Channeled Message From The Lemurian Priestesses, Jan 10, 2022.

Hello Dear Beloved Descendants Of The Ancient Land Of Lemuria - For We Say To You That Is What You All Are.

Many Of You Have Lived Numerous LifeTimes On This Earth In All Different Places - Some In Lemuria, Some In Atlantis, Some In Other Continents, Other States.

We say to you now that none of this really matters, but what we want to convey to you are these two things -

1) We hold you in the Highest of DIVINE LOVE and wish to Support you in your Ascension Path and so we bring forth this Activation to Support you in the Integration of the LightBody Now (Simply look at the picture & say ‘Thank you’ three times aloud).

2) None of you are so very different from any other. Hold each other in love and in bonds of friendship, Brotherhood, and Sisterhood. You are ONE LIFE Upon This Planet. Please, now is the time to learn this; to Honor Each Other as the Divine Light in Human Form.

We are so very grateful for this chance to connect with you today. Be blessed in the week ahead.

Honoring You With Love,

The Lemurian Priestesses Of Absolute Light.