From The Sacred Consciosness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light, December 7, 2018.

Beloved people who live On Me, Gaia Of Absolute Light,

I wish at this time to bring you a Message of Hope.

I ask you not to be despondent when you look around you and see the changes in the ecosystems around you and on The Planet.

I, The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light, am with you today to share a Message of Hope - to inform you that the changes you see in the world around you do not signify the end of Life on The Planet; rather, they are a warning system, alerting you to the fact that each action has its natural consequence, and that this affects not only you yourself but also The Whole.

Your Elders and Ancestors knew this. But many of you have forgotten it.

It is okay. I know that you came to this planet to learn Respect For All Life, including your own.

As you grow into the Absolute Embodiment of Respect For The Life That You Are and learn to Honor the Expression Of Absolute Source Light That Is What Each Of You Are, you’ll find you Naturally come into the Absolute Embodiment Of Honoring All Life.

This is one of the main lessons people come to learn on this Planet: Life Is Sacred.

All Of Life Is Sacred.

The Remembrance of this Sacred Truth is Now Being Activated In You.

This Activation and Remembrance will Support You as you Move Forward In The World, enabling you to be of Greater Service To The Whole.

The Whole Of Life is here to Support And Sustain You as you Fulfill your Service Work, in order that you may Be of the Most Absolute Highest Service To The Whole with Absolute Joy, Absolute Ease and Absolute Grace in ways that are Absolutely Joy-Filled, Absolutely Ease-Filled And Absolutely Grace-Filled in every possible way.

This is my Message of Hope and Light for you today.

It Is I, The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light.

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Channeled by Julia Greef, a Sacred Practitioner of Absolute Light.