Channeled Message From The Sophia, Nov 14, 2024.

Beautiful Beloved Precious Children Of The Earth,

It Is With So Much Delight That I Watch The Unfolding Of The Earth’s Ascension TimeLine In Your Realms And I Am OverJoyed By How Far - As Souls - You Have Journeyed In This One Very Special LifeTime.

Remember Always - YOU Dear One Are Here For A Very Special Purpose.

You Are Here To LIFT The Earth - To Lift HUMANITY Into A Higher Expression Of Being.

Such A Task As This Has Not Been Done Before - And Yet You, Dear Ones, Chose To Be Here At This Time -> And Were Also Chosen As Being The Most Competent To Fulfill This Task And Activate More Of The Latent Potential That Lies Within All Of Humanity.

How Wondrous It Is To Behold This Taking Place Now.

I Love You. I Am In Honor Of Your Service.

It Is I, Sophia Of Absolute Light.


Channeled Message From The Sophia Energy, November 20, 2023.

Dear Beautiful Beloveds,

It is with Great Love in my Heart for you that I come to Connect & Share my Divine Feminine Activations & Messages with you today.

There is Great Change Underfoot in your Plane, so much so that many are beginning to notice a greater sense of Peace, of Security within themselves - despite the Events Unfolding in the World Around them.

This is largely thanks to the Light Energy that You Dear Beloved WayShower - Path-Creator - Community - Have Been Successful In Holding The Planet In On Behalf Of The Entire Human Collective.

This is no small task and you have done brilliantly and there is much rejoicing in the Higher Dimensional Realms.

We want you to watch yourself on several accounts as you go forward - 

  • Where is your Energy? Are you directing your thought attention to that which you would have see come about in these Realms? Manifestation is happening much Faster now and it is imperative that your thoughts should be directed in the direction of that which you wish to Create.

  • How are you treating the others around you? Are you allowing space for them to be who they really are? For them to take the time they need to be present with themselves and the world as this next stage of the Human Collective’s Journey Unfolds?

Until now there has been so much focus on Productivity in your Realms, which has led to a Great Deal of Busyness. Whilst Productivity in and of itself is not to be dismissed - it can be very useful at times as the Feminine Energy is also ready to accept - it is not good when it becomes the only focus so that people get caught up in a whirlwind of action and mental energy and do not have the time to come home to themselves.

Most in the Collective do not even know how to do this, Dear Ones.

And this is a role I would wish to Assign to you the WayShower Community now - to Show the Collective the Way of Being Present with Self in such a way that you allow for thoughts to Arise, Be Seen - Be Noticed - Without Necessarily Needing To Believe Them - And to then ask yourself, what is the choice for a Better Thought Now? By which is meant - a thought more Aligned with that specific Individual’s Happiness And What It Is That They Wish To Create.

While this seems somewhat basic, it is very very important.

And even while you have grasped it as a mental knowing, many of you have not internalized this and are not truly in the process of being this kind of Transformative Energy in the World.

When you can really start to do this for yourselves - and then show Wider Humanity how to also be in this process - of course at the same time teaching the Principle of needing to come from a place of Alignment with Love, with Light, with Highest and Best For All - then things in your Earth Plane will Truly start to Transform.

It Is We, It Is I, The Divine Sophia - and I am greatly pleased to connect with you in this way At This Very Special Time In Your Planes.


Channeled Message & Energy Transmission From The Divine Sophia Energy, August 20, 2023.

Beautiful Shining Ones,

You Are So Light-Filled, So Beautiful In Your Embodiment Of The LoveLight Energy Of The Ascending New Earth.

I Have Several Requests To Make Of You At This Time To Support Beloved GAIA As She Supports Beloved Humanity In The Ascension Process -

1) Be Extremely Patient With YourSelves As You Move Through This Stage Of The Ascension Process. Much Is Coming Up To Be Released & It Is Important That You Are Kind, Loving & Compassionate To Self.

2) Be Still More Patient, Kind, Compassionate & Loving With Those Around You. From The Second Week Of September The Energy Is Going To Become Very Intense For Those Not Choosing Their Highest TimeLine At This Time.

3) Let Go Of All Fear Or Anxiety For Your Future & Trust In The Divine Plan, Simply Taking One Step Forward At A Time As Your Guidance Asks You To.

4) Let Go To All Attachment Of Needing Things To Be A Certain Way.

5) Put Your Focus On Manifesting The Life You Want To Live.

6) Allow YourSelf To Take It Slow When You Need To - But Keep Moving In The Direction Of The Divine Destiny You Know To Be Yours.

7) Uplift Those Around You By Being Your Joy & Light-Filled Self.

These Are The Precepts I Would Have You Put Your Focus On At This Time.

With Astounding Love For You & The Journey You Are On As Individuals & As An Ascending Collective,

It Is I, The Divine Sophia Energy.


From The Divine Cosmic Sophia Of Absolute Light, February 5, 2019.

Dearly Beloveds, those of you who Embody the Divine Sacred Feminine,

Our Message today is addressed specifically to those of you who chose to incarnate as women in this lifetime. Know yourselves held in the bosom of the Divine Feminine Of Absolute Light. Know yourselves Seen.

Know Yourselves Valued.

Know Yourselves Heard.

We ask you to also Know Your Own Value.

We wish you to Know that every contribution you make to the world that comes from the space of your loving heart is of Value, however small or insignificant it may seem to you.

We wish you to Know that the Divine Feminine Of Absolute Light sees you, holds you in Love, and Honors the Great Beauty and Essential Value that you contribute to the world with every glance of your eye, with every word that pours forth from your mouth; with everything that you Be and Do and Are in each and every Sacred Moment Of Now.

You Are Love.

We wish you to give yourself credit for the Love That You Are; the Gift That You Are.

We now wish to speak to you of how to harness the energy of 2019.

This year is about letting go of illusions about Who You Are.

This year is about letting go of old roles that you have played, and allowing yourself to embrace the Truth of Who You Are in your Purest and Highest Soul Essence - the Soul Essence that you also Embody when you walk on the Earth as physical form connected to your Sacred HeartSpace and living from this place.

This Light of Who You Are has been hidden from you, but now it is rising in you again.

The two most important qualities of Being for you to Embody this year are your Light and your Love.

First we would like to ask that you do this by living into your authentic Self, the one who you came here to be.

Only you know who she is and what she likes to do. It is important that you journey within so that you may discover these things.

Do not let anyone tell you that you are not good enough. You are perfect exactly as you are. You are the Sacred Expression of the Divine Feminine here on Earth.

Do not let anyone contradict the Knowing of your Heart.

You came here to live as an individuated aspect of Source, and as such you may find that your journey is not always understood by those around you.

That is okay. You came here to live your journey. They came here to live theirs. This is as it should be, for none is expected to live according to the expectations of others.

It is important as you move forward that you live into the Divine aspects of your femininity and release any and all lower expressions of the feminine or masculine Self.

Be the Light That You Are.

This is all that is asked of you, and this is the path to Great Freedom, Happiness, and Joy within yourself.

Love yourself and love those around you. There is no other path for you to walk.

It is as simple as this.

You do this first by Releasing the limiting thoughts and judgements you have held about yourself.

Know that you are perfect exactly as you are, wherever you are on your journey. All is a growing-into.

In each and every Sacred Moment Of Now you are coming face to face with an opportunity to Know Yourself as you Soul’s Highest and Purest Essence of Love. Choose to Express and Embody the Love That You Are.

There is not greater Mastery than this.

As you do this, you will naturally find yourself Releasing judgements about others also.

Second, live into your Joy. One can only Be Light in the world when one is filed up with a deep authentic Joy in Being.

To do this, do more of what you love, and less of that which beings your emotions into some kind of conflicted state. Your emotions are given to you as a Guide to your Soul’s Truth.

Follow your Joy and you will lead yourself directly to your Truth; the Truth of Who You Are when you are Expressed as One with the Divine; the Embodiment of your Infinite Soul.

Who you are in your Soul Essence is Absolute Love, Absolute Joy and Absolute Light.

Absolute Love is all that exists.

Absolute Love Is Absolute Joy. Absolute Love Is Absolute Light.

We wish you to know that you can never be separated from or apart from the Absolute Love That You Are; no matter how unworthy you believe you are or what others may tell you.

Next, we wish to speak to you of the essential nature of existing in and from the Heart. The Sacred HeartSpace is where all Truth is to be found; whether this be the Truth of Who You Are in your Essential Essence of Absolute Love, Absolute Peace and Absolute Joy; or the Truth that you carry within that allows you to Connect to and Align with your Most Absolute Highest Soul Purpose.

The more you connect to and exist in and from the Sacred HeartSpace, the more the Re-membrance of Who You Are will naturally open up for you, and you will find yourself easily and effortlessly aligning with that which you came here to Be and Do and Have and Experience.

Trust in the wisdom of your Heart.

She Knows Who and What you came here to Be. Each and every day she is Guiding you towards this with her gentle nudges in one direction or away from another. When you make choices, follow and choose that which gives you Joy and uplifts you, at the same time as allowing you to be of Service to others where this is appropriate. Do not be a martyr and do something only because you think you have to, even though it does not bring you Joy. It is important that your Service Work in the world brings YOU Joy as well as the people you Serve.

Trust in yourself.

Trust in yourself to know what is right for you.

Trust in yourself to love yourself enough to honor and listen to the whispers of your Heart.

Do not give your power away to others. Do not let them decide what is ‘right’ for you. Do not give away your power by standing in your Unknowingness instead of your Knowingness. Know that you have all the answers within your Sacred HeartSpace.

Seek first within.

Only then ask for confirmations of what it is you have felt and perceived and seen.

This is the way to stand in your own Power and Embody your own Light.

Allow yourself to Receive the Signs that are put on your path with an open heart, Trusting in your Knowing that they are meant for you and are a confirmation that the path you are on is the right one for you at this time.

This may change. The more you Grow, Expand and Evolve, the more you open yourself up to Embody.

If you do not Receive such Signs, do not think that you are not connected to your Guidance. Different people Receive Confirmation in different ways.

Make sure to always Act on the Guidance you Receive.

It is no longer enough to simply Connect to your Guidance and Receive it. We in the Higher Realms are looking to work with people who Decisively Act on what they Receive.

Last, allow yourself to Know yourself as the Embodiment of Love in the World.

Start to perceive yourself as the Love That You Are in your thoughts, your words, and your actions. Honor yourself. Honor the Love That You Are - that you show each time you make yourself vulnerable - displaying your kindness, your gentleness, your compassion. Show the Tenderness That You Are, existing in and from the Open Heart. These feminine qualities are needed now more than ever before as you move into the next stages of your Evolution as the collective of the human race.

It is not only the Divine Feminine that must come forward at this time, but also the Divine Masculine - both in your masculine counterparts that inhabit the same time-space Dimension, and also within each of you. It is essential that the attributes of the Divine Masculine are called forth from within each of you and Embodied, so that the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are brought into Perfect Balance And Harmony within you. This may look a little different for each of you. Each of you have unique Gifts of Beingness to give and to share with the Whole.

Stand tall in your Knowingness of the Love and the Light that you are. These are the qualities of the Infinite Embodied in you.

Do not pay attention to those who would ridicule you or make you feel small. Let them go. Their words are nothing but a ripple on a passing stream. You have the Infinite within you. You Are The Infinite, As Are They - each of you choosing to express in different ways. Let them have their own journey and experience themself in the way that they have decided to in their choices up to this point, and send them a silent Blessing of Love to support them as they move forward from now.

You are to Be Love, but you are not to lay yourself down for others to walk over. You are to Be Love in a Strong and Powerful Way, choosing the path that puts you and your connection with your Soul and the Joy that this brings first. Nothing is more important than this. You came here to Re-member and Embody more of yourself - more of the Light That You Are, more of the Love That You Are. Let this be your main focus; let this be what you live into as you move forward into the year ahead.

This is how we would have you ride the energy of 2019, for in doing this you will be able to align with your Most Absolute Highest Timeline.

This is to be a powerful year for many of you, with great change and expansion. Do not contract yourself in fear when you think of change, but allow yourself to be open to the beautiful vista of possibility and potential that lies before you, and steadily and surely make choices that are aligned with that which you want to Be and Bring Forth in the world.

You are here to be Powerful.

You are here to be Love.

Do not neglect either of these things, for they are both important. It is only when right balance is achieved between what many perceive as these two polarities that you can step forward into the life of your Soul’s wildest dreams.

It is I, The Divine Cosmic Sophia Of Absolute Light.