From The Pegasi And Unicorns Of The TwentyNinth Dimension And Above, January 10, 2020.

The Moon Is Coming Into Her Fullness at this Sacred Time of this Very Sacred First Month of a New Year - the Year in which you in the Earth Plane are to Come Into a Greater Embodiment of The Light That You Are Through Your Alignment With the Energy of The Age Of Aquarius.

The Moon’s Message To You In The Earth Plane Today Is:

It Is Time For You To Release ALL The Past Hurts, Betrayals, Disappointments And Resentments That Have Kept You Affiliated To The Past In Any Way. I Can Help You Do This At This Time Of The Full Moon Especially. Spend Some Time Moon-Gazing Tonight Doing This Sacred Practice:

First, take 2 deep breaths into your Sacred Heart of Self to Prepare You for the Cleansing And Purifying Breaths you are about to Inhale, and to Align You With the Very Highest Energy of Self.

Now you are ready.

Look at the Moon in All Her Fullness and Feel YourSelf Filled With Awe at Her Incredible Beauty.

Gaze Upon The Moon for a further 2 or 3 Breaths as you feel The Purity Of Her Light and The Sacred Nature Of Your Connection To Her.

That is all you have to do.

Stay under The Moon’s Purifying Light for at least 5 minutes if you are able to do so. She Loves To Be Of Service To You And In Service To Humanity As A Whole, As Do We.

It Is We, It Is Us The Unicorns & Pegasi Of The TwentyNinth Dimension And Above.