Most in the Collective do not even know how to do this, Dear Ones.

And this is a role I would wish to Assign to you the WayShower Community now - to Show the Collective the Way of Being Present with Self in such a way that you allow for thoughts to Arise, Be Seen - Be Noticed - Without Necessarily Needing To Believe Them - And to then ask yourself, what is the choice for a Better Thought Now? By which is meant - a thought more Aligned with that specific Individual’s Happiness And What It Is That They Wish To Create.

While this seems somewhat basic, it is very very important.

And even while you have grasped it as a mental knowing, many of you have not internalized this and are not truly in the process of being this kind of Transformative Energy in the World.

When you can really start to do this for yourselves - and then show Wider Humanity how to also be in this process - of course at the same time teaching the Principle of needing to come from a place of Alignment with Love, with Light, with Highest and Best For All - then things in your Earth Plane will Truly start to Transform.

It Is We, It Is I, The Divine Sophia - and I am greatly pleased to connect with you in this way At This Very Special Time In Your Planes.


Channeled Messages From The Sophia Energy, Yeshua & Babaji Of Absolute Light, Sept 3, 2023.

Dear Our Beloved Sisters & Brothers In The Earth Realms,

How Important These Times Upon Your Planet. Now All Is Aligned For You, As HuManity, To Step Into Your Divine Inheritance. It Is Yours To Claim Now. Feel The Energy Of Your Planet - Feel How Different It Is Now; How Much Lighter. Let YourSelf Know That This Transformation Has Occurred And That You Are Now Fully Residing In The Energy Of The New Earth GAIA That Has Been Long-Awaited By You All. Let This Energy Flow Through You So That The Creations You Put Your Time + Energy Into Manifesting May Be Filled With The Light & Love Frequency Of The Ascended Earth.

From The Sophia Energy -

Dear Ascending HuMans,

Let Me Tell You How Light & Love-Filled You Are; How You Radiate Out This Light & Love In Ways That Extend & Bless The Peoples, The Nature Aspects, The World Around You.

This Light Energy You Bring In Creates Much Stability In Your Realms Now, Helping To Stabilize Not Only The Creation Of The New Earth, But Also Your Planet - So That Less Rocky Up & Down Movement & Discord & Lack Of Harmonious Flow Are Experienced By Your Fellow Humans As GAIA Takes Time To Fully Integrate & Radiantly Embody This New Era Of HerSelf As The Expression Of Light.

She Is Radiant. Joyous. As She Ascends To Partake In The Planetary Unification Of Light With Other Planets That Have Fully Ascended Before Her.

For Each Of HuManity Whether To Stay On Her Surface While This Ascended TimeLine Unfolds Is An Individual Choice. Each May Choose Where They Want Their Focus To Be - A Heart-Centered Life & An Expansion Into Greater Light; Greater Consciousness; Greater Truth. Or A Clinging To The Old Ways That Are Now No Longer Aligned With Or Supported By The Earth Grids In Any Way.

This Message Is Activated So That All That Read It May Be Blessed In The Way That Is Aligned With Their Highest Soul’s TimeLine At This Time.

It Is I, The Sophia Energy & I Am Delighted To Interact With You In This Way Through This Message Today.

From Yeshua -

I Am Here To Speak With You & I Am Filled With The Joy Of The Radiance Of The Earth Realms And Seeing That That Which I Gave My Devotion, My Energy To ThroughOut My Life Is Now Coming To Pass In A Greater Way In Your Realms.

I Ask You - Caution You - To Be Very Observant Of Your Vibration & The Energy You Are Emitting.

Manifestation Is Occurring Much Faster Now. Everything Is Sped Up - And That Effect Has Been Multiplied With The Start Of This The Month Of September, 2023.

Do Not Dwell On The Heavy Emotions Of Shame, Or Guilt, or Regret - Let These Things Go. They Do Not Belong In Your Consciousness Now.

There Is Nothing You Have Done Or Said That Can Make You Unlovable In The Eyes Of Your Creator Source.

It Is Time To Step Out Of The Ego-Driven Self-Tormentation & To Allow YourSelf To Experience The Peace, Joy & Beauty Of This Moment You Find YourSelves In.

It Is I, Yeshua.

From Babaji -

Dear Earth Beings,

Those Who Chose To Incarnate Here At This Time To Be The Presence Of Unconditional Love & Forgiveness & High Frequency On The Face Of The Planet At This Time.

How Beautiful To Discover Self In The Process In Which You Now Find YourSelf As You Let Go Of All That Separates You From Knowing Self In The Divine Instant As One With The Light & The Love That Is The Essence Of Your Creator.

So Beautiful You Are As You Activate This Essence Within Self - You Are The Healing For Your Ancestors, For The Whole Of Humanity At This Time.

Your Star Brothers & Sisters, With Whom I Am In Contact, Have So Much Reverence For This Moment On Your Planet & Love & Appreciation For You In Your Process.

You Are Illuminated In The Embodiment Of The Light That You Are - And I Am Activating You Through This Message To Activate More Of That Light-Embodiment In Your Physicality.

Guard Your Thoughts.

Guard Your Frequency.

Guard Your Integrity.

Protect The Honor Of Self & Those Around You.

These Are The Times For Which GAIA HerSelf Has Waited For So Long - She Longs To Flood You With The Codes Of The Golden New Earth Of Abundance, Joy, Freedom & Light-Centered Living - And The More You Align With The Above Precepts, The More You Are Able To Receive These Codes She Holds For HuManity Now.

It Is I Babaji.