Channeled Message From The Lemurian Priestesses & Priests, March 18, 2024.

Dear Blessed Beautiful Beloveds In The Earth Plane -

We Are So Grateful For This Opportunity To Connect And Speak With You At This Time When So Much Is Literally Transcending What Has Been Before In Your Dear Earth Plane.

It Is A Place That Is So Dear To Us.

And You - Our Representatives In The Earth Plane Now - Are Also So Dear To Us.

We Have A Few Points We Would Like To Share With You That Should Be Able To Support You In Maintaining The High Vibration That Is Necessary On The Part Of The WayShower & LightWorker Community At This Time.

First, Spend More Time In Whatever Helps You To Feel A Sacred Connection To The All That Is Beyond Human Life And/Or All That Exists. This Can Be As Simple As Taking A Walk In Nature And Feeling The Connection To The Plant And Tree Beings. Or It Can Be Part Of A Deeper Practice Of Going Into A Deep Meditative State Where You Know YourSelf To Be One With All Of Life.

This Will Help To Awaken A Greater Sense Of UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS - Which It Is So Important That You Hold Your Focus On At This Time.

Second, We Want You To Support YourSelf In Feeling Truly, Beautifully, BLISSFULLY Alive By Spending Time On Things Such As Dancing, Running, Art & Artistic Projects, Non-Combative Sports, Lifting Your Voice In Song, Playing Your Musical Instruments And So Forth - Whatever Generates A Feeling Of Peace, Stillness, Calmness & Great JOY Within - For This Is The Vibration Of The NEW EARTH You Are Now Residing In - And Doing So Will Help To Integrate These Qualities Of Being Into The Wider Human Collective At An Accelerated Rate - For With All The Surplus Light That Divine Light Has Authorized To Come Into The Planet At This Time, The HuMan Collective Are Being UpGraded Without Them Even Knowing It And Will be Very Open To Be In The Receiving Of These Divine Qualities Of Self.

Third, Let Yourselves Let Go Of All That You Have Been Holding Onto That Feels Like A Burden To You. This Can Be Situations, People You Have Been Carrying - Enabling - For Years, And So Forth. We Do Not Mean For You To Step Down From Your Responsibilities - Personal And/Or Professional - Simply For You To Be Aware Of What Certain Situations, Memories, Interactions With Certain People Do For You Energetically. If You Can Transform This Within Your Self, Great. All Is Well. If It Is Not Possible For You To Do So At This Time, Step Away For A Short While And See How That Feels.

It Is Very Important That You Keep Your Vibration As Light As Possible At This Time So That You Can Integrate The Maximum Amount Of Plasma Light Coming In From The Central GALACTIC SUN.

That Is All.

We Love And Honor You And The Great LIGHT You Are In The World.

It Is We, It Is Us,  The Lemurian Priestesses & Priests Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Messages From The Lemurian Priestesses & Babaji, Jan 1, 2024.

From The Lemurian Priestesses -

Dear Beautiful Beloveds On The Face Of New Earth GAIA,

How beautiful is the Light that is Radiating from Your Planet Now as GAIA & all the Beings Of The Higher Dimensions & the Inner Earth Collaborate Together & Combine Their Strengths to Support You - HuManity - In Your Highest Ascension TimeLine At This Time.

How Blessed Is This Passage Into The New.

You Are The Leaders In This - For You Are Already Embodying The Heart-Centered Living That Is What Will Typify This Era When HuMans Look Back On This Transition Time In Years To Come.

The Energy Of NEW EARTH Is Already Here.

It Is Alive In You.

It Is The Heart-Centered Light & Love That You Radiate Into The Earth Realms That Touches All GAIA’s Peoples & Elevates Each More Than Many Know - Or Even Can Be Imagined By You, The Holders Of The Light.

How Beautiful Your Light.

How Important - How Necessary - How Precious - Your Presence On The Planet At This Time.

With Great Respect & Thanks for Your Service.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Lemurian Priestesses Of Absolute Light.

From BABAJI Of Absolute Light -

Greetings Dear Beings Living On The Face Of GAIA At This Time,

There is much that I wish to convey to you about Right Living At This Time.

It begins with coming into a Centered Place Within.

It is only from that place that you can begin to really Know YourSelf - to Observe the little things that disrupt you from your flow as it were.

These are the things I wish you to put your attention on for now - to observe, and then when you notice you are in a state of disruption or agitation - to bring your emotions back into a more aligned state of harmony.

It is basic work. But it is important.

It is where the key to being in a state of presence begins.

For you can only be in Greater Presence when you maintain to a certain degree - much higher than the usual Human Living on the Earth - a state of Balance & Harmony - which equates to PEACE - Within.

This is what I wish you to put your Attention on as you open into this New Year - & New Era - on the face of the Earth.

It will prepare you for the Upgrades that you as the Human Collective are to Experience - and it will also support you in your own interactions with Self & with Others.

More than anything, it will allow you a space of presence within from which you are more open, more able to notice the subtle shifts within the world around you that indicate the Seeding of NEW EARTH REALITIES In The Physical Realm Experienced By All On The Face Of The Earth, As The Experience On GAIA Shifts Into The Fourth, Fifth Sixth, Seventh, Eighth & Ninth Dimensions & Above For All Who Are Choosing To Remain In Their Incarnation At This Time.

I thank you for being the Presence of LightLove That Allows This Shift to take Root More Rapidly.

This Message Is Encoded With An Activation To Support You In Being In A Place Of Deeper Presence.

It Is I, BABAJI Of Absolute Light.


Channeled Message From The Lemurian Dolphins & Whales & Priests & Priestesses, December 18 2023.

From The Lemurian Whales & Dolphins -

Dear Beautiful Beloveds On The Face Of The Planet Earth,

Long have we observed the way that you live with deep respect – and also deep grief – and even at times a feeling of frustration that is born of the way that you so adamantly and stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the effects on the rest of the planetary ecosystems that the way you are choosing to construct your lives has – and also stubbornly refuse to make any attempt to change your actions.

You were born into this world in order to experience yourselves as part of the Greater Whole – there is nothing so beautiful as this Knowing of the Oneness of All Life while in a Physical Body. And yet, the way you are choosing to live dismisses this idea entirely – making almost a mockery of it in the way that your actions cause so much harm to those beyond yourself – both those of your own kind and those of other Species.

We want you to know above all else that there is another way, a way that is more infused with the frequencies of goodwill towards all things – and extending from this and also beyond it – applying this principle in ways that lead you to take conscious action that takes into consideration both the feelings of others and the effects your actions - and lack of action – for that too is an action choice – have on people and things external to yourself.

In Truth, Seen From The Principle Of Oneness – Nothing Is External To Self.

When you make decisions about what Actions to take, it is important that you consider, will this Action Lead To the Highest Desired Outcome for All?

This is what ‘Living The Concept Of Oneness’ is all about.

In the midst of all the blame, the hatred, the mistrust of others different from yourself; and also the way you as humans get so caught up in what would seem to be important each day - and yet is most often very trivial and actually does not need more than a little of your attention - it becomes harder to create enough space in your mind to give your attention to such things as these.

And yet it is still very possible - and it is what we task you with.

For us in the Animal World - our minds are not so caught up in these things as yours are, and we act more purely on our desires arising in the moment and our instinct.

We do not create Divisions between things - and even when we are hunted by another animal further up the food-chain for food - we have an understanding that our Life Energy is contributing to their Life Energy & So Forth.

Our own life is less important than the preservation of the LIFE That Flows Through All.

So we Honor this LIFE -> rather than simply being focused only on our own smaller life, and how much we can expand and grow and create ongoing achievements and territories for the ‘self’ that we know at the deepest level doesn’t exist.

We understand at some level that ultimately there is No Self. All Is ONE LIFE.

This is the secret of our happiness.

For we are content to be free to be in the Joy of the moment - without striving; and also without any attachment to what the next moment may bring.

We know that All Is Neutral. Therefore, All Is Good.

All Contributes to the Greater Flow of Life in the Direction of the Divine’s Destiny For All LIFE.

These are the concepts we wish you to start to Embrace As Your Own.

This ONENESS CONSCIOUSNESS is the Key to your Evolution as a Species into a Greater Embodiment of the Divine Love That You Came To The Planet At This Very Sacred Time To Know YourSelves As.

With Love To You Dear Precious Ones - You Are Doing So Well.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Lemurian Whales & Dolphins Of Absolute Light.

From The Lemurian Priests & Priestesses -

We Love & Honor You So Deeply.

This Time Is Precious To Us As We See GAIA’s Highest TimeLine Unfolding In your Realms.

We Have Performed Our Ceremonies In Anticipation Of This For Many Thousands Of Years In The Physical & Etheric Realms.

This Is Where You Are Going As Humanity From Now - To The Place Where You Are Able To Step Back & Forth Between Physical And Etheric - Take The Energy Of The Etheric & Use It To Truly Manifest A Higher-Dimensional Way Of Living In The Physical Earth Realm.

This Time Has Been Long Awaited.

You Are The Ones - Chosen By The Divine To Be Here At This Time - Who Will Bring This TimeLine Forth - Though It Is Not Yet Known How Many Years Or Tens Of Years It Will Take To Complete It.

You Are Doing Your Job Superbly Well - Much Better Than You Know - For You Came To Be Immersed In The Human Emotional Nature & The 3D Realm That You May Liberate YourSelves From This.

The LightCodes Coming In From The Galactic Central Sun At This Time Support This Release To A Great Extent - Making It Far More Possible To Attain This Sense Of Connection To The DIVINE SELF Than Has Been Possible For Most Until Now.

There Is To Be A Great Acceleration Of This Process On Your Behalf.

We desire to further Support you in this Very Important Stage of the Ascension Process.

Look at the pictures below for 10 seconds each to Receive our Activations Supporting You In Aligning With This Greater MultiDimensional Self Now.

We Are Honored To Be Able To Serve In This Way.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Lemurian Priests & Priestesses Of Absolute Light.


May - August Energy & Channeled Messages From The Beings Of Absolute Light, May 1, 2023.

Energy Report from Melchizedek & Metatron -


How beautiful your Sparkling Crystalline Energy is.

You Are the Energy of the New Earth, which is starting to Take Root More & More In Your Realms.

This is our Energy Forecast for the next few months, though each will experience this time differently according to the level of their Soul’s Evolution so we believe it is difficult to make any clear forecasts for the Collective.

May - the Energy will feel ‘clumpy’ for many. It is a time of Great Influxes of Incoming Light from The Central Sun & His/Her/Its Supporters in the Ascension Process in the Form of Many LightBeings. This will lead to a great - sometimes overwhelming - need for Rest.

Allow yourself time to just Be - Being Present with Nature or your Family & Loved Ones.

There is no need to put Energy into External Activities & Projects if you do not feel inspired to do so.

It is a time to let the Energies Integrate.

You Are Being Prepared For The Next Level Of Your Evolution.

June - the Energy will feel Lighter & Freer & you will feel more inclined to Take Action in the Direction of the things you are Inspired to Direct Your Energy Towards.

Invest Your Energy & Time Wisely - for this is a Time of Great Change on the Planet.

Make Choices that Align You With The Energy Of The New Earth, Grounded In Love, Truth & Joy.

July - The Energy will continue to Accelerate - as will the Ascension TimeLine Upon the Planet.

Much is being asked of Your Bodies.

Allow YourSelf Time To Slow Down As & When Needed, but keep Your Focus Directed Towards Actions that are the Realisation of Ideas That Support the Creation of the New Earth In Your Realms As & When You Have Energy To.

August - the Energy will become still more Accelerated and those who are not Choosing to Align with the Energy of the New Earth will find themselves in more and more apparent turmoil, whether within Self or within their External World.

Be kind to those around you experiencing this. But also be clear within yourself that this is what is needed for them to Align more with their Soul’s True Desires for this LifeTime. Do not create a dependency by constantly rescuing others from the turmoil they find themselves in. You can offer Support and a Helping Hand - of course, that is always beneficial and an Act of Love in the World. But rescuing someone over and over only allows them to perpetuate the problem. Remember this through the latter half of the year.

Also observe if there is somewhere you are waiting for someone to rescue you.

It is now time to be the Creator of your Own Life.

It Is We, It Is Us, Metatron & Melchizedek.

Channeled Message From Yeshua:

Beautiful Brothers & Sisters who walk upon the Earth,

How high is the Esteem I Hold You In Now as I Thank You for the Great Contribution that Your Embodiment of the Clear Crystalline Energies of the New Earth is making to the Greater Ascension TimeLine for the Greater Whole - which includes Planets Beyond Your Own Earth Plane.

All Life is InterConnected As You Know.

What You Are Accomplishing on the Face of the Earth has a direct Effect on Planets And Galaxies Radiating Out From Around the Earth.

You are now Ready as a Planet to become One with the Other Planets & Galaxies who have United in the Desire to be an Expression of the Joy & Love of the Divine That Moves Through All Life and an Expression of Truth, Of Goodness, of Beauty, of Joy, Of Light.

It is a great thing that this Honor has now been conferred upon you. It shows how far the Earth Plane & her Peoples have Advanced in the development of the More Loving, More Joyful, More Peaceful Higher Vibrational Self.

While this is not true of All, it is true of More & More - and this will continue to increase as the quotient of Light on the Planet Continues to Rise.

I Hold You In Love & Honor & thank you for your Presence on the Planet At This Time.

It Is I, Yeshua Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Message From BABAJI:

Dear Ones, Dear Beloveds In The Earth Realms,

Brace YourSelves.

A Time Of Transformation Is To Come.

It Has Been Decreed That This Is So.

And It Is Decreed That You Are Here To Be A Part Of This Transformation Of The Earth Into The Higher Dimensions.

Know That You Are More Ready For This Than You Know.

With Honor For The Truth, The Light, The Love You Embody.

It Is I, Babaji Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Message From The Lemurian Priestesses & Dolphins:

Dear Dear Ones Who Are So Close To Our Hearts,

We thank you for the Great Work That You Are Enacting on the Planet Simply By Your Presence Here.

You Are The Light, The Love, The Knowing Of Self As One With The Divine - This Truth - That The Planet Has Been Waiting For For Long Years Now. This Is What You Embody. This Is What You Are.

This Is The Experience That Is To Come For ALL Those Who Wish To Align With This.

It Is Time For All To Activate The MultiDimensional Aspects Of Self To The Extent That Each Aligns With The Highest Ascension TimeLine For The Earth At This Time.

It Is Time For You As A Collective Of Peoples To Evolve.

Now Is The Time To AWAKEN To Your Sacred Truth As Divine Essence Manifested In Form.

This Is A Planetary Awakening That Is Available To All Who Consciously Choose To Evolve Into A Higher Aspect Of Self At This Time.

It Is Time To Know YourSelves As One Planetary Body - One Species - One Collective - One Race:

A Race Made Up Of Many Different Colors & Kinds -

Each HuMan As Much The Essence Of The Divine In Form As Each Other.

And Each With Equal Access To The Higher Frequencies & Dimensions & The Gifts Of Being Of The MultiDimensional Self When Choosing To Attune With The High-Vibrational Light & The Consciousness Of Love That Are The Attributes Of This Time.

Many Greats Have Walked Before You.

It Is Your Turn To Be The Greats Now - Those Who Will Change The Face Of HuManity, Bringing Her Into A More Loving & Heart-Centered Space From Which Higher Consciousness Can Be Activated Within One - Within All Aspects Of The HuMan Body.

You Are One LifeForm Upon The Planet.

Do Not Fall For The Stories Of Division That Would Put You Against Each Other.

The Raising In Consciousness Of One Single Beloved HuMan Contributes To The Raising Of Consciousness For All Your HuMan Family.

For This We Wish To Honor You - LightWorkers & WayShowers - You Have Been The Presence Of This Energy On The Planet That Is Allowing This Transformative Time To Now Unfold.

How Beautiful Your Light Is To Behold.

In Love & Gratitude For You - For Your Conscious Choice To Embody Love Not Its Opposite.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Lemurian Priestesses & Dolphins Of Absolute Light.


Channeled Message From The Lemurian Priestesses, Jan 10, 2022.

Hello Dear Beloved Descendants Of The Ancient Land Of Lemuria - For We Say To You That Is What You All Are.

Many Of You Have Lived Numerous LifeTimes On This Earth In All Different Places - Some In Lemuria, Some In Atlantis, Some In Other Continents, Other States.

We say to you now that none of this really matters, but what we want to convey to you are these two things -

1) We hold you in the Highest of DIVINE LOVE and wish to Support you in your Ascension Path and so we bring forth this Activation to Support you in the Integration of the LightBody Now (Simply look at the picture & say ‘Thank you’ three times aloud).

2) None of you are so very different from any other. Hold each other in love and in bonds of friendship, Brotherhood, and Sisterhood. You are ONE LIFE Upon This Planet. Please, now is the time to learn this; to Honor Each Other as the Divine Light in Human Form.

We are so very grateful for this chance to connect with you today. Be blessed in the week ahead.

Honoring You With Love,

The Lemurian Priestesses Of Absolute Light.