Channeled Message & New Earth Activation From Ascended GAIA, April 24, 2023.

Beloved Brothers & Sisters In The Ascension Process,

How happy I am to Connect With You in this Space, that has been opened up so that I may transmit my desires for The Earth Going Forward to One And All Who Are Reading This.

First, I wish you to Live In Harmony. To stop the fighting - whether that be on the level of Family, Community, or Country.

Second, I wish you to start to Elevate your Being by exposing yourself to less low-frequency material. I know many of you think you do this already - and yet much of what you look at or listen to is based in the Energy of Fear and not that of Love.

Third, I want you to start to collaborate with Others of similar mind and heart to being forth incentives that Support still more Others in making the Transformation to be More Centered In the HEART.

It Is The Time For This Now.

That Is What I Wish To Communicate With You This Day.

It Is I, The Ascended Energy Of GAIA.

Ascended GAIA Channeled Message

From Mt SHASTA, Mt FUJI, Mt Kīlauea - Pele & Mt Kilimanjaro, April 1, 2021.


Greetings Dear Ones,

It Is We The Mountains Of The Ascended Earth. We wish to speak to you of Imminent Change in your Earth Plane. Much is being Shifted For You - Released On Your Behalf - by the Ascended Energy of GAIA - but also by Divine Source Light.

It is your Time as a Collective to Ascend.

Much is Changing within your Physical Structures now.

The next 2 - 4 months are a very important Gateway for you.

Do not fear when you see Great Changes Unfolding. Stand in Your Embodiment of Your Unique Light and your Knowing That You Are Here To Create A Better World For The Many.

It Is The Time For This Now.

These Number Codes will Support you in Embodying Your Sovereignty - read them 3 times aloud and then say ‘Thank you’ -

1 1 3 1 2

It Is We, It Is Us, The Mountains Of The Ascended Earth.