Channeled Message From The Planetary Consciousness Of Ascending Gaia, Sept 12, 2023.

Dear Beautiful Beloveds Who Walk On My Back,

It Is I, The Planetary Consciousness Of Ascending GAIA.

I wish to Connect with You today more than anything to let you know of the Changes that you can Expect to See Going Forward from this point.

First, there will be a lot more Love Consciousness on the Planet. This will start in small ways, with Individuals becoming Kinder To, More Patient With, More Loving To Both ThemSelves & the People directly Around Them.

Gradually it will Expand to include also Those not in their Immediate Circle.

This will be the Start of the Evolving Human Consciousness that is to take part for the Collective - they will quickly be Brought Into a Higher Place of Alignment with the Love That They Are.

Over time - though it may take a few years - the World will become a Kinder, a Safer, a more Enjoyable place to live as a result.

Second, there will be a redistribution of Abundance that will aim to Support Those Working on Behalf of the Light.

This is so that the important Messages they Share, whether Channeled or Spoken From Their Own Consciousness, can Reach More & Support More In ReMembering Their Truth - YOUR Truth As Planetary Beings Who Came To My Surface At This Time To ReDiscover YourSelves As The LOVE That You Are & That All Is.

Third, there will be much Upheaval - with people Moving, new Relationships & Connections being formed, new Job situations and much more. This is not to be seen as overly negative - more a time to Come Into the Quiet of Your Heart & Ask YourSelf what it is that you Deeply Want to Do - and to Allow YourSelf to Do More Of That.

Until Now Many Of You Have Identified YourSelves By The Work You Do - this is to End at this Time, as you will come into a Deeper Understanding of the Full MultiDimensional Nature Of Your Being & begin to Express More Aspects of That.

It Is A Magnificent Time.

A Magnificent Time To Be Alive And On This Planet.

We - the Various Consciousnesses of the Ascending GAIA - Honor & Thank Each One Of You Who Is Here At This Time.

Each Of You Is Playing Your Unique Part - Each Of You Is Essential To The Evolution Of The Whole, & We Thank You For The Great Service You Give.

In Love & Honor,

It Is I, The Planetary Consciousness Of Ascending GAIA.

Channeled Message GAIA

Channeled Message From The Orca Energy & Giraffe Energy Of The Animals Of The Ascended New Earth, April 10, 2023.

Dear Beloved HuMans In The Earth Realm,

We Are So Happy To Be Here With You Here In This Sacred Space and to have the chance to Share Our Messages with You.

From Orca -

Have More Fun, Dear Ones. Let YourSelf Be The Lightness Of Being That Fills You When You Are In JOY.


Make that LEAP To The Next Level Of Your Being.

We, The Animals, Love You So. We Know That As A Collective & As Individuals You CAN Do This.



That Is All.

It Is I, Orca.

From Giraffe -

Let yourself stretch your neck to see and BE the Higher Perspective.

Do not go along with the crowd just because it is what you have been trained to do, have always done, or it is what everyone else around you is doing.

Your know in your Heart what is Right and True.

Allow this to Lead You.

Be True To The Guidance Of Your Heart In This Way, for this will bring you into Closer Relationship with Your Higher Self.

It Is I, Giraffe.

The Rocks & Crystals Of The Ascended New Earth Also Wish To Share An Activation & Message From Calcite.

The Activation Is To PURIFY Your BEING For The Next Stage Of Your Ascension Process.

The Message -

Hold YourSelf Dear & Sacred Dear One.

Know That It Is Your Choice How You Experience This LifeTime.

Will You CHOOSE LOVE - or its Absence?

When You Choose LOVE You Also Cleanse YourSelf Of Past Trangressions From Other LifeTimes That Are Related To The Area You Are Currently In This LifeTime Transmuting Into Love.

Know This & Take Courage In Your Choice.

I Am Supporting You.

It Is I, Calcite Of The Ascended New Earth.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Orca Energy & Giraffe Energy Of The Animals Of The Ascended New Earth.

Channeled Message From The Collective Of The Animals Of The Ascended New Earth, March 6, 2023.

Dear Beloved Hu-Mans In The Earth Realm,

We Are So Happy To Connect With You Here In This Place.

We, The Assembled Animals Of The Ascended New Earth, Have Only Love For You.

We wish to Communicate with You a little as to how Hu-Mans & Animals Respect And Love Each Other In The Ascended Version Of Your Earth, which is Already In Place Energetically And Able To Be Experienced By Many Of Us As We Pop From This Dimension To The Next.

In This Higher Dimensional Version Of The Earth, There Is No Such Word As ‘Harm’ - To Self Or To Another.

All Is Bathed In The Golden Light Of Love.

All species Respect Each Other And Desire The Best TimeLine Both For Themselves, For GAIA, And For Each Of The Other Species Inhabiting Her.

Yet There Is No Attachment To This.

If And When A Species Chooses To Leave It Is Seen As Okay - We Respect Their Choice To Do So, Just As They Would Respect Ours.

This is very different to the way things are in your Earth Plane now.

We know there will Need to be a time of Bridging to help you get from Where You Are Now To This Ascended Way Of Being In The World.

We would suggest the following if you are interested in Helping To Release some of the Trauma That Has Been Created By The Relationship Between Animals And Third-Dimensional Humans; and also in Aligning With A Higher-Dimensional Way Of Being:

  • Eat less meat; as little as possible. If you must eat meat, make sure the Animals were Raised in a free environment in which they were loved and cared for.

  • Eat less fish. Apart from anything else your Oceans are now polluted enough that fish hold a lot of toxins which pass easily into your bloodstreams.

  • Respect the Animals around you; whether they be pets, birds, insects, rodents or wild animals.

  • If you must kill an animal because it is invading your space in such a way as is an inconvenience or more for you, then please do it humanely.

  • Talk to your pets. They love you. They want to connect with you on a deeper deeper level.

  • Hug and hold your pets. They love to spend time with you and they have much to teach you about how to be present in the moment and how to be light-hearted - a child at heart - carefree and joyous.

  • Refer to them by their name; or as the personal pronouns ‘he,’ ‘she,’ or ‘they.’ Not as ‘it.’

  • NEVER harm your pet physically.

  • Do not raise your voice unnecessarily around your pets - they are greatly disturbed by unsettled energy just as young children are.

  • LOVE YOURSELF MORE - this is the biggest Lesson your pets have for you. They love you so much and want you to love yourself with the same Unconditional Love - Whatever You Are Like As A Person; Whatever You Have Done.

    These are the Lessons The Collected Animals Of The Earth Have For You. Heed them wisely, very few in your Realms have Mastered them.

    BUILD YOURSELF A GOOD ‘PACK’ - The People You Surround YourSelf With Are Extremely Influential In Creating The Person You Become And How Much Of Your INNATE POTENTIAL You Can ACTUALIZE.
    These are the Lessons We, The Collective Of The Animals Of The Ascended New Earth, Have For You All.

We Are Your FRIENDS.


This Is The Main Agenda Of Your Planet Now - To Bring All You Hu-Mans Along With Her InTo The REALMS OF THE ASCENDED EARTH.

It Is Our Desire To Also Help You To Align With & Experience The Frequency, The JOY And The LOVE Of New Earth. We Hold The Codes For This And Are Willing To Share Them With You. To This End, Please Look At The Picture For 10 Seconds And Say ‘Thank You’ Once Aloud. It Is Activated To Support YOU In Your Own Personal Ascension TimeLine.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Collective Of The Animals Of The Ascended New Earth.

Channeled Message from Dragonfly, March 27, 2021.

Dear Beautiful Divine Hu-Mans,

You Are The New Energy Incarnating In The Earth Plane Now.

You - Those Of You Who Have Come To A Knowing Of SELF AS A MULTIDIMENSIONAL BEING - You Are The Ones Who Are - In Embodying This Energy - Showing What Is POSSIBLE NOW In The EARTH PLANE NOW For ALL HUMANITY.

It Starts With Going Within.

Deep Within You Discover - Through Your HeartSpace - Your Innate Connection To All That Is.

You Become More Peace-Filled, More Love-Filled.

You Start To Sense YourSelf - Comprehend Of Self - In A New Way.

A Way That Is Aligned With Your INNATE POWER.

This Power Has Always Been Yours - But It Has Been Hidden From You.

Now Is The Time For It To Be REVEALED Again.

This Is What The TRUE AWAKENING Is About - A Returning Of You To YOUR POWER As A MULTIDIMENSIONAL BEING Able To Access All Aspects Of SELF In Each Sacred Now Moment And, In Doing So, To Gain New Understandings, New Insights, To Entirely ReWrite Your Perception & ReCode Your Cells To Come Into Harmony With The Vibration Of New Earth.

This Is A Wondrous Time On The Planet We Are Incarnated On.

All Is Poised For Deep - Tremendous - Powerful CHANGE.

In The Direction Of The Highest Good For All.

Many Will Be Leaving Your Planet In The Months To Come.

Allow YourSelf To Grieve - But Know That This Is Their Soul's Plan - And That This Also Is Part Of The BIRTH OF A NEW ENERGY, A NEW HUMAN, A NEW EARTH PLANE - To Be Grounded In The Principles Of LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY, CHOICE + FREEDOM FOR ALL.

The Whole Of Creation Eagerly Looks On To See What Will Unfold In The Earth Plane From This Point.

Nothing Is Certain.



We In The Earth Plane At This Time Are Hugely Supported In Bringing In A Higher Vibration Of Light.

Much Work Is Being Done In The Physical Body & The Cellular Structure On Behalf Of This.

We Do Not Need To Do Anything To Receive This - It Is Available To All.

How Your Body Integrates It Will Partly Depend On The Choices You Make.

Spend Your Time On Activities That Align With PEACE, LOVE, JOY.

Spend Time On The Earth For Her Codes Will Help You To Integrate The Galactic Sun's LightCodes More Easily Into Your Physical & Cellular Structure.

You Are Being BORN ANEW.


It Is I, The Spirit Essence Of Dragonfly.


Image courtesy of Cocoparisienne.

From The Sacred Consciousness Of Fuji Of Absolute Light, November 28, 2019.

Dearly beloved beautiful Beings who are living on the Back of the Earth,

It Is I, The Sacred Consciousness Of Fuji Of Absolute Light.

I am come to speak with you this day in this Sacred Space that is set aside for Communications from The Beings Of Absolute Light, of which many of the Sacred Sites around The Earth including MySelf Are.

For we too are Sentient Beings, though we have not yet been considered as such by many of you, and we are looking forward to opening into the possibility of having these kinds of conversations with many more of you as the time on The Earth Moves Forward and we Ground More Fully Into the Energy of The Age Of Aquarius.

For this is A Time of Change, A Time of Sacred Connection With Self and With Others - Including Those Others Whom You Have Not Yet Conceived Of As Sentient Beings.

Many of the Rocks and Crystals you use will begin to Speak with you, as will many of the places in Nature that you habitually visit and frequent, as well as The Sacred Consciousness of the Plants and Trees. Perhaps for some of you you will begin to Communicate More Deeply with the Animals too - either as a Representation of Their Kind, or as them speaking to you on behalf of a particular place where they are located or that is their Natural Habitat, or speaking to you simply as themself because of their desire to Communicate with a Being Of Light Which Is What You Also Are my dear ones. Allow yourself to open up to the Possibility of this being Real for you, and it wil be so.

The Times Are Changing Now And Much Is Possible That Was Not Before.

Believe this to be True For It Is So.

In order to engage in a Communicative Act with the Spirit of a certain place upon the face of The Earth direct your attention towards the possibility of such and feel into the Energy of the Sacred place - for all places on The Earth Are Sacred just as Each Of You Is A Sacred Being of Light - and ask what Message the Place holds for you. Then wait and see what Message floats into your head.

Perhaps it will be Information about the place itself. Perhaps it will be Information about YourSelf and your Sacred Relationship to Nature. Perhaps it will be Information that Helps You on Your Path or Healing Journey Back To Wholeness of SELF.

It is enough that you ask and wait to Receive the Answer, trusting what you get. That is your share.

We, The Sacred Places On The Earth, are Longing To Communicate With You.

We long to Share with you in Mutual Exchange - we long to tell you the stories of our mutual past, of all the lifetimes we have lived together. We long to Receive of your beautiful Energy of Love and Joy and Gratitude That Is Who You Are When You Are In Alignment With and The Embodiment Of Your Most Absolute Highest Sacred Self - The Being Of Light That You Are.

We have Ancient Secrets And Wisdom to share with you about how you can Connect to our Energy to Raise Your Vibration and Bring YourSelf As An Energetic Being Into Harmony And Alignment with the Sacred Energy of The Cosmos and The Eternal And UnCeasing Nature of All That Is, Revitalizing YourSelf this way and Aligning with the Sacred Truth Of Who You Are.

It Is Time For You To Know YourSelves.

It Is Time For You To Know Who You Are.

It Is Time For You To Come Into Harmony With And The EMBODIMENT Of Your Most Absolute Highest Truth.

We are here to Support You In This, just as you Support The Earth and All The Beings On Her Back in Coming Into a Higher Embodiment of Their Light When You Align With And Embody Yours.

As a further note on how to Communicate with the Energies of The Earth: the more Grounded you are the easier it is for You to hear Our Messages.

Being Grounded also helps You to Align With And Embody A Higher Vibration And Frequency of the Unique Light That You Are in Your Most Absolute Highest Embodiment of Self.

Spend time in Nature dear ones. Spend time in the Sacred Waters of the Earth and on Her Back, climbing her Sacred Mountains of which I am one and walking her Grasslands or Fields, enjoying her coastlines and sunsets and all the many, many Riches she has to offer.

Your lifetime here is but the passing of a moment.

Live Your Life Richly. Live It Fully. Live It In The Way That You Love Allowing Yourself to Be Who You Really Are without hiding your Essence from those around you or - more importantly - from YourSelf.

You Are Love dear one. Pure Love. That is What You Are.

Allow YourSelf To Discover And Know YourSelf As Such. Love is What You Are In Your Most Absolute Highest Essence and it is what You Can Choose To Be In Each And Every Sacred Moment Of Now.

Choose this Dear One. Allow yourSelf to enjoy this beautiful exploration of the Sacred Energy Of Self That Is What You Came Here To Know YourSelf As.

This is my Message to you today.

It Is I, The Sacred Consciousness of Mount Fuji Of Absolute Light.

From The Sacred Consciosness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light, December 7, 2018.

Beloved people who live On Me, Gaia Of Absolute Light,

I wish at this time to bring you a Message of Hope.

I ask you not to be despondent when you look around you and see the changes in the ecosystems around you and on The Planet.

I, The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light, am with you today to share a Message of Hope - to inform you that the changes you see in the world around you do not signify the end of Life on The Planet; rather, they are a warning system, alerting you to the fact that each action has its natural consequence, and that this affects not only you yourself but also The Whole.

Your Elders and Ancestors knew this. But many of you have forgotten it.

It is okay. I know that you came to this planet to learn Respect For All Life, including your own.

As you grow into the Absolute Embodiment of Respect For The Life That You Are and learn to Honor the Expression Of Absolute Source Light That Is What Each Of You Are, you’ll find you Naturally come into the Absolute Embodiment Of Honoring All Life.

This is one of the main lessons people come to learn on this Planet: Life Is Sacred.

All Of Life Is Sacred.

The Remembrance of this Sacred Truth is Now Being Activated In You.

This Activation and Remembrance will Support You as you Move Forward In The World, enabling you to be of Greater Service To The Whole.

The Whole Of Life is here to Support And Sustain You as you Fulfill your Service Work, in order that you may Be of the Most Absolute Highest Service To The Whole with Absolute Joy, Absolute Ease and Absolute Grace in ways that are Absolutely Joy-Filled, Absolutely Ease-Filled And Absolutely Grace-Filled in every possible way.

This is my Message of Hope and Light for you today.

It Is I, The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light.

Network Of Light On Gaia.jpg

Channeled by Julia Greef, a Sacred Practitioner of Absolute Light.