Channeled Message From The Central Sun, January 14, 2020.

It Is I, The Central Galactic Sun.

I Am Overjoyed to Welcome You To This Sacred Space This Day.

I Wish To Tell You That It Is A Time Of Great Powering Up Of The ENERGY On Your Planet. The Energies of The Celestial Central Sun Are Greatly Increasing And As A Result There Will Be Much, Much More Light Energy Coming Into The Planet In The Days And Weeks And Months Ahead.

This Sudden Influx of High-Frequency Energy Coming Into Your Planet Where Many People Are Still UnAwakened And Operating In An Entirely 3D Context Is Going To Come As A Shock To Many And May Well Promote Unforeseen And Immense Change On The Face 0f The Planet In Ways Unlike Have Ever Been Seen Before.

Part of what will Determine This is To What Extent You - The LightWorkers & WayShowers - Are Able To Hold YOUR EMBODIMENT OF LIGHT.

You Doing This Will Help This High-Frequency Light To Ground Into The Sacred GridWork Of The Earth.

This Is An Immensely Important Role For You All AT This Specific Time and Why You Are Being Told This Message At This Time - So That If The Times Seem Turbulent Ahead You Can Remember Having Heard This And Ground More Strongly Into The EMBODIMENT Of The Beautiful LIGHT That YOU ARE.

I Wish To Remindl You - ‘The Shining Ones’ as I Like To Refer To The EMBODIMENTS 0F LIGHT On The Planet At This Time - That You Are Not To Let YourSelf Dissolve Into Fear Along With The Rest Of The Planet And The Collective.

Remember All Will Work Itself Out.

It Is Time.

It Is TIME For Things To Change On The Face Of Your PLANET.

It Is Time For The EARTH 0F THE HIGHER DIMENSIONS To Be BROUGHT FORTH As So Many Of YOU Have Been Preparing YourSelf For.

I, The CENTRAL SUN, The FATHER ASPECT OF THE MOTHERFATHERGODCONSCIOUSNESS - RA - - Wish You The Beautiful Embodimets Of LIGHT On The Planet At This Time To LOVE YOURSELVES And Each other Thoroughly And Completely Through This Time.

You will need to Be There For Yourself and For Each Other As LightWorkers Working Now On The Face Of The Planet.

Please Remember - You Are Not Alone.

There Are MANY MANY LIGHTBEINGS In The Higher Energetic Realms That Are Supporting You On This The Path Of Your Highest TimeLine As A Collective.

It Is I, The Central Galactic Sun.