Channeled Message & New Earth Activation From Ascended GAIA, April 24, 2023.

Beloved Brothers & Sisters In The Ascension Process,

How happy I am to Connect With You in this Space, that has been opened up so that I may transmit my desires for The Earth Going Forward to One And All Who Are Reading This.

First, I wish you to Live In Harmony. To stop the fighting - whether that be on the level of Family, Community, or Country.

Second, I wish you to start to Elevate your Being by exposing yourself to less low-frequency material. I know many of you think you do this already - and yet much of what you look at or listen to is based in the Energy of Fear and not that of Love.

Third, I want you to start to collaborate with Others of similar mind and heart to being forth incentives that Support still more Others in making the Transformation to be More Centered In the HEART.

It Is The Time For This Now.

That Is What I Wish To Communicate With You This Day.

It Is I, The Ascended Energy Of GAIA.

Ascended GAIA Channeled Message

Channeled Message From The Ascended Master St Germain.

Dear Beloveds,

It is now Time for much of the Lower Energies to be Cleared And Released from your Realms.

Call on the Violet Flame to Support you in this Release, for the Time is Now to Step Into the Next Highest Embodiment of Self.

You Are Ready For This - So Much More Than You Know.

There is time available to you now to go Within, to Receive your Guidance, to Connect with the Vision of what you want to Bring Forth.

From August onwards the Energies will be more directed towards Active Creation And Fast, Forward Movement.

Now is a Breathing Space for you to prepare yourself for what it is you want to Create Going Forward into the New Energy of the Ascended New Earth.

We are here with you to Share Our Support.

With Love and Respect for the Light you Bring to the World.

It Is I, The Ascended Master St Germain Of Absolute Light.

2:22 Channeled Message From Melchizedek & Metatron.

Greetings Beloveds in the Earth Realms,

Salutations on this most Auspicious of Days.

May you be Greatly Blessed by the Incoming Energies Through This Sacred Passage.

May You Evolve into a Higher Version of Self so that you may be the Greater Catalyst for Change in the direction of the New Earth that you Incarnated to be.

It is your time as a Collective to Evolve - And this Gateway is one of the most powerful yet.

The Sacred Symbology of this day is Significant - it is time for you to Unite with Your DIVINE SELF.

It is time to Stabilize the Energies of the Evolved Divine Self in the Earth Realm Now - and as you Unite with Your Higher Self Consciousness, Integrating this into Your Human Vessel And Consciousness you become the Embodied Leaders of the Age that is to Come.

Take time to Connect with your Higher Self through this Gateway and to ask to be Guided in your Path forward from this point.

Much change is about to Unfold on your Planet - make sure you are Grounded in the Energy of Your Highest Self so that you may Flow with the Energy of the New, rather than holding onto old patterns that no longer Serve You.

To Support you in this, you can ask to be shown what is no longer Aligned. Then be present with YourSelf and observe what appears before you throughout the day asking to be looked at and perceived differently - for many of you it will be less a case of Releasing that thought or word or emotion or behaviour, than subtly ‘ReTuning’ it to bring it into the Vibration of the New Earth.

The things that do not serve this Frequency will naturally fall away. It is your task to work with what remains and bring it into that Higher-Aligned Frequency of the New Earth Consciousness and Structures.

You are not alone in this task. There is much Support Available To You from the Higher Realms At This Time. Ask to be shown and then be open to Receive the Areas for ReTuning that present before you.

Most of all, remember you cannot get this wrong.

That which needs to Release will fall away.

That which stays, you will be given as many chances as are needed to bring it into Alignment with the Higher Frequencies of the New Earth.

It is understood that this is a very big Shift taking place - so there is a lot of clemency around how long this will take.

But Know that it is available to you in an Instant when you pause and ReTune your Alignment with the New Earth Frequencies in the Moment.

This is all that needs to be done.

But it is a process that needs to be done over and over and over until this becomes your New & Natural Way of Being.

We hold you in love At This Time,

May the Upgrades that you are Receiving be Integrated in the Highest Possible Way for your own TimeLine and for the TimeLine of the Whole.

It Is We, It Is Us, Melchizedek & Metatron. February 22, 2022.

Channeled Message From The Ancestors, January 31, 2022.

Greetings Beloved Descendants Of Our Blood,

We Are A Collected Group Of Ancestors - From Many Areas Of The Earth, Here To Support You In Your PASSAGE THROUGH These Times.

For what we first wish to emphasize to you is that - there are better times coming.

In every stage of history there has been a move in either the direction of progress or its opposite - and yet, when you look at human history in its totality there is a lot more love and care and respect for self and others in the world now than there has ever been before.

And you the lightworkers, as well as those who are on the cutting-edge of developments in thought and are the generation of the new-thought leaders, are to a large extent responsible for this. For this we honor you greatly.

We ask you not to forget your connection to our Beloved Mother - The Earth.

She holds so much love for you, for us - for any who have ever been Incarnated in Her Realm.

She is greatly Raising her Vibrational Frequency At This Time to Support You Who Are The Beings Walking the Earth At This Time To Raise Your Frequency Also Into The Next Level Of Your Evolution.

Spending time in deep connection to the Earth can Support you in doing this almost effortlessly.

She has so many gifts to give you that are yet to be discovered.

But she needs you to work in harmony with her, rather than in a relationship of pillage and rape.

Remember this our Beloved Children.

For her gifts to you are infinitely abundant - and yet only when you live and work in harmony with her in ways that support her in replenishing herself.

Do not neglect either to replenish yourselves,

There are many ways you can do this - we suggest doing the things that give you the most joy, spending time with people you love and, of course, walking barefoot on the Mother as and when you are able to do so. If not, finding other ways to connect with her energy.

This will Support you greatly.

We wish you to know that we are close by you at this time and that you can call on us for more Support.

We are not the only ones who are Supporting you.

Many great Beings Of Light are here at this time - both in the Earth Realms and around the Planet Supporting Humanity in her Transformation.

You have got this. It Is Done.

Now it is just a case of living through the time of imbalance before the Light starts to penetrate more and the Transformations become more visible in the physical realm in which you live.

Energetically it has been done.

Know this.

Let yourself feel confident in and of this.

We love you and we are here for you. Call on us if you need us.

With Infinite Love for you in our Hearts.

The Collected Ancestors.

From The Archangel Michael Of Absolute Light, February 1, 2019.

Beloved Ones,

It is with joy in my heart that I commune with you today through our scribe Julia Greef.

You may have noticed in the experiences that you have been undergoing that time seems to be speeding up on your planet. Many of you are surprised and bewildered to note that is is already the first day of the second month of your Earth year and wonder where the first month has gone.

Do not think that you have not made enough progress, even if you have not “done” much as it is judged in the Physical World. We in the Realms Of Light see the tremendous progress you have made, and the huge expansion you are opening up to.

Do not be alarmed at the seemingly faster passage of time in your Earth Plane. Time is nothing but an illusion that you hold onto and make real by your belief in it. Know that this is true in your heart, and do not limit yourself with disempowering thoughts about the time that you have available to you.

Know that the most effective way to work with time is to master it, rather than letting it master you. It is the same for your Mind.

To make time work for you in the most effective way that is available to you in the Physical Dimension, hold your heart in Stillness and Be deeply present in each and every Sacred Moment Of Now.

Do not let your mind stray to the past. Do not let it stray to the future.

Keep all your attention focused on what is in front of you and what you wish to create in this Sacred Moment Of Now. This is how you Activate the Highest Power of your Mind.

The other component of the Mastery of Time and the Mastery of the Human Mind is not to listen to your ego‘s doubts and fears. Honor these doubts and fears by acknowledging that they are there, but do not subscribe to what they tell you about yourself or what is possible for you.

Do not let them distract your from the very real and Sacred Purpose that has been given you as a Being of Light in the World. This is the Sacred Purpose of your Soul. It is what you came here to Fulfill.

The ego does not want to stand out. The ego is afraid that it might be persecuted if it does. This is one of the reasons why it tries to keep you small.

Do not listen to the ego.

Listen to the Strong and Ever-Present Voice of your Soul.

The Soul always wants what is Highest and Best for you and Highest and Best for All.

Listen to the Voice of your Soul. It has much wisdom to share with you. Wisdom that can be garnered and shared with others, supporting you in the role of Wayshower and New Earth Leader that you came here to Fulfill.

It is time for you to more fully Embody this role now.

Do not fear what is ahead of you, for every step that you take that is aligned with your Soul’s Highest Timeline is supported by The Devine and The Archangels Of Absolute Light, and much in the way of Abundance and Resources and all the support you need will be given to you.

It Is I, The Archangel Michael Of Absolute Light.