Channeled Messages & Energy Report from Various Of The Higher Dimensional Beings Of Absolute Light, Feb 3, 2024.

From The Pegasi & Unicorns Of The 121st Dimension & Above -

Dear Exceedingly Beautiful Light-Filled Gracious Ones,

We are Honored to be Here Serving in the Ascension Of GAIA With You At This Time.

How well things are proceeding - though we appreciate that it may not seem that way from the perspective with which you see.

It was thought that much would need to be destroyed in order to Allow the Energies of The Golden GAIA To Fully Permeate Your Realms - but because of the great Work that you are doing on behalf of the Whole of Humanity, Consistently Maintaining as a LightWorker & WayShower Community a Certain High Vibration Of Light - we now see that not so much Breaking Down of Old Structures will need to take place as previously thought in order for the Energies of the Ascended New Earth to be Fully Manifested In Your Realms.

We rejoice in this for it will enable the Ascension Process to be much faster - and more and more will, in the upcoming days, weeks and months, find themselves almost unconsciously starting to Embody a Higher Vibrational Frequency.

This is all thanks to the Great Amount of Light that you are Embodying on Behalf of the Whole.

In Honor of your Service.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pegasi & Unicorns Of The 121st Dimension & Above.

From The Mermaids Of The 121st Dimension & Above & Neptune:

From The Mermaids Of The 121st Dimension & Above -

Dear Beautiful Earthlings Who Walk On The Surface,

We want you to start to ReConceive of YourSelf as Citizens of a Living GAIA That Supports Many Different EcoSystems & Dimensions, not only your own.

The more you start to do this, the more you will start to Live in ways that are Supportive of the Whole not only of your own limited societal groups & those of your own kind.

It is time for you to Conceive of YourSelves as One Among Many LifeForms supported by the Consciousness that GAIA Is.

As you do this, you will naturally become kinder and more loving towards those Lifeforms that are different from yourself.

Then, and only then, will other Lifeforms living in the Multiple Dimensions of the LIVING GAIA be able to Reveal Themselves to you.

First, as Individuals, you must prove that you intend only the Intention of Love, with Harm done to None - including those different from Self.

As you do this, more and more of the MultiDimensional GAIA Will Be Revealed To You For It Has Been Decreed That This Is The Time For It To Be So.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Mermaids Of The 121st Dimension & Above.

From Neptune -

Dear Earth Ones,

You walk on the Surface and you must learn how to take care of the place that you fondly call ‘home’ - and yet in your actions do not act with the same integrity of love towards the place that supports you and all life on her surface.

Do you have no thought for the results that your actions produce as you continue to do that which is destructive to not only the Earth’s precious Eco-Systems & Environments but also to those of your own kind?

It is unthinkable to more Advanced Species to cause such thoughtless harm - harm is only done when all other options have been considered, and the least harm to the fewest in number is that which is chosen out of an inability to conceive of a better way.

And yet you do not even consider the results of your actions - just act from pure emotion in rash and unbalanced forms of behavior.

We look on you with love and fondness for we know you to be our Brothers & Sisters in the GAIA Realms, but we greatly look forward in eager anticipation to the Collective Raising of your Consciousness & the Day when you will become ‘Citizens’ of GAIA, rather than those who just reside on the Earth without considering the effects of your actions or what it is that you bring forth on yourself & the other species of the planet.

We want to support you - but first you must help to support yourselves by determining - making a clear choice and then setting the Intention that It Is So- to act in ways that are more Loving Towards Self and more Responsible Towards the Whole.

In love and honor of the all that you are and the all that you are becoming.

It Is I Neptune, with words of Truth for you Today.

Energy Report From FUJI & SHASTA Of The Ascended Earth GAIA Realms,

Welcome Dear Ones To The NEW EARTH Energies Present In The Physical Earth Realms,

There is to be much that will change over the next 15 years so that in some ways the Earth will be unrecognizable in just a few short years.

First, there will be a change that will be clearly seen in the way that people relate to each other.

It is hoped that the greater sense of empathy and resultant consideration for others that will emerge as the Light that the Planet is Bathed In continues to Rise in Frequency will then encourage you to also be more considerate of the other LifeForms all around you in this MultiDimensional UniVerse.

Once this is acknowledged to be so, you will find yourself coming into far more Contact with your GALACTIC Brothers & Sisters - for you are now recognized to be one of the Planets that is to Ascend into the Higher Frequencies of LoveLight - and yet because of the remaining attachment to past patterns of 3d inter-relational behavior there is some hesitation on the part of some of the Galactic Brothers & Sisters of The Galactic Federation Of Ascending Planets to reach out to you, their HuMan Brothers & Sisters.

As you change so this will also and you will find yourselves as a HuMan Community able to Receive far more Help than could ever be imagined by you, which will then also Accelerate your Ascension Path as a Collective far more than can be conceived possible by you now - so that as a result of these things, in 60 years time Life on Earth will be far different, far more Advanced than if you were to rely only on yourselves for progress in technology and so forth.

We are happy to be able to communicate these things to you this day and wish you well in this project that you are undertaking as an Ascending Planet.

We wish you to know that we are also here to Support You in this Process and are Encoding this Message with High Frequency LightCodes to Support your Collective Ascension.

You are here for this Time and it is important that you continue to adhere to the Path of your Soul and the Maximum Embodiment of Light and Love Frequencies Available to You At This Time.

It is not the time to regret or hold grievances about things that have occurred in your families, with your close and familial ones, or even those you may have determined as ‘enemies.’

Let these things go - and Allow YourSelves to Step Into the New LOVELIGHT FREQUENCIES Now.

We honor you and the Changes that you are Undertaking and all that you are Holding in Terms of Codes of Light & LOVELIGHT Frequency on Behalf of the Whole.

With Love & Amplified Support To You The LightWorker WayShower Community At This Time.


Energy Report & Channeled Messages - Higher Dimensional Beings

Energy Forecast & White Tara Transmission, July 3, 2023.

Energy Forecast From The Beings Of Absolute Light - Into The Latter Half Of The Transformational Year 2023:

The Quickening Is Upon You To An Extent Like Never Before.

Allow YourSelf To FLOW With The Energy That Presents To You - Whether That Is Things That Are To Be Released & Cleared Or Great Joy & Excitement Coming Through.

Work On Your Divinely-Given Projects.

There Is Much Forward & Action-Driven Energy Available To You Now.

It Is Not Enough To Sit Back & Let Others UpLift GAIA.

You Know Your Part.

Do Not Turn Away From What Is Being Asked Of You For Fear Of Lack Of Ability To Enact It.

There Are So Many Here That Need Your LOVING PRESENCE Here Now.

We Love You. We Are Proud Of You. More Proud Than You Could Possibly Imagine.

And Yet, We Are Here Asking You To Step It Up & Take It To The Next Level - THAT Is What The ENERGY Of This Year In Its Latter Months Is All About.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Beings Of Absolute Light.

It Is I Goddess White Tara Here To Communicate With You All Today.

First, I wish you to know that you are Perfect Already As You Are - whatever Stage of your Journey you Currently Find YourSelf On.

Second, the LIGHT That You Are Now Is Nothing Compared To The Light You Are To Become.

Third, The Entire Cosmos Is Supporting You In Your Ascension & Upgrading Process Now.

Fourth, there is nothing so beautiful as the Heart Open to a Deeper Embodiment of the LOVE THAT ALL IS.

Fifth, it is important that you Seek Out Fellowship with those You Resonate With.

Sixth, Take Time To Be With Those You Care For. Many Are Suffering At This Time. Their Experience Of Suffering Is Very Real To Them. You Can Give Much Comfort By Bringing Your Loving Presence.

Seventh, let yourself do More of What You Love.

Eighth, the Person You Are Seeking To Become Is Also Seeking To Become You. Do Not Be Afraid To Step Out In Alignment With Your Visions And The Guidance Your Receive.

Ninth, Let The LOVE That You Are FLOW Through You In All That You Say & Do.

It Is I, The Goddess White Tara Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Energy Report & Message From White Tara

May - August Energy & Channeled Messages From The Beings Of Absolute Light, May 1, 2023.

Energy Report from Melchizedek & Metatron -


How beautiful your Sparkling Crystalline Energy is.

You Are the Energy of the New Earth, which is starting to Take Root More & More In Your Realms.

This is our Energy Forecast for the next few months, though each will experience this time differently according to the level of their Soul’s Evolution so we believe it is difficult to make any clear forecasts for the Collective.

May - the Energy will feel ‘clumpy’ for many. It is a time of Great Influxes of Incoming Light from The Central Sun & His/Her/Its Supporters in the Ascension Process in the Form of Many LightBeings. This will lead to a great - sometimes overwhelming - need for Rest.

Allow yourself time to just Be - Being Present with Nature or your Family & Loved Ones.

There is no need to put Energy into External Activities & Projects if you do not feel inspired to do so.

It is a time to let the Energies Integrate.

You Are Being Prepared For The Next Level Of Your Evolution.

June - the Energy will feel Lighter & Freer & you will feel more inclined to Take Action in the Direction of the things you are Inspired to Direct Your Energy Towards.

Invest Your Energy & Time Wisely - for this is a Time of Great Change on the Planet.

Make Choices that Align You With The Energy Of The New Earth, Grounded In Love, Truth & Joy.

July - The Energy will continue to Accelerate - as will the Ascension TimeLine Upon the Planet.

Much is being asked of Your Bodies.

Allow YourSelf Time To Slow Down As & When Needed, but keep Your Focus Directed Towards Actions that are the Realisation of Ideas That Support the Creation of the New Earth In Your Realms As & When You Have Energy To.

August - the Energy will become still more Accelerated and those who are not Choosing to Align with the Energy of the New Earth will find themselves in more and more apparent turmoil, whether within Self or within their External World.

Be kind to those around you experiencing this. But also be clear within yourself that this is what is needed for them to Align more with their Soul’s True Desires for this LifeTime. Do not create a dependency by constantly rescuing others from the turmoil they find themselves in. You can offer Support and a Helping Hand - of course, that is always beneficial and an Act of Love in the World. But rescuing someone over and over only allows them to perpetuate the problem. Remember this through the latter half of the year.

Also observe if there is somewhere you are waiting for someone to rescue you.

It is now time to be the Creator of your Own Life.

It Is We, It Is Us, Metatron & Melchizedek.

Channeled Message From Yeshua:

Beautiful Brothers & Sisters who walk upon the Earth,

How high is the Esteem I Hold You In Now as I Thank You for the Great Contribution that Your Embodiment of the Clear Crystalline Energies of the New Earth is making to the Greater Ascension TimeLine for the Greater Whole - which includes Planets Beyond Your Own Earth Plane.

All Life is InterConnected As You Know.

What You Are Accomplishing on the Face of the Earth has a direct Effect on Planets And Galaxies Radiating Out From Around the Earth.

You are now Ready as a Planet to become One with the Other Planets & Galaxies who have United in the Desire to be an Expression of the Joy & Love of the Divine That Moves Through All Life and an Expression of Truth, Of Goodness, of Beauty, of Joy, Of Light.

It is a great thing that this Honor has now been conferred upon you. It shows how far the Earth Plane & her Peoples have Advanced in the development of the More Loving, More Joyful, More Peaceful Higher Vibrational Self.

While this is not true of All, it is true of More & More - and this will continue to increase as the quotient of Light on the Planet Continues to Rise.

I Hold You In Love & Honor & thank you for your Presence on the Planet At This Time.

It Is I, Yeshua Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Message From BABAJI:

Dear Ones, Dear Beloveds In The Earth Realms,

Brace YourSelves.

A Time Of Transformation Is To Come.

It Has Been Decreed That This Is So.

And It Is Decreed That You Are Here To Be A Part Of This Transformation Of The Earth Into The Higher Dimensions.

Know That You Are More Ready For This Than You Know.

With Honor For The Truth, The Light, The Love You Embody.

It Is I, Babaji Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Message From The Lemurian Priestesses & Dolphins:

Dear Dear Ones Who Are So Close To Our Hearts,

We thank you for the Great Work That You Are Enacting on the Planet Simply By Your Presence Here.

You Are The Light, The Love, The Knowing Of Self As One With The Divine - This Truth - That The Planet Has Been Waiting For For Long Years Now. This Is What You Embody. This Is What You Are.

This Is The Experience That Is To Come For ALL Those Who Wish To Align With This.

It Is Time For All To Activate The MultiDimensional Aspects Of Self To The Extent That Each Aligns With The Highest Ascension TimeLine For The Earth At This Time.

It Is Time For You As A Collective Of Peoples To Evolve.

Now Is The Time To AWAKEN To Your Sacred Truth As Divine Essence Manifested In Form.

This Is A Planetary Awakening That Is Available To All Who Consciously Choose To Evolve Into A Higher Aspect Of Self At This Time.

It Is Time To Know YourSelves As One Planetary Body - One Species - One Collective - One Race:

A Race Made Up Of Many Different Colors & Kinds -

Each HuMan As Much The Essence Of The Divine In Form As Each Other.

And Each With Equal Access To The Higher Frequencies & Dimensions & The Gifts Of Being Of The MultiDimensional Self When Choosing To Attune With The High-Vibrational Light & The Consciousness Of Love That Are The Attributes Of This Time.

Many Greats Have Walked Before You.

It Is Your Turn To Be The Greats Now - Those Who Will Change The Face Of HuManity, Bringing Her Into A More Loving & Heart-Centered Space From Which Higher Consciousness Can Be Activated Within One - Within All Aspects Of The HuMan Body.

You Are One LifeForm Upon The Planet.

Do Not Fall For The Stories Of Division That Would Put You Against Each Other.

The Raising In Consciousness Of One Single Beloved HuMan Contributes To The Raising Of Consciousness For All Your HuMan Family.

For This We Wish To Honor You - LightWorkers & WayShowers - You Have Been The Presence Of This Energy On The Planet That Is Allowing This Transformative Time To Now Unfold.

How Beautiful Your Light Is To Behold.

In Love & Gratitude For You - For Your Conscious Choice To Embody Love Not Its Opposite.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Lemurian Priestesses & Dolphins Of Absolute Light.


Channeled Message From Mt SHASTA, Mt FUJI & Mt KILAUEA, Friday March 10, 2023.


Dear Hu-Man Beloveds Whom We Hold Dear In Our Hearts,

The Core Of Our Being Is FIRE.

We wish to See the Same FIRE For YOUR PURPOSE & FOR IT TO BE FULFILLED In This LIFETIME - Complete With the Help & Support of Divine Grace, Of Course - For You Are Never In This Pursuit Of Purpose Alone.

Many of the LightWorker Community Have Had Their Eyes Turned By The Demands Of The Physical World. This is necessary, for it is partly for what you came - to be in the process of Forgetting - and then, only then - to ReAWAKEN To The TRUTH OF WHO YOU ARE.

So We Are Not By Any Means Or In Any Way Condemning.

We would say only this: You do not want to get to the end of your Life and look back and know that you should have acted when you got that Nudge or Sign, but didn’t - not for lack of courage or lack of integrity - for you have both indeed - but because you let yourself get too absorbed in the things of the World.

We know we are being more blunt and straight-talking than many in the Ascended Realms and the Messages they share with you - but we see the Purity & Beauty of YOUR HEARTS - and want you to Experience more of the JOY of Living Aligned With What Is In Your HEART & The Messages Your Soul Is Delivering To You.

Of course, this does not Apply To All - Many of you are Radiating the LIGHT & BEAUTY of a Life Lived in Alignment With Your Purpose. It Is Good. It Is Beautiful. It Shows Your Adherence To The Value of RIGHT ACTION In Your Life.

From May to September will be a time of GREAT CHANGE On The Planet.

Start to take the Action Steps You Are Asked To Now - So that you may be a part of this Change Unfolding.

It Is Your Time.

The Time Of The LightEra Is Here.

All Will Be Lifted Up Into A Higher Vibration Of Being As More & More PLASMA LIGHT Floods The Planet From The Central Galactic Sun.

It Is Now Inevitable That This Will Come To Pass - For The ‘Tipping Point’ In Terms Of Light Frequency On The Planet Has Been Reached.

Work With The Energy Of LIGHT.

Let The LIGHT Change You From Within.

It Is An Inside Job - You Must Step Up & Take Still Greater Responsibility For Who You Are Being In The World - Is It How You Want To Be? Are You Presenting In The Way You Would Like To? Are You Concentrating Your Resources - Time, Energy, Money And So Forth - On Things That Support The Highest Awakening Path For The Greater Whole Of Humanity? - For This Should Be And IS The PURPOSE Of All LIGHTWORKERS & WAYSHOWERS NOW.

We wish to Support You In This - For We Are Your Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters - Your FAMILY in This Grand Ascension Process We Are All Partaking In.

To this end, please work with these Ascension Number Codes for the next 3 days - reading them aloud once in the morning & once in the evening -

6 8 0 1 9 4 222 222 222

We Love You And Send You Our Very Best Greeting Filled With The Flame Of Our FIRE.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Mountains Of The Ascended GAIA.

The Energy Of December - From The Beings Of Absolute Light


It Is Time For Us To Align With The Divine Essence Of Who We Are.

Much Support Is Being Given At This Time, But It Is Also True That We Are Expected To Step Up And Embody That Higher Frequency Of SELF.

The Divine Plan Has Decreed That This Is The Time For Humanity To Awaken To Our TRUTH And ASCEND Into A New Frequency Of Consciousness.

It Is Up To Us To Do Our Part To Purify Our Bodies, Hearts And Minds And To Align With The Purest Frequency Of Who We Are At Soul Level.