May - August Energy & Channeled Messages From The Beings Of Absolute Light, May 1, 2023.

Energy Report from Melchizedek & Metatron -


How beautiful your Sparkling Crystalline Energy is.

You Are the Energy of the New Earth, which is starting to Take Root More & More In Your Realms.

This is our Energy Forecast for the next few months, though each will experience this time differently according to the level of their Soul’s Evolution so we believe it is difficult to make any clear forecasts for the Collective.

May - the Energy will feel ‘clumpy’ for many. It is a time of Great Influxes of Incoming Light from The Central Sun & His/Her/Its Supporters in the Ascension Process in the Form of Many LightBeings. This will lead to a great - sometimes overwhelming - need for Rest.

Allow yourself time to just Be - Being Present with Nature or your Family & Loved Ones.

There is no need to put Energy into External Activities & Projects if you do not feel inspired to do so.

It is a time to let the Energies Integrate.

You Are Being Prepared For The Next Level Of Your Evolution.

June - the Energy will feel Lighter & Freer & you will feel more inclined to Take Action in the Direction of the things you are Inspired to Direct Your Energy Towards.

Invest Your Energy & Time Wisely - for this is a Time of Great Change on the Planet.

Make Choices that Align You With The Energy Of The New Earth, Grounded In Love, Truth & Joy.

July - The Energy will continue to Accelerate - as will the Ascension TimeLine Upon the Planet.

Much is being asked of Your Bodies.

Allow YourSelf Time To Slow Down As & When Needed, but keep Your Focus Directed Towards Actions that are the Realisation of Ideas That Support the Creation of the New Earth In Your Realms As & When You Have Energy To.

August - the Energy will become still more Accelerated and those who are not Choosing to Align with the Energy of the New Earth will find themselves in more and more apparent turmoil, whether within Self or within their External World.

Be kind to those around you experiencing this. But also be clear within yourself that this is what is needed for them to Align more with their Soul’s True Desires for this LifeTime. Do not create a dependency by constantly rescuing others from the turmoil they find themselves in. You can offer Support and a Helping Hand - of course, that is always beneficial and an Act of Love in the World. But rescuing someone over and over only allows them to perpetuate the problem. Remember this through the latter half of the year.

Also observe if there is somewhere you are waiting for someone to rescue you.

It is now time to be the Creator of your Own Life.

It Is We, It Is Us, Metatron & Melchizedek.

Channeled Message From Yeshua:

Beautiful Brothers & Sisters who walk upon the Earth,

How high is the Esteem I Hold You In Now as I Thank You for the Great Contribution that Your Embodiment of the Clear Crystalline Energies of the New Earth is making to the Greater Ascension TimeLine for the Greater Whole - which includes Planets Beyond Your Own Earth Plane.

All Life is InterConnected As You Know.

What You Are Accomplishing on the Face of the Earth has a direct Effect on Planets And Galaxies Radiating Out From Around the Earth.

You are now Ready as a Planet to become One with the Other Planets & Galaxies who have United in the Desire to be an Expression of the Joy & Love of the Divine That Moves Through All Life and an Expression of Truth, Of Goodness, of Beauty, of Joy, Of Light.

It is a great thing that this Honor has now been conferred upon you. It shows how far the Earth Plane & her Peoples have Advanced in the development of the More Loving, More Joyful, More Peaceful Higher Vibrational Self.

While this is not true of All, it is true of More & More - and this will continue to increase as the quotient of Light on the Planet Continues to Rise.

I Hold You In Love & Honor & thank you for your Presence on the Planet At This Time.

It Is I, Yeshua Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Message From BABAJI:

Dear Ones, Dear Beloveds In The Earth Realms,

Brace YourSelves.

A Time Of Transformation Is To Come.

It Has Been Decreed That This Is So.

And It Is Decreed That You Are Here To Be A Part Of This Transformation Of The Earth Into The Higher Dimensions.

Know That You Are More Ready For This Than You Know.

With Honor For The Truth, The Light, The Love You Embody.

It Is I, Babaji Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Message From The Lemurian Priestesses & Dolphins:

Dear Dear Ones Who Are So Close To Our Hearts,

We thank you for the Great Work That You Are Enacting on the Planet Simply By Your Presence Here.

You Are The Light, The Love, The Knowing Of Self As One With The Divine - This Truth - That The Planet Has Been Waiting For For Long Years Now. This Is What You Embody. This Is What You Are.

This Is The Experience That Is To Come For ALL Those Who Wish To Align With This.

It Is Time For All To Activate The MultiDimensional Aspects Of Self To The Extent That Each Aligns With The Highest Ascension TimeLine For The Earth At This Time.

It Is Time For You As A Collective Of Peoples To Evolve.

Now Is The Time To AWAKEN To Your Sacred Truth As Divine Essence Manifested In Form.

This Is A Planetary Awakening That Is Available To All Who Consciously Choose To Evolve Into A Higher Aspect Of Self At This Time.

It Is Time To Know YourSelves As One Planetary Body - One Species - One Collective - One Race:

A Race Made Up Of Many Different Colors & Kinds -

Each HuMan As Much The Essence Of The Divine In Form As Each Other.

And Each With Equal Access To The Higher Frequencies & Dimensions & The Gifts Of Being Of The MultiDimensional Self When Choosing To Attune With The High-Vibrational Light & The Consciousness Of Love That Are The Attributes Of This Time.

Many Greats Have Walked Before You.

It Is Your Turn To Be The Greats Now - Those Who Will Change The Face Of HuManity, Bringing Her Into A More Loving & Heart-Centered Space From Which Higher Consciousness Can Be Activated Within One - Within All Aspects Of The HuMan Body.

You Are One LifeForm Upon The Planet.

Do Not Fall For The Stories Of Division That Would Put You Against Each Other.

The Raising In Consciousness Of One Single Beloved HuMan Contributes To The Raising Of Consciousness For All Your HuMan Family.

For This We Wish To Honor You - LightWorkers & WayShowers - You Have Been The Presence Of This Energy On The Planet That Is Allowing This Transformative Time To Now Unfold.

How Beautiful Your Light Is To Behold.

In Love & Gratitude For You - For Your Conscious Choice To Embody Love Not Its Opposite.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Lemurian Priestesses & Dolphins Of Absolute Light.


2:22 Channeled Message From Melchizedek & Metatron.

Greetings Beloveds in the Earth Realms,

Salutations on this most Auspicious of Days.

May you be Greatly Blessed by the Incoming Energies Through This Sacred Passage.

May You Evolve into a Higher Version of Self so that you may be the Greater Catalyst for Change in the direction of the New Earth that you Incarnated to be.

It is your time as a Collective to Evolve - And this Gateway is one of the most powerful yet.

The Sacred Symbology of this day is Significant - it is time for you to Unite with Your DIVINE SELF.

It is time to Stabilize the Energies of the Evolved Divine Self in the Earth Realm Now - and as you Unite with Your Higher Self Consciousness, Integrating this into Your Human Vessel And Consciousness you become the Embodied Leaders of the Age that is to Come.

Take time to Connect with your Higher Self through this Gateway and to ask to be Guided in your Path forward from this point.

Much change is about to Unfold on your Planet - make sure you are Grounded in the Energy of Your Highest Self so that you may Flow with the Energy of the New, rather than holding onto old patterns that no longer Serve You.

To Support you in this, you can ask to be shown what is no longer Aligned. Then be present with YourSelf and observe what appears before you throughout the day asking to be looked at and perceived differently - for many of you it will be less a case of Releasing that thought or word or emotion or behaviour, than subtly ‘ReTuning’ it to bring it into the Vibration of the New Earth.

The things that do not serve this Frequency will naturally fall away. It is your task to work with what remains and bring it into that Higher-Aligned Frequency of the New Earth Consciousness and Structures.

You are not alone in this task. There is much Support Available To You from the Higher Realms At This Time. Ask to be shown and then be open to Receive the Areas for ReTuning that present before you.

Most of all, remember you cannot get this wrong.

That which needs to Release will fall away.

That which stays, you will be given as many chances as are needed to bring it into Alignment with the Higher Frequencies of the New Earth.

It is understood that this is a very big Shift taking place - so there is a lot of clemency around how long this will take.

But Know that it is available to you in an Instant when you pause and ReTune your Alignment with the New Earth Frequencies in the Moment.

This is all that needs to be done.

But it is a process that needs to be done over and over and over until this becomes your New & Natural Way of Being.

We hold you in love At This Time,

May the Upgrades that you are Receiving be Integrated in the Highest Possible Way for your own TimeLine and for the TimeLine of the Whole.

It Is We, It Is Us, Melchizedek & Metatron. February 22, 2022.

12:12 Gateway - Channeled Transmission From Lemurian Dolphins, Metatron & Mechizedek.


Salutations Sisters & Brothers In The EARTH REALM,

It Is The Day Of 12:12 And You In The Gaia Realms Are Passing Into A New TimeLine Now.

There will be a time of grieving for many for what is being left behind; a time of confusion, fear and unease for many others.

But for you who are Aligned with the Path that Your Soul and Higher Self Call You Towards - You will be able to Integrate the Shift into the NEW EARTH REALITY With A Great Deal Of Ease And Grace - for, in truth, you are already living into the MultiDimensional Nature of much of What is To Come.

You Are Embodying The True Essence Of Your Soul - And Know YourSelves To Be MultiDimensional Light incarnated Only Temporarily In Human Form With Access To Much That Is Beyond The Capacity And Even Imagination Of Those Who Are As Of Yet UnAwakened To Their Higher Truth.

But All Is To Change In The Next 30 Years.

This MultiDimensionality of the HuMan will be seen on a still larger scale from now.

More and more of you will be Shifting into These Higher TimeLines.

And those of You who are already Embodying this Connection to the Divine Truth of Who You Are - You will be the Lantern-Bearers showing the rest of Humanity how to Connect with these Aspects of Self and bring forth beautiful Love-Filled Creations and Co-Creations as a result of the Upgrading of the Human Consciousness into what you came here to Know and Experience Your Selves as.

It is a beautiful day throughout the entire history of your planet - for on this day you have succeeded in elevating your Collective Consciousness to the point necessary for this Transition into a new elevation and Consciousness of Who You Are.

There is much rejoicing at the implementation of the Divine Plan in the Gaia Realms throughout the entire MultiDimensional Universe.

Know how loved you are, how eagerly your progress is observed, and how we long to interact with you again as we did in the days of old and will once again once the Earth and Humans upon her have been Restored To The Full Primacy Of The Crystalline Consciousness.

You, The Light Warrioresses And Light Warriors, Have Been Largely Responsible For The Successful Passage Into This Elevated Expression Of HU-Manity Now.

With Honor and Gratitude for your Trust, your Fearlessness and the Purity of your Crystalline Hearts.

It Is We, It Is Us, Metatron, Melchizedek & The Lemurian Dolphins.

*This Message Includes A Crystalline LightBody Activation From The Lemurian Dolphins.

From The Essenes Of Absolute Light, July 11, 2021.


We Dear Ones Are Here To Teach You Of Our Ways - Ways That We Have Also Adapted For Your Time.

First - Connect To The IS-Ness Within - That Which Is The GOD TEMPLATE OF YOUR INHERENT DIVINITY.

Second - Do Not Doubt Your TRUE ESSENCE as SONS + DAUGHTERS 0F GOD - Learn To See Beyond The Surface Of Who You Have Been Taught To Think You Are.


Fourth - LOVE. This is the greatest Commandment we can give to you. Love yourself. Love the people around you. Love God & Love The Mother Nature Who Is Your Sustainer & Divine Mother In This Plane.

Fifth - Honor The Divinity Within You By Making Choices - Of THOUGHT, WORD + ACTION That Align With That Your Essential Essence.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Essene Brotherhood Of Absolute Light.

(Image (cropped) credit - Tamarah; licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license).

Essene Channeled Message