Light-Encoded Channeled Message From The Unicorns Of The 121st Dimension & Above, Feb 19, 2024.

Dear Beautiful High-Frequency, High-Minded, High-Vibrating Beloveds,

We Love & Honor You With All The Purity & Beauty Of Our Hearts As You Walk More Clearly Into The Frequencies Of The New Earth GAIA.

You Have Already Made Your Choice - Each Of You - Most Several, Even Many - Years Ago.

You Have Become More Adept At Embodying The Qualities Of Purity; Compassion; Kindness; Self-Love; Encompassing & Many-Things-Embracing Love For Others.

And Yet You Are Not So Adept At UpHolding Your Frequency.

We UpGrade This For You Now To Facilitate You Coming More Fully Into Resonance With The New Earth GAIA.

In Love For You & All That You Embody At This Time.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Unicorns Of The 121st Dimension And Above.


Channeled Messages From Freddie Mercury & Michael Jackson, October 17, 2023.

Channeled Messages From The Higher Dimensional Beings Of Freddie Mercury & Michael Jackson -

From Freddie Mercury -

Hey There Fellow Earthlings,

For I Still Identify With The Beautiful Planet You Are Residing Upon & Call Home.

How I Wish I Were With You There Today As You Welcome In The Awakened Earth With All The Light & Focus Of Truth & Divine Self Alignment That Epitomizes Who You - The ForeRunners Of This New Era Of Divine-Aligned Light - Are.

How Tremendously Glorious These Times Are.

I Sing In Honor Of You, Your Light, The All That You Are.

I Thank You For Your Commitment - Which Is Still More Than That Of My Heart To The Music Within I Loved So Much.

Give YourSelf Permission To Take Up More Space.

You Are Here To Literally Change The Entire Fabric Of The HuMan World.

You Will Transform The Face Of The Earth.

I Speak Not In Hyperbole But In Truth.

It Is I, Freddie Mercury.

From Michael Jackson -

Dear Beautiful Peace-Love-Centered Beings,

How Sparkling Is The Light That You Emit As You Are Heart-Centered In Each Of Your Words, Actions, Interactions & Behaviours. It Is Beautiful To See The Transformations That Are Taking Place On Your Planet Now.

So Much More Light Is Being Emitted As More & More Come Into Alignment With Their Soul Path & Their Higher Self & The Embodiment Of The Values of Trust, Love, Respect & Light.

I Ask You To Trust In The Light Of Your Being To Bring All Into Alignment Around You.

Simply Ask Of Your Higher Self Your Next Step & Keep Following That - Without Thinking About What Is To Come After That Just Yet.

For So Much Is In The Air At The Moment.

Many Life Paths & Life Plans Will Be Changing In The Next Few Months.

More & More Will Be Leaving The Planet.

Those Who Remain Will Be Actively Choosing To Come Into Alignment With A Higher Soul Path.

How Wonderful To Watch From This Position.

How Still More Wonderful To Be Present On The Earth At This Life-Changing Time.

We Offer You The Full Benefit Of Our Support.

Please Look At The Picture & Say ‘Thank You’ Once Aloud.

With Love, Honor & Respect For The Great Love You Are Choosing & Active In The Embodiment Of.

It Is I, Michael Jackson.

channeled Message - Michael Jackson; Freddie Mercury

Channeled Message & New Earth Activation From Ascended GAIA, April 24, 2023.

Beloved Brothers & Sisters In The Ascension Process,

How happy I am to Connect With You in this Space, that has been opened up so that I may transmit my desires for The Earth Going Forward to One And All Who Are Reading This.

First, I wish you to Live In Harmony. To stop the fighting - whether that be on the level of Family, Community, or Country.

Second, I wish you to start to Elevate your Being by exposing yourself to less low-frequency material. I know many of you think you do this already - and yet much of what you look at or listen to is based in the Energy of Fear and not that of Love.

Third, I want you to start to collaborate with Others of similar mind and heart to being forth incentives that Support still more Others in making the Transformation to be More Centered In the HEART.

It Is The Time For This Now.

That Is What I Wish To Communicate With You This Day.

It Is I, The Ascended Energy Of GAIA.

Ascended GAIA Channeled Message

Channeled Message From The Sacred Crystals Of The Ascended New Earth, March 27, 2023.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Sacred Rocks And Crystals Of The Ascended New Earth,

It is with Joy that we prepare to speak with You this day, you Light-Filled Beings Who Walk In These Planes With Us And Support Us As We Support GAIA In her Highest Ascension TimeLine.

You have no idea - for you cannot yet understand the Flow of Energy between all things - how important your Love for Us The Rocks & Crystals is to Support Us in being the Holding Energy of Higher Dimensional Light on the Planet.

We thank you and honor you for the great respect and care with which you treat us and for the clearly apparent Joy you feel upon seeing us - seeing a reflection of our beauty in the way that we appear to you.

The feeling of Love and Peace between You and us that this Generates is important to us - for we Know - we Re-Member - where you the Humans do not - -> that this Experience of Love between All Species, All Things, is for what we came here to Experience OurSelves As.

Not many of your kind have Re-Membered Self to such an extent that they are able to do this yet, and yet YOU dear ones are the forerunners in this. It is important that you set an example for those around you of how to very actively Be Love in the World -

For Love is far more than a feeling experienced; it is a way of being - a way of being in relationship to Self, in relationship to GAIA, in relationship to each other, and in relationship to The Divine MotherFatherGod Essence.

Love Is What You Are In Your Essence.

As the Vibrational Frequency of GAIA Continues To Rise, More And More Of You Will Have A Still Deeper Experience Of What It Means To Know Self As Love.

This Is The Way Of Self-Realization - The Realization Of Self In Its Essential TRUTH.

This Is What All Who Are Incarnated At This Time Came Here For - you see, it is your Time As Hu-Mans To Awaken On A Far Greater Level & In Greater Numbers Than Ever Before.

That Is Why We Are Here At This Time - To Serve This Path & Help & Support Those Of You Who Choose To Consciously Ground Into The Energy of Love To Know Self In More Of Your ULTIMATE TRUTH.

It Is A Choice Made Over & Over Again - How Can I Be Love Now? & Now? & Now?

We do not wish you to compare yourself to others or to berate yourself for past or present mistakes -
All Is Well.

Whoever You Are, there is yet still an opportunity to Open YourSelf To The Greater Expression Of Self As Love.

It is a question of first Clearing - Releasing - the past Trauma that is Held Within The Cells.

Then There Is Space For More Photonic Light To Flow In.

The More Light In Your Cells, The Faster Your Awakening & Ascension Process -> the more Easily you can Align with Your Higher Self & Your Soul’s TimeLine For This Lifetime -> the more Light You Will Emit To Support Those Around You In Also Coming Into A Greater Embodiment Of The Light Of Their Own Being.

We Share With You Now The Energies Of Selenite & Obsidian To Support You In This; The Energies Of Gold, Silver & Rose Quartz To Help You Align With More Of The Light Within You & The Energy Of Azurite To Bring You Into Greater Connection With The Higher-Dimensional Energy of the Celestial Realms. These Are The Activations We Bring Forth To Support You This Day.

Also, We Bring Forth The Energy Of Rose Quartz To Support You By Practically Showing You One Area In Your Life Which You Need To Bring A Higher Expression Of Love To When You Ask Her - Rose Quartz - For Her Guidance; Using This Question Phrased In Exactly This Way -

‘Rose Quartz, Please Work With Me This Day To Show Me One Area Of My Life Where I Can Be A Higher Embodiment Of Love In Ways That Are Joy-Full For MySelf & Others And Allow Me To Know MySelf In More Of My Divine Truth As A Being Of LOVE & LIGHT In The World.’

The Energy Of Amethyst Is Also Working With You Helping Your Third-Eye To Be Open & Ready To Receive The Messages That Rose Quartz Has For You.

We Wish You Multiple Blessings On This Day Very Near The End Of This Exceptionally Auspicious Month In Your Planes.

Know That The Vibration Of LOVE On The Planet Is Being Upheld By More & More Each Day As More & More Come To Know ThemSelves In Their Highest Truth.

Know That The Way Ahead For You Is Clear & All You Need To Do Is Keep Attuning To The Vibration Of LOVE Within Your Own Heart.

This Is Not Something Outside Of You That You Need To Try To Get -> It Is Already WITHIN Each One Of You - It Simply Requires That You Consciously Attune To It More Of The Time.

It Is A Great Blessing For Us To Be Able To Speak With You This Day - It Is We, It Is Us, The Sacred Rocks And Crystals Of The Ascended New Earth.


Channeled Message From The Collective Of The Animals Of The Ascended New Earth, March 6, 2023.

Dear Beloved Hu-Mans In The Earth Realm,

We Are So Happy To Connect With You Here In This Place.

We, The Assembled Animals Of The Ascended New Earth, Have Only Love For You.

We wish to Communicate with You a little as to how Hu-Mans & Animals Respect And Love Each Other In The Ascended Version Of Your Earth, which is Already In Place Energetically And Able To Be Experienced By Many Of Us As We Pop From This Dimension To The Next.

In This Higher Dimensional Version Of The Earth, There Is No Such Word As ‘Harm’ - To Self Or To Another.

All Is Bathed In The Golden Light Of Love.

All species Respect Each Other And Desire The Best TimeLine Both For Themselves, For GAIA, And For Each Of The Other Species Inhabiting Her.

Yet There Is No Attachment To This.

If And When A Species Chooses To Leave It Is Seen As Okay - We Respect Their Choice To Do So, Just As They Would Respect Ours.

This is very different to the way things are in your Earth Plane now.

We know there will Need to be a time of Bridging to help you get from Where You Are Now To This Ascended Way Of Being In The World.

We would suggest the following if you are interested in Helping To Release some of the Trauma That Has Been Created By The Relationship Between Animals And Third-Dimensional Humans; and also in Aligning With A Higher-Dimensional Way Of Being:

  • Eat less meat; as little as possible. If you must eat meat, make sure the Animals were Raised in a free environment in which they were loved and cared for.

  • Eat less fish. Apart from anything else your Oceans are now polluted enough that fish hold a lot of toxins which pass easily into your bloodstreams.

  • Respect the Animals around you; whether they be pets, birds, insects, rodents or wild animals.

  • If you must kill an animal because it is invading your space in such a way as is an inconvenience or more for you, then please do it humanely.

  • Talk to your pets. They love you. They want to connect with you on a deeper deeper level.

  • Hug and hold your pets. They love to spend time with you and they have much to teach you about how to be present in the moment and how to be light-hearted - a child at heart - carefree and joyous.

  • Refer to them by their name; or as the personal pronouns ‘he,’ ‘she,’ or ‘they.’ Not as ‘it.’

  • NEVER harm your pet physically.

  • Do not raise your voice unnecessarily around your pets - they are greatly disturbed by unsettled energy just as young children are.

  • LOVE YOURSELF MORE - this is the biggest Lesson your pets have for you. They love you so much and want you to love yourself with the same Unconditional Love - Whatever You Are Like As A Person; Whatever You Have Done.

    These are the Lessons The Collected Animals Of The Earth Have For You. Heed them wisely, very few in your Realms have Mastered them.

    BUILD YOURSELF A GOOD ‘PACK’ - The People You Surround YourSelf With Are Extremely Influential In Creating The Person You Become And How Much Of Your INNATE POTENTIAL You Can ACTUALIZE.
    These are the Lessons We, The Collective Of The Animals Of The Ascended New Earth, Have For You All.

We Are Your FRIENDS.


This Is The Main Agenda Of Your Planet Now - To Bring All You Hu-Mans Along With Her InTo The REALMS OF THE ASCENDED EARTH.

It Is Our Desire To Also Help You To Align With & Experience The Frequency, The JOY And The LOVE Of New Earth. We Hold The Codes For This And Are Willing To Share Them With You. To This End, Please Look At The Picture For 10 Seconds And Say ‘Thank You’ Once Aloud. It Is Activated To Support YOU In Your Own Personal Ascension TimeLine.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Collective Of The Animals Of The Ascended New Earth.

Channeled Messages & Ascension Codes From The Beings Of Absolute Light, March 22, 2022.

From The Collected Ascended Masters And The Ascended Mountains, Crystals And Stones Of The Ascended New Earth.

Dear Beautiful Beloveds,

It is with Joy in our Hearts that we welcome you into this Space and we wish to send you our blessings of Love and our blessings of Peace to each of you as an Individual and to the Greater Collective At This Time.

There is much that we wish to say -

First that we Honor and Hold each of you in Love for the Process you are Moving through at this time and the Integrity and the Dedication to truth that you are Embodying, as well as the Clear Purity of your Hearts that is like a Mountain Stream blessing the world with its pure waters.

Do not let yourself be swayed away from the space of the Heart, whatever may be unfolding in the Collective or your Individual TimeLine. We know that this will be difficult at times. There is much that is coming up to be examined in the lives of Individuals as well as a great deal of fear and tension in the Collective. All of this needs to be so - for it is as if you are being squeezed through a narrow opening like that of an hourglass to allow all that which is not Aligned to Fall Away before beginning the Ascent into the Vibration of the Higher Dimensions of The New Earth.

We know that many of you feel unsettled. There’s a feeling of a time-lapse. It is as if you are waiting for something to happen and to gain more clarity around your role Going Forward. And so there is a hesitancy about what to do next. This is well and good. For many of you, your roles will be shifting from this point forwards into a Higher Embodiment of your next Manifestation of Who You Came Here To Be.

There is much to be excited about ahead.

Above all we wish you to know this.

It is literally just around the corner. But it will require your Integrity, your Patience, your Strength and your Determination to remain Aligned with the Highest Essence of Self for you to walk through these times with Ease and Grace and in a way that Allows you to be of Service to the Collective of Humans that you came here to Lead the Way for.

It is all about being Fully Centered within your own Highest Essence of Being. And both thinking, speaking, acting and interacting from this place.

This is the example you are here to be at this time - as the Collected Ascended Masters before you.

We now Activate you to Come into a Higher Embodiment of your Truth through the Diamond Golden Ascension Column.

This is the end of our Message to you today. We now hand you over to the Ascended Mountains, Crystals And Stones Of The Ascended New Earth.

From The Ascended Masters Yeshua, The 2 Marys, Metatron, Melchizedek Of Absolute Light And The Golden Phoenix Of The Ascended New Earth.

Beautiful Shining Ones,

We salute you in the Process of your Ascension.

You are becoming Crystalline through your Physical Structures in a way that is so beautiful to behold, as all that is not of the Purity of the Ascended New Earth is Dissolving and Falling Away.

You are Shining Ones.

Shining with the Embodiment of the One True Light That Is In All That Is - That Is In You, That Is In Us, That Infuses Each Being With Life In These Realms.

Until now this Light That You Are has been Hidden from you by your Inherited Patterns from Other LifeTimes And/Or Your Ancestral Lines.

These patterns are now losing their grip - coming up for their greater Release.

Allow yourself to take the time to be with them and to do the individual work that needs to be done to move through this time with more Ease, more Grace.

This is important - for it will put you in the position of Internal Strength which is where All True Power is located.

Do not forget the Truth of Who You Are as a Soul That Is Beyond the Limitations of the Body.

Allow this to Sustain you Through These Times, that you may bring sustenance and nourishment for others wherever you may go.

You are Serving here now as we are also Serving.

Each Action And/Or Word dedicated to a Higher Divine TimeLine, Plan And Design.

This is as it should be for this is what these Times are for.

It is time for the Human Realms to Align with the Higher Dimensional Energies and Come Into the BEingness of the Ascended Earth Realms Here In Physical Now.

How wonderful to be a sentient being on the Earth At These Times and to share in this experience with you dear Beloveds, who so bravely have come and reincarnated in these Realms from Higher Dimensions.

With great honor to you for your Service - which is great. We love and hold you in our hearts and in our Esteem.

We gift you these Number Codes to work with through the rest of this month. Please say them once a day for 3 - 5 consecutive days -

2 2 4 8 9 0.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Ascended Mountains, Crystals And Stones Of The Ascended New Earth - and we are honored to have had this chance to speak with you this day.

12:12 Gateway - Channeled Transmission From Lemurian Dolphins, Metatron & Mechizedek.


Salutations Sisters & Brothers In The EARTH REALM,

It Is The Day Of 12:12 And You In The Gaia Realms Are Passing Into A New TimeLine Now.

There will be a time of grieving for many for what is being left behind; a time of confusion, fear and unease for many others.

But for you who are Aligned with the Path that Your Soul and Higher Self Call You Towards - You will be able to Integrate the Shift into the NEW EARTH REALITY With A Great Deal Of Ease And Grace - for, in truth, you are already living into the MultiDimensional Nature of much of What is To Come.

You Are Embodying The True Essence Of Your Soul - And Know YourSelves To Be MultiDimensional Light incarnated Only Temporarily In Human Form With Access To Much That Is Beyond The Capacity And Even Imagination Of Those Who Are As Of Yet UnAwakened To Their Higher Truth.

But All Is To Change In The Next 30 Years.

This MultiDimensionality of the HuMan will be seen on a still larger scale from now.

More and more of you will be Shifting into These Higher TimeLines.

And those of You who are already Embodying this Connection to the Divine Truth of Who You Are - You will be the Lantern-Bearers showing the rest of Humanity how to Connect with these Aspects of Self and bring forth beautiful Love-Filled Creations and Co-Creations as a result of the Upgrading of the Human Consciousness into what you came here to Know and Experience Your Selves as.

It is a beautiful day throughout the entire history of your planet - for on this day you have succeeded in elevating your Collective Consciousness to the point necessary for this Transition into a new elevation and Consciousness of Who You Are.

There is much rejoicing at the implementation of the Divine Plan in the Gaia Realms throughout the entire MultiDimensional Universe.

Know how loved you are, how eagerly your progress is observed, and how we long to interact with you again as we did in the days of old and will once again once the Earth and Humans upon her have been Restored To The Full Primacy Of The Crystalline Consciousness.

You, The Light Warrioresses And Light Warriors, Have Been Largely Responsible For The Successful Passage Into This Elevated Expression Of HU-Manity Now.

With Honor and Gratitude for your Trust, your Fearlessness and the Purity of your Crystalline Hearts.

It Is We, It Is Us, Metatron, Melchizedek & The Lemurian Dolphins.

*This Message Includes A Crystalline LightBody Activation From The Lemurian Dolphins.

Spirit Message From CHEETAH, September 16, 2021.


CHEETAH came to me in my Meditation today - he said this is a very important time we are moving through in the Earth Plane and he wants to Support Each of Us in Accelerating into the Next Highest Stage of Our Evolution.

To Receive this Activation please look at the image for 5 seconds and say ‘Thank you.’

Channeled Message - Cheetah