Channeled Messages From Freddie Mercury & Michael Jackson, October 17, 2023.

Channeled Messages From The Higher Dimensional Beings Of Freddie Mercury & Michael Jackson -

From Freddie Mercury -

Hey There Fellow Earthlings,

For I Still Identify With The Beautiful Planet You Are Residing Upon & Call Home.

How I Wish I Were With You There Today As You Welcome In The Awakened Earth With All The Light & Focus Of Truth & Divine Self Alignment That Epitomizes Who You - The ForeRunners Of This New Era Of Divine-Aligned Light - Are.

How Tremendously Glorious These Times Are.

I Sing In Honor Of You, Your Light, The All That You Are.

I Thank You For Your Commitment - Which Is Still More Than That Of My Heart To The Music Within I Loved So Much.

Give YourSelf Permission To Take Up More Space.

You Are Here To Literally Change The Entire Fabric Of The HuMan World.

You Will Transform The Face Of The Earth.

I Speak Not In Hyperbole But In Truth.

It Is I, Freddie Mercury.

From Michael Jackson -

Dear Beautiful Peace-Love-Centered Beings,

How Sparkling Is The Light That You Emit As You Are Heart-Centered In Each Of Your Words, Actions, Interactions & Behaviours. It Is Beautiful To See The Transformations That Are Taking Place On Your Planet Now.

So Much More Light Is Being Emitted As More & More Come Into Alignment With Their Soul Path & Their Higher Self & The Embodiment Of The Values of Trust, Love, Respect & Light.

I Ask You To Trust In The Light Of Your Being To Bring All Into Alignment Around You.

Simply Ask Of Your Higher Self Your Next Step & Keep Following That - Without Thinking About What Is To Come After That Just Yet.

For So Much Is In The Air At The Moment.

Many Life Paths & Life Plans Will Be Changing In The Next Few Months.

More & More Will Be Leaving The Planet.

Those Who Remain Will Be Actively Choosing To Come Into Alignment With A Higher Soul Path.

How Wonderful To Watch From This Position.

How Still More Wonderful To Be Present On The Earth At This Life-Changing Time.

We Offer You The Full Benefit Of Our Support.

Please Look At The Picture & Say ‘Thank You’ Once Aloud.

With Love, Honor & Respect For The Great Love You Are Choosing & Active In The Embodiment Of.

It Is I, Michael Jackson.

channeled Message - Michael Jackson; Freddie Mercury

Channeled Message from Freddie Mercury, September 30, 2021.


Beautiful Earthlings,

I was - until recently - One Of You - and now I am Awestruck by the Divine Beauty and Grace I see moving through so many of you.

You are creating Magical Patterns of Light as you Move in the World - Awesome, So Inspiring to Behold Beautiful Earthlings.

I am proud to say that while I was on the Planet I feel I was a Fully Expressed Man. This is my Highest Desire for Each Of You - That You Know The Full Potential Of Your Gifts Activated & Feel Yourself As The Highest Expression Of Your Soul’s Desires.

I want you to be BOLD in your Embodiment of Your COURAGE To Live Into Your Soul’s Desires & Passions.

Don’t You Know That Life Passes In A Fleeting Instant, The Blink Of An Eye.

So much that seems Important to you now will be of no consequence when you come to this place - what will matter to you is how much you allowed your SOUL to Fully Express - To Boldly EVOLVE - How Much You Allowed YourSelf To LOVE + To Grow Into A Higher Expression Of The LOVE That Is ALL THAT IS.

So much I didn’t know or understand when I was incarnated - though, oh, what fun I had!

Now I understand so much more, and I know that LOVE is all that really matters in the end - and, what I didn’t know during my incarnation, that all LOVE must begin with a DEEP & TRUE HONORING + LOVE Of SELF First.

I am filled with a passion to support you dear fellow Earthlings, who are facing such pain and suffering in so much of your life.

This love that you cultivate for SELF FIRST, Then ALL OTHERS will greatly Support You in Moving Through Your Time There with more Ease, more Grace, more JOYFUL FLOW To Your Days.

I am going to Activate you to a Higher Degree of Self-LOVE and a deeper level of HEALING and WHOLENESS.

To Receive the Self-Love Activation, please look at the image of a White Rose for 3 seconds and say ‘Thank you’ aloud.

To Receive the Healing Activation, I request that you listen to this treasured song of mine, letting it wash away your heartache and pain as you re-member - are Activated by The Beings Of Absolute Light to Re-Member - that LOVE Lives Within You & is not External to You. The Eternal Truth That Is: LOVE IS ALL YOU ARE + ALL THAT EXISTS - ->>>

What joy to know this while in the Earthling Body! What fun! How much easier it would be to PLAY in the world - to be truly FREE in the truest sense of the word - knowing the true immutable nature of the SOUL.

My final Message to you dear Earthlings - LIVE - BE PRESENT WITH YOUR EXPERIENCE. Get out and ENJOY YOURSELF.

I am happy for this chance to speak with you this day and convey my GREAT LOVE FOR YOU.

Freddie. Freddie Mercury.

Self-Love Activation
Channeled Message Freddie Mercury