From Mount Shasta, January 25, 2020.


Live Update From The Energy Of Mount Shasta: We Are Going UP.

As A Human Collective We Are Transmuting And Releasing Great Amounts Of Density Over The Next 48 Hours.

You May Feel This In Your Own Physical Vessel As You Perhaps Undergo Symptoms Similar To Those Of a Harsh Detoxification Or Powerful Energetic Upgrade - For THAT is what This Is:

A Detoxification Of All That Has Kept You Aligned With The Lower Dimensions For These Are No Longer Being Sustained And Supported By The NEW EARTH Upon Which We Now Live.

You Will Start To See This In Ways That Become More And More Obvious To You If You Keep Your Attention Focused On Seeing That Which Is Aligned With Love And Light, Instead Of Putting All Your Attention And Focus On That Which Is Not - Whether That Be That Which Is Within You; Or That Which Is Within The World At Large.

Do Not Worry Unduly When You See Things Going Awry In The World. At The Same Time Do Not Ignore Problems That Very Genuinely Exist As Gaia Makes Her Transition - Which Is Going To Be Much More Painful In The Life Of Some Individuals Than Of Others.

Make This Transition As Easy On YourSelf As Possible By:

1) Trusting That All IS In DIVINE FLOW.

2) Trusting Your Higher Self To Guide You Through This Sacred Time.

3) Trusting Your SELF To Be Okay - You've Got This.

4) Put Your Focus On Helping Others To Make The Transition Too - But Using YOUR DISCERNMENT: Support Those Who Are Willing To Align To The Energies Of New Earth.

5) Be YourSelf. Be True To YourSelf. Do Not Care About What Others Think Of Your Path If You Are Sure You Are In ALIGNMENT With Your Highest Guidance.

My Last Words For You MY DEAR ONES Today Are These:

Do Not Give Up Holding The Vision For What Could Be Possible For Humanity As A Collective If Everyone Was Holding The Frequency Of Love Within Their Field And Creating From A Place Of Alignment With This.

It Is I, Mt Shasta.