Channeled Message From Mt SHASTA, Mt FUJI & Mt KILAUEA, Friday March 10, 2023.


Dear Hu-Man Beloveds Whom We Hold Dear In Our Hearts,

The Core Of Our Being Is FIRE.

We wish to See the Same FIRE For YOUR PURPOSE & FOR IT TO BE FULFILLED In This LIFETIME - Complete With the Help & Support of Divine Grace, Of Course - For You Are Never In This Pursuit Of Purpose Alone.

Many of the LightWorker Community Have Had Their Eyes Turned By The Demands Of The Physical World. This is necessary, for it is partly for what you came - to be in the process of Forgetting - and then, only then - to ReAWAKEN To The TRUTH OF WHO YOU ARE.

So We Are Not By Any Means Or In Any Way Condemning.

We would say only this: You do not want to get to the end of your Life and look back and know that you should have acted when you got that Nudge or Sign, but didn’t - not for lack of courage or lack of integrity - for you have both indeed - but because you let yourself get too absorbed in the things of the World.

We know we are being more blunt and straight-talking than many in the Ascended Realms and the Messages they share with you - but we see the Purity & Beauty of YOUR HEARTS - and want you to Experience more of the JOY of Living Aligned With What Is In Your HEART & The Messages Your Soul Is Delivering To You.

Of course, this does not Apply To All - Many of you are Radiating the LIGHT & BEAUTY of a Life Lived in Alignment With Your Purpose. It Is Good. It Is Beautiful. It Shows Your Adherence To The Value of RIGHT ACTION In Your Life.

From May to September will be a time of GREAT CHANGE On The Planet.

Start to take the Action Steps You Are Asked To Now - So that you may be a part of this Change Unfolding.

It Is Your Time.

The Time Of The LightEra Is Here.

All Will Be Lifted Up Into A Higher Vibration Of Being As More & More PLASMA LIGHT Floods The Planet From The Central Galactic Sun.

It Is Now Inevitable That This Will Come To Pass - For The ‘Tipping Point’ In Terms Of Light Frequency On The Planet Has Been Reached.

Work With The Energy Of LIGHT.

Let The LIGHT Change You From Within.

It Is An Inside Job - You Must Step Up & Take Still Greater Responsibility For Who You Are Being In The World - Is It How You Want To Be? Are You Presenting In The Way You Would Like To? Are You Concentrating Your Resources - Time, Energy, Money And So Forth - On Things That Support The Highest Awakening Path For The Greater Whole Of Humanity? - For This Should Be And IS The PURPOSE Of All LIGHTWORKERS & WAYSHOWERS NOW.

We wish to Support You In This - For We Are Your Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters - Your FAMILY in This Grand Ascension Process We Are All Partaking In.

To this end, please work with these Ascension Number Codes for the next 3 days - reading them aloud once in the morning & once in the evening -

6 8 0 1 9 4 222 222 222

We Love You And Send You Our Very Best Greeting Filled With The Flame Of Our FIRE.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Mountains Of The Ascended GAIA.