Channeled Messages From White Eagle & Red Feather Of The Native Indian Spirits, March 2, 2024.

Dear Beautiful HuMans Walking The Earth At This Time,

It Is With Great Honor, Respect, LOVE That We Turn Our Gaze Upon You.

You Are The Chosen Ones - The Ones Here To Help Shift & Transform The EARTH At This Time.

We Wish To Caution You - As Many Of You Realize, It Is Not A Case Of Returning Solely To ‘Old Ways’ Or Discarding All New Developments In Technology.

It Is A Case Of Using What Can Serve The Highest Good Of The Whole From Both the Old Ways & The New Ways.

This Will Allow You To Achieve Much In A Short Space Of Time To Alleviate A Great Deal Of The Suffering - Of Land, Of Sky, Of Beast, Of Fish, Of Bird - As Well As Of Fellow HuMan - As You Make Decisions Using The New Technology WISELY By Integrating The WISDOM, PERCEPTION BEYOND WHAT IS SEEN, COURAGE & ADHERENCE TO TRUTH Of The Old Ways.

More Than Anything - It Is A Case Of ReLearning The Way Of Going Within To Access Your Own Truth & To Stand Boldly In The Embodiment Of That & What You Know To Be Right & TRUE.

You Are Being Called To Be The Physicality Of The Divine Qualities Lived In The World. This Begins With Looking Within & Seeing Where You Are In Alignment With The Values Of Love, Joy & Peace - & Where You Are Not.

It Is Not ‘Wrong’ Not To Be In Alignment With These Values In Various Areas Of Your Life - Use This As Information To Help You Know What You Need To Do In Order To Align With These Values Of The Rainbow CrystallineDiamond Light New Earth.

We Love You. We Bless You. We Are Honored To Be Here At This Time Serving With You & Supporting You.

It Is We, It Is Us, White Eagle & Red Feather Of The Native Indian Spirits.

Channeled Message From The Collected Ancestors, June 19, 2023.

Hold Onto Your Hats Dear Ones.

These Are The TIMES We Have Lived For.

These Are The TIMES For Which We Have Walked The EARTH In Incarnation After Incarnation Holding True To The Wisdom Within & The Connection To The DIVINE ESSENCE.

For YOU Dear Ones Have Elevated GAIA Into The Next Level Of Her TRANSFORMATION.

This Is So Exciting To Watch, To BeHold.

You Dear Beloved Descendants Of The Earth - As Are We - You Are The Ones Living This Change.

Take Time To Step Back & Observe.

How Phenomenal This Event Is.

There Are Many Days Of Darkness For Many Yet To Come - And Yet The TURNING POINT Has Been Passed.

There Is Nothing We Would Rather See Happen Then This ELEVATION Of GAIA Into The NEXT HIGHEST EMBODIMENT Of Her LIGHT.

You, Dear Dear Ones, You Are Celebrated In All The COSMOS For Your Not Insignificant Part In This.

KNOW That Something Bigger Than YOU Is UNFOLDING In Your Life Now.

Take Heart Dear Ones, For You Are To See Tremendous Changes So Very Much Sooner Than Any Could Or Would Anticipate.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Collected Ancestors Of Absolute Light.

Ancestors Channeled Message

Channeled Message From The Ancestors, January 31, 2022.

Greetings Beloved Descendants Of Our Blood,

We Are A Collected Group Of Ancestors - From Many Areas Of The Earth, Here To Support You In Your PASSAGE THROUGH These Times.

For what we first wish to emphasize to you is that - there are better times coming.

In every stage of history there has been a move in either the direction of progress or its opposite - and yet, when you look at human history in its totality there is a lot more love and care and respect for self and others in the world now than there has ever been before.

And you the lightworkers, as well as those who are on the cutting-edge of developments in thought and are the generation of the new-thought leaders, are to a large extent responsible for this. For this we honor you greatly.

We ask you not to forget your connection to our Beloved Mother - The Earth.

She holds so much love for you, for us - for any who have ever been Incarnated in Her Realm.

She is greatly Raising her Vibrational Frequency At This Time to Support You Who Are The Beings Walking the Earth At This Time To Raise Your Frequency Also Into The Next Level Of Your Evolution.

Spending time in deep connection to the Earth can Support you in doing this almost effortlessly.

She has so many gifts to give you that are yet to be discovered.

But she needs you to work in harmony with her, rather than in a relationship of pillage and rape.

Remember this our Beloved Children.

For her gifts to you are infinitely abundant - and yet only when you live and work in harmony with her in ways that support her in replenishing herself.

Do not neglect either to replenish yourselves,

There are many ways you can do this - we suggest doing the things that give you the most joy, spending time with people you love and, of course, walking barefoot on the Mother as and when you are able to do so. If not, finding other ways to connect with her energy.

This will Support you greatly.

We wish you to know that we are close by you at this time and that you can call on us for more Support.

We are not the only ones who are Supporting you.

Many great Beings Of Light are here at this time - both in the Earth Realms and around the Planet Supporting Humanity in her Transformation.

You have got this. It Is Done.

Now it is just a case of living through the time of imbalance before the Light starts to penetrate more and the Transformations become more visible in the physical realm in which you live.

Energetically it has been done.

Know this.

Let yourself feel confident in and of this.

We love you and we are here for you. Call on us if you need us.

With Infinite Love for you in our Hearts.

The Collected Ancestors.