Channeled Messages From The Lemurian Priestesses & Babaji, Jan 1, 2024.

From The Lemurian Priestesses -

Dear Beautiful Beloveds On The Face Of New Earth GAIA,

How beautiful is the Light that is Radiating from Your Planet Now as GAIA & all the Beings Of The Higher Dimensions & the Inner Earth Collaborate Together & Combine Their Strengths to Support You - HuManity - In Your Highest Ascension TimeLine At This Time.

How Blessed Is This Passage Into The New.

You Are The Leaders In This - For You Are Already Embodying The Heart-Centered Living That Is What Will Typify This Era When HuMans Look Back On This Transition Time In Years To Come.

The Energy Of NEW EARTH Is Already Here.

It Is Alive In You.

It Is The Heart-Centered Light & Love That You Radiate Into The Earth Realms That Touches All GAIA’s Peoples & Elevates Each More Than Many Know - Or Even Can Be Imagined By You, The Holders Of The Light.

How Beautiful Your Light.

How Important - How Necessary - How Precious - Your Presence On The Planet At This Time.

With Great Respect & Thanks for Your Service.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Lemurian Priestesses Of Absolute Light.

From BABAJI Of Absolute Light -

Greetings Dear Beings Living On The Face Of GAIA At This Time,

There is much that I wish to convey to you about Right Living At This Time.

It begins with coming into a Centered Place Within.

It is only from that place that you can begin to really Know YourSelf - to Observe the little things that disrupt you from your flow as it were.

These are the things I wish you to put your attention on for now - to observe, and then when you notice you are in a state of disruption or agitation - to bring your emotions back into a more aligned state of harmony.

It is basic work. But it is important.

It is where the key to being in a state of presence begins.

For you can only be in Greater Presence when you maintain to a certain degree - much higher than the usual Human Living on the Earth - a state of Balance & Harmony - which equates to PEACE - Within.

This is what I wish you to put your Attention on as you open into this New Year - & New Era - on the face of the Earth.

It will prepare you for the Upgrades that you as the Human Collective are to Experience - and it will also support you in your own interactions with Self & with Others.

More than anything, it will allow you a space of presence within from which you are more open, more able to notice the subtle shifts within the world around you that indicate the Seeding of NEW EARTH REALITIES In The Physical Realm Experienced By All On The Face Of The Earth, As The Experience On GAIA Shifts Into The Fourth, Fifth Sixth, Seventh, Eighth & Ninth Dimensions & Above For All Who Are Choosing To Remain In Their Incarnation At This Time.

I thank you for being the Presence of LightLove That Allows This Shift to take Root More Rapidly.

This Message Is Encoded With An Activation To Support You In Being In A Place Of Deeper Presence.

It Is I, BABAJI Of Absolute Light.


From Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light, Oct 7, 2018.

Beloved ones,

I am glad to have this chance to speak with you again through my scribe.

Change is happening rapidly on Earth now, and many of you are feeling turbulent effects.

Do not allow yourself to be distracted by what goes on around you. While it may be big, momentous change; you are more powerful than all that occurs in the physical plane.

Where is your power located?

In your connection to your heart space and the Truth of Who You Are.

Whatever occurs, stay in your heart space; breathing into the eternal Light of who you are; trusting that you will be guided in the right direction for your Soul's Highest Timeline; asking for it to be so.

When you do you create an oasis of peace and calm that serves not only you, but all those around you in the Highest possible way.

More calm is needed in the world now.

When energies are high, it is easy for humans in the physical world to lose their sense of themself.

When you, as embodied Light in the world, are Present with yourself; you support those around you in coming into a greater sense of their own Presence.

This is a great gift you give.

It is part of your work here as Lightworkers and Wayshowers.

Work on the deepest and most profound level.

Keep going. You are doing well.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light.