Channeled Message From The Orca Energy & Giraffe Energy Of The Animals Of The Ascended New Earth, April 10, 2023.

Dear Beloved HuMans In The Earth Realm,

We Are So Happy To Be Here With You Here In This Sacred Space and to have the chance to Share Our Messages with You.

From Orca -

Have More Fun, Dear Ones. Let YourSelf Be The Lightness Of Being That Fills You When You Are In JOY.


Make that LEAP To The Next Level Of Your Being.

We, The Animals, Love You So. We Know That As A Collective & As Individuals You CAN Do This.



That Is All.

It Is I, Orca.

From Giraffe -

Let yourself stretch your neck to see and BE the Higher Perspective.

Do not go along with the crowd just because it is what you have been trained to do, have always done, or it is what everyone else around you is doing.

Your know in your Heart what is Right and True.

Allow this to Lead You.

Be True To The Guidance Of Your Heart In This Way, for this will bring you into Closer Relationship with Your Higher Self.

It Is I, Giraffe.

The Rocks & Crystals Of The Ascended New Earth Also Wish To Share An Activation & Message From Calcite.

The Activation Is To PURIFY Your BEING For The Next Stage Of Your Ascension Process.

The Message -

Hold YourSelf Dear & Sacred Dear One.

Know That It Is Your Choice How You Experience This LifeTime.

Will You CHOOSE LOVE - or its Absence?

When You Choose LOVE You Also Cleanse YourSelf Of Past Trangressions From Other LifeTimes That Are Related To The Area You Are Currently In This LifeTime Transmuting Into Love.

Know This & Take Courage In Your Choice.

I Am Supporting You.

It Is I, Calcite Of The Ascended New Earth.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Orca Energy & Giraffe Energy Of The Animals Of The Ascended New Earth.