Channeled Message From Mt SHASTA & Mt FUJI, July 2, 2024.

Dear Beautiful Beloved Light-Filled Ones,

So Grateful We Are To Contact With You This Day.

Our Main Purpose With This Message Is To Share The Ascended New Earth Gaia Higher Light Frequencies With You On A Cellular Level, Helping To Support Your Entry Into The 7th Dimension And Above.

Other Than That, There Are Two Points We Wish To Communicate To You.

First, The Importance Of Being Careful In The Way That You Speak A) Of YourSelf And Others, and, B) To YourSelf And Others.

Make Sure The Words That Utter Forth From Your Mouth Are Aligned With Higher Light Frequencies And What You Wish To Create For YourSelf And See For Others In The World.

Do Not Cut Off Possibility Or Limit Potential In The Phrases You Choose To Express YourSelf With.

Second, We Want To Highlight Both How Well You Are Doing - And How Far There Is Still To Go.

Anywhere You Are Not In Alignment With The Higher Values Of Peace Within And Without, Love, Abundance And Goodness Aligning For All, Joy, & Kindness Needs To Be Observed; Released Where Necessary; & Brought Into Higher Alignment By The Effort Of The Consciousness Observing ItSelf.

These Are The Things We Would Impart To You This Day.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Ascended Consicousnesses Of Mt SHASTA & Mt FUJI.

Channeled Message & Ascension Codes From Mt Shasta & Fuji, May 4, 2024.

Dear Beloved HuMans,

We Thank You For Your Active Support In Raising The Frequency Of The Planet At This Time.

You Are Doing An Excellent Task Of Keeping The Ascension Energies High Upon The Planet And In Supporting The Grounding Of The MultiDimensional Light From The Cosmic Sun Into The GAIA Realms, And We Greatly Thank You For This.

We Would Like To Speak To The Energy Of The Next 6 Months -> May Through November.

The Frequency Is To Keep Increasing.

It Is Time To Master Your Creations.

First, Are You Co-Creating With The People You Desire To Go Forward With In Your Life Or Are You Just Biding Your Time In Situations That Are No Longer Pleasing Or Supportive To You?

Several In This Community Need To Hear This.

Second, Are You Energetically Aligned?

Make Sure You Are Choosing The Frequencies Of LOVE - JOY - LIGHT - PEACE.

We Know This Is Not Always The Natural Response.

When It Is Not, No Self-Blame. Simply Come Back To The Emotional Frequencies Above.

This Will Help You To Integrate The Higher-Aligned Frequencies At A More Accelerated Rate, Thus Ensuring You Align With The Higher Light Coming Into GAIA At This Time On A Cellular Level - Which Will Then Support You As An Individual In Accessing The Next Level Of Your Mission & Actively Benefitting The Peoples You Are To Support.

This Is Our Message For You This Day.

It Is We, It Is Us, Mt Shasta & Fuji Of The Ascended Earth Realms.


Channeled Message From The Collective Of The Animals Of The Ascended New Earth, March 6, 2023.

Dear Beloved Hu-Mans In The Earth Realm,

We Are So Happy To Connect With You Here In This Place.

We, The Assembled Animals Of The Ascended New Earth, Have Only Love For You.

We wish to Communicate with You a little as to how Hu-Mans & Animals Respect And Love Each Other In The Ascended Version Of Your Earth, which is Already In Place Energetically And Able To Be Experienced By Many Of Us As We Pop From This Dimension To The Next.

In This Higher Dimensional Version Of The Earth, There Is No Such Word As ‘Harm’ - To Self Or To Another.

All Is Bathed In The Golden Light Of Love.

All species Respect Each Other And Desire The Best TimeLine Both For Themselves, For GAIA, And For Each Of The Other Species Inhabiting Her.

Yet There Is No Attachment To This.

If And When A Species Chooses To Leave It Is Seen As Okay - We Respect Their Choice To Do So, Just As They Would Respect Ours.

This is very different to the way things are in your Earth Plane now.

We know there will Need to be a time of Bridging to help you get from Where You Are Now To This Ascended Way Of Being In The World.

We would suggest the following if you are interested in Helping To Release some of the Trauma That Has Been Created By The Relationship Between Animals And Third-Dimensional Humans; and also in Aligning With A Higher-Dimensional Way Of Being:

  • Eat less meat; as little as possible. If you must eat meat, make sure the Animals were Raised in a free environment in which they were loved and cared for.

  • Eat less fish. Apart from anything else your Oceans are now polluted enough that fish hold a lot of toxins which pass easily into your bloodstreams.

  • Respect the Animals around you; whether they be pets, birds, insects, rodents or wild animals.

  • If you must kill an animal because it is invading your space in such a way as is an inconvenience or more for you, then please do it humanely.

  • Talk to your pets. They love you. They want to connect with you on a deeper deeper level.

  • Hug and hold your pets. They love to spend time with you and they have much to teach you about how to be present in the moment and how to be light-hearted - a child at heart - carefree and joyous.

  • Refer to them by their name; or as the personal pronouns ‘he,’ ‘she,’ or ‘they.’ Not as ‘it.’

  • NEVER harm your pet physically.

  • Do not raise your voice unnecessarily around your pets - they are greatly disturbed by unsettled energy just as young children are.

  • LOVE YOURSELF MORE - this is the biggest Lesson your pets have for you. They love you so much and want you to love yourself with the same Unconditional Love - Whatever You Are Like As A Person; Whatever You Have Done.

    These are the Lessons The Collected Animals Of The Earth Have For You. Heed them wisely, very few in your Realms have Mastered them.

    BUILD YOURSELF A GOOD ‘PACK’ - The People You Surround YourSelf With Are Extremely Influential In Creating The Person You Become And How Much Of Your INNATE POTENTIAL You Can ACTUALIZE.
    These are the Lessons We, The Collective Of The Animals Of The Ascended New Earth, Have For You All.

We Are Your FRIENDS.


This Is The Main Agenda Of Your Planet Now - To Bring All You Hu-Mans Along With Her InTo The REALMS OF THE ASCENDED EARTH.

It Is Our Desire To Also Help You To Align With & Experience The Frequency, The JOY And The LOVE Of New Earth. We Hold The Codes For This And Are Willing To Share Them With You. To This End, Please Look At The Picture For 10 Seconds And Say ‘Thank You’ Once Aloud. It Is Activated To Support YOU In Your Own Personal Ascension TimeLine.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Collective Of The Animals Of The Ascended New Earth.

From Mt Fuji & Mt Shasta, August 20, 2021.


Dear Beloved Earth Ones,

We Are Here Holding You In Love Through This Next Important Phase Of Your Transition In Consciousness Into The Vibrational Frequency Of The New Earth.

The New Earth Grid Is Now Firmly Integrated Into The Physicality Of The Planet & Vast Amounts Of Plasma Light Are Flooding In To Support You On This Highest TimeLine That Has Been Decreed To Unfold.

You May Experience Physical Tiredness And/Or Symptoms.

Many Of Your Latent Gifts Will Be Opening Up.

It Is Not A Time To Be ‘Busy’ - rather Let YourSelf INTEGRATE All That Is Coming Through To Support You At This Critical Time.

Be impeccable in your vibrational frequency - examining anywhere you are out of Alignment with the Consciousness of the New Earth.

We Love You.

We Are Here Supporting You At All Times With Our Energetic GridWork On Behalf Of The Planet.

We share these Number Codes that will Support You in the Integration of the Incoming Energies.

Please read them aloud - 1 - 3 times daily - for Maximum Benefit & Support over the course of the next 10 days:

6 5 3 3 1

It Is We, It Is Us, The Mountains SHASTA & FUJI.

From Mt SHASTA, Mt FUJI, Mt Kīlauea - Pele & Mt Kilimanjaro, April 1, 2021.


Greetings Dear Ones,

It Is We The Mountains Of The Ascended Earth. We wish to speak to you of Imminent Change in your Earth Plane. Much is being Shifted For You - Released On Your Behalf - by the Ascended Energy of GAIA - but also by Divine Source Light.

It is your Time as a Collective to Ascend.

Much is Changing within your Physical Structures now.

The next 2 - 4 months are a very important Gateway for you.

Do not fear when you see Great Changes Unfolding. Stand in Your Embodiment of Your Unique Light and your Knowing That You Are Here To Create A Better World For The Many.

It Is The Time For This Now.

These Number Codes will Support you in Embodying Your Sovereignty - read them 3 times aloud and then say ‘Thank you’ -

1 1 3 1 2

It Is We, It Is Us, The Mountains Of The Ascended Earth.

From Mt SHASTA, Mt FUJI & Divine Mother - Energetic Support For The Post-Equinox TimeLine

Energy Report September 2020 - Post-Equinox TimeLine

Each of us, the WayShowers and New Earth Leaders who are Incarnated on the Planet at this time, have a very Specific Soul Purpose Embedded into our DNA Structure.

The seeds of our Purpose - our Unique Soul Mission - Encoded Within our Cells.

Many of us were abruptly Awakened, Brought Into Alignment with the Purpose for Which We Came, with the Influx of Vast Amounts of High Vibration Photonic Light into the Planet to Support StarSeeds in Waking Up & Assisting GAIA in Making Her Transition into a Higher Dimensional Planetary Body at the end of 2012 .

This Soul Purpose is now Awakening to a Still Higher Degree Within Us.

In addition to this information, today we have several Messages of Support from the Higher Dimensional Consciousnesses of the Ascended Earth:

First - From The Sacred Consciousness Of GAIA 🌍

GAIA wishes to Remind Us that we are Ready For This.

She says:

This Is The Moment You Were Born For - Do Not Let Fear Hold You Back At This Time.

Remember You Are Here To Create A NETWORK OF LIGHT TOGETHER - There Is No Reason For Any Of You To 'Go It Alone.'

It Is In COMING TOGETHER That You Will Be Able To Have The MOST IMPACT.

Do Not Hesitate To Reach Out For Help From The LightWorkers & WayShowers Around You. Each Of You Has Been Given Part Of The Key.

You Are Strongest - WE ARE STRONGEST - For I GAIA Too Am An ASCENDING CONSCIOUSNESS - When We Work Together For The Common Cause.

Next - From The Mountains Of The World ⛰

The Mountains Of The World wish to Convey the Importance at this Precise Time on the Planet in Activating the Current Generation of WayShowers, StarSeeds & New Earth Leaders to Come Into a Still Higher Embodiment of our Soul Purpose.

They say it is Essential that we do this to Support the Human Collective At This Time - for there is currently - & is to continue to be - an Influx of CrystallineLight Streaming into the Planet That Is To Awaken All Into A Higher Expression of Self.

They add that as we are all at very different places, this will look very different for some than it will for others.

The Mountains Wish To SUPPORT US - The WayShowers & New Earth Leaders & Guides - At This Time:

From Mt SHASTA these LightCodes to be read aloud every day - if possible both am & pm - for the next 7 days (Sept 26 - Oct 2):
2 2 3 4 1 2 5 5 5

From Mt FUJI, Mt SHASTA & DIVINE MOTHER this video with an Energetic Transmission of LightCodes to Support Us in the Ascension into the Next Elevation of our Being & Our Purpose Here:


From SHASTA, KILIMANJARO + FUJI, August 21, 2020.


The Mountains SHASTA, KILIMANJARO + FUJI Wish To Welcome You Into This Sacred Space Today.

They say that: The Earth Plane Is Shifting + Changing At A More Rapid Rate Than Has Ever Been Known Before.

It Is Not A Time To Be Idle.

While You Need To Rest To Integrate The High Frequency Diamond-PLASMA Light That Is Streaming Into The Planet Now, It Is Important That You Are Clear In Your Intentions Going Forward From Here.

Read These Sacred Number Codes Aloud Once Everyday Between Now & August 30 If You Wish To Invite In Our Support In Aligning You With The Energetic Frequency Of What Is To Come:

3 3 5 7 1 1 1

From Mt SHASTA, June 2, 2020.

Energetic Report - Mt SHASTA

Dear Beloved Ones Who Walk Upon The EARTH In The Form Of The LightBody - Of Who There Are Many Of You, With The Numbers Increasing By The Day, I Know.

Please Support The beautiful Earth We Live Upon By Sending Her Your Love At This Time.

There Is Much Shift on the Planet We LIVE Upon.

There Is Much Upheaval.

It Is A Time Of GREAT CHANGE - & Even Within That, This Week Is An Essential One In Which The TRAJECTORY Going Forward Will Be Determined By How Much Light Is Able To Be Embodied By Those Of Us Upon The Earth At This Time.


We Love You Dear Ones.

We Bless You On Your Journey Around The Sun.

We Ask That You Continue To Bless The WORLD With Your Presence By Grounding Into The LOVE & JOY That You Are.

It Is I, Mt SHASTA - On Behalf Of The Mountains Of The World.

From METATRON & Mt SHASTA, May 15, 2020.

Energy Report - METATRON & SHASTA

This is an Exceptionally Important Weekend in terms of the Higher TimeLine that is now Being INTEGRATED Into The CRYSTALLINE CORE That is at the CENTER Of The EARTH Of The HIGHER DIMENSIONS.

This is an URGENT CALL For The LightWorkers, WayShowers, Ascension Catalysts & Ascension Guides: PLEASE go Within This Weekend as much as possible; Connecting to the S0URCE Of LIGHT Within & To the GREATER SOURCE LIGHT Without To Support The EARTH At This Crucial Time In Her ASCENSION TIMELINE.


While The EARTH Has Fully GROUNDED In The ENERGY Of The 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th DIMENSIONS, It Is Now TIME For Her To Ground In The ENERGY Of The 9-11th DIMENSIONS.

You - The BEINGS 0F LIGHT In HUMAN FORM - Can Help The PLANET You Are Currently Incarnated On At This Time By GROUNDING DEEPLY INTO THE LIGHT THAT YOU ARE - Over The Next 48 HOURS Especially - & Beyond That Through The First Half Of Next Week. (Week Starting Monday MAY 18).

From Mt FUJI & Mt SHASTA, March 13, 2020.

Mt Fuji & Mt Shasta - Channeled Number Codes

From Mount FUJI:
My Dearly BELOVED ONES Who Walk On The Back Of The EARTH And Call Themselves Her People, how BEAUTiFuL & BeLoved You Are - Loved By The Stars, The Oceans, The Sun & The GREAT CENTRAL SUN That Shines Upon You At All Times & Is Now - For The Next 24 Hours & The 24 Hours Previous - Raining Huge Amounts Of CELESTIAL LIGHT On You That Is Supporting Those Of You Who Are On This Path In Aligning With & Expressing The Next Highest Expression 0f The BEINGNESS That You Came Here To EmBODY.

From Mount SHASTA:

Work With These Numbers - Every Hour If Possible - Speaking Them Aloud Once To ALLOW US TO SUPPORT YOU Through This Process:

2-2-2 2 2 212 2-1-2.

(The Numbers Are Effective Until The End Of March 13 In The Time Zone You Are In & About 2am Of The Next Day - 3/14.)

From Mt SHASTA, March 4, 2020.

Mt Shasta - Energy Report

Dear Beautiful Ones,

What Are You Dong Allowing Your Fear & Your Trepidation To Hold You Back? Why Stay Stuck In LIMITATION When You Have The SEEDS Within You To Powerfully MANIFEST ALL THAT YOUR HEART/SOUL Desires.

It Is Time To Release & Dissolve All Such Stories Of LIMITATION & Allow YourSelf To Be ALL THAT YOU CAME HERE TO BE AT THIS TIME.

You Came Here To Be The Leaders.

This Requires Deep - & Sometimes Provocative Or ICONOCLASTIC - COURAGE.

Do Not Allow Your Own Old Stories - The Things You Tell YourSelf About Why You Can't Follow Or ACHIEVE Your DREAMS - Hold You Back From The Tasks & Roles That You Came Here To Fulfill.

From Mt Fuji, Mt Shasta & Mt Kilauea, February 16, 2020.

Channeled Message - Mountains Of The Earth

Today's Energy Report is from Mt Fuji, Mt Shasta & Mt Kilauea:

From Mt Shasta:

Dear Beautiful Ones, Beautiful Strong Ones Carrying The PRESENCE Of LIGHT In The World. I wish to Thank You. I Wish You To Know How Beautiful You Are And How Much I Appreciate Your Presence Here On The Face Of The Earth At This Time.

I Am Here Now To Inform You That Another Huge Influx Of Energy Is Now Coming In To The Planet. Prepare Yourself To Integrate It By Drinking More Water Than Usual And Eating A Lot Of Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Instead Of Heavier Foods.

This Is A Stronger Frequency Of Photon Light Than Has Yet Been Felt By Many Of You And May Have Serious Physical Effects On Your Physical Body. Do Not Be Alarmed But Do Seek Out The Help Of A Holistic Practitioner If You Need Support In Moving The Energy Through Your Body In The Way That Serves Your Body Best.

From Mt Fuji:

Dear Beautiful Ones, How Happy I Am To Be Here To SERVE You Today. For You The Ones With The Beautiful PURE Hearts Who Are Serving The Planet And/Or The People Around You In The Ways You Know Best Are Making The Change On The Face Of The Planet The Likes Of Which Has Never Been Seen Before And Is To Be Felt For Years.

I Serve You Today By Activating In You The KNOWINGness Of Your Own Beauty So That You May See YourSelf As You Are Seen From Afar By The Eyes Of Source & The LightBeings & The Energetic Soul Imprint Of Who You Are, Seeing Who You Are In Your Current Incarnation In Physical Form In All Your Resplendent Beauty.

From Mt Kilauea:

I Love You Dear Ones For I See - While You Don't - How Beautiful You Are.

You Think You Are Full Of Imperfections But I See Only The Beauty & Perfection Of Your Soul.

Your Soul Light Shines Brightly Like The Fire Within Me & I Love To Support You On Your Path By Moving Your ROOT Chakra Into A Higher Alignment With The Energies Of NEW EARTH As You Read This Post.

The New Earth ENERGY & CONSCIOUSNESS Is Being B0RN INSIDE YOU Each And Every Day. This Is A Transformation That Is Taking Place WITHIN.

It Is Important That You Take Time To Rest & Be Still & Also To Observe & Honor The Changes Within You For They Will Be Many As You Move Into A Fuller Embodiment Of The Unique LIGH8T That YOU Came Here To Manifest As.

From The Energy Of Mount Shasta & Mount Kilimanjaro, February 6, 2020.


From Mount Kilimanjaro:
Dear Ones. Hold Onto Your Hats. The Collective Is Rising Again. There Will Be Intense Quantities Of CrystallineDIamond Light Infiltrating The Planet Over The Next 36-72 Hours.

From Mount Shasta:
Allow YourSelf To Rise Along With The Planet. Allow YourSelf To Delight In The Knowing Of YourSelf As One With GAIA & In The Experience Of Ascending. It May Not Always Be Pleasant. It May Not Always Look Tidy Or Easy When Viewed From The Small Human Perspective. But It Is Grand & Magnificent & Wonderful, And It Is Happening On YouR TimeLIne Now.

From Mt SHASTA, Mt KILIMANJARO & Mt FUJI, February 1, 2020.


A Message To The Rainbow Warriors From The Energy Of Mt Shasta, Mt Fuji, & Mt Kilimanjaro ⛰

Hello dear and beautiful ones,

Today we are greeting you predominantly from the Energy of Mt SHASTA.

The Energy Update from Mt Shasta is You As A Collective Of Those Who Are Committed To Embodying Your Higher Self In All The Ways That You Can Are Receiving More Support From The Earth's GridWork In Ascending Into A Higher Dimensional Version Of Self. The Core Point Vibration That You Are Able To Embody Will Be Greatly Uplifted Over The Next Ten Days. There Is Nothing That You Need To Do To Align With This. It Is Being Done For You.

The Energy Update from Mt Fuji is Hold On Fast To That Which You Wish To Align With & Create In Your Life As Individuals & A Collective.
Set Your Intention Before Any Act Of Significant Creation So That You Are Always Creating From The Highest-Aligned Place.

The Energy Update from Mt Kilimanjaro is Make Sure To Ground.
It Is More Important Than Ever At This Time.

From Mt Shasta & Mt Fuji, January 27, 2020.


Today's Energy Report is from both Mt Fuji & Mt Shasta. They say:

Dear Beautiful Children Of The Rainbow Light,

Welcome To The New World. We Are So Glad To Have You Here On This Adventure With Us.

What Beautiful Joy-Filled Creations We Are Going To Create Together On New Earth.

New Creations With Love Woven Into The Very Fabric Of Their Essence And Being.

It Is Time To Start To Put Your Focus On What Fills You With Utmost Unspeakable Joy And To Create From That Place - And That Place Only.

TRUST That Your Soul Knows The Ways In Which You Have Come Here To Serve And Is Guiding You TRULY, Always Through YOUR J0Y.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Mountains SHASTA & FUJI.

From Mount Shasta, January 27, 2020.


Today Is The Day When We Are Integrating Our NEW DIVINE TEMPLATE.


This Is What We Have Been Waiting For Now Happening In Our Physical Dimension In Time And Space Reality.

No One Even Realized How Soon This Would Be Happening A Few Years Ago When We First Started To Embody Our Highest Aligned Ascension Timeline As A Collective.

But Because Of The Efforts Of LightWorkers Like You Who Are Reading This Message Now, We Are Currently Aligning With That Which Was Not Believed Possible Only A Short Time Ago.




From Mt Shasta, January 27, 2020.


Sacred Number Codes From Mt Shasta, Jan 26, 2020.


These Are Sacred Number Codes Given To Us By Mount SHASTA This Day To Support Us In Integrating The Energy Of New Earth:

6 5 3 4 3 3 0 111 0 55 5 0 0 4 4

All that is required is for you to read the digits aloud one at a time from start to finish a total of three times at a time and in a place where you can be Centered In the Energy of your Higher Self.

Read 55 as 'fifty-five;' 111 as one-eleven.'


From Mount Shasta, January 25, 2020.


Live Update From The Energy Of Mount Shasta: We Are Going UP.

As A Human Collective We Are Transmuting And Releasing Great Amounts Of Density Over The Next 48 Hours.

You May Feel This In Your Own Physical Vessel As You Perhaps Undergo Symptoms Similar To Those Of a Harsh Detoxification Or Powerful Energetic Upgrade - For THAT is what This Is:

A Detoxification Of All That Has Kept You Aligned With The Lower Dimensions For These Are No Longer Being Sustained And Supported By The NEW EARTH Upon Which We Now Live.

You Will Start To See This In Ways That Become More And More Obvious To You If You Keep Your Attention Focused On Seeing That Which Is Aligned With Love And Light, Instead Of Putting All Your Attention And Focus On That Which Is Not - Whether That Be That Which Is Within You; Or That Which Is Within The World At Large.

Do Not Worry Unduly When You See Things Going Awry In The World. At The Same Time Do Not Ignore Problems That Very Genuinely Exist As Gaia Makes Her Transition - Which Is Going To Be Much More Painful In The Life Of Some Individuals Than Of Others.

Make This Transition As Easy On YourSelf As Possible By:

1) Trusting That All IS In DIVINE FLOW.

2) Trusting Your Higher Self To Guide You Through This Sacred Time.

3) Trusting Your SELF To Be Okay - You've Got This.

4) Put Your Focus On Helping Others To Make The Transition Too - But Using YOUR DISCERNMENT: Support Those Who Are Willing To Align To The Energies Of New Earth.

5) Be YourSelf. Be True To YourSelf. Do Not Care About What Others Think Of Your Path If You Are Sure You Are In ALIGNMENT With Your Highest Guidance.

My Last Words For You MY DEAR ONES Today Are These:

Do Not Give Up Holding The Vision For What Could Be Possible For Humanity As A Collective If Everyone Was Holding The Frequency Of Love Within Their Field And Creating From A Place Of Alignment With This.

It Is I, Mt Shasta.