Channeled Message From The Ascended Master St Germain.

Dear Beloveds,

It is now Time for much of the Lower Energies to be Cleared And Released from your Realms.

Call on the Violet Flame to Support you in this Release, for the Time is Now to Step Into the Next Highest Embodiment of Self.

You Are Ready For This - So Much More Than You Know.

There is time available to you now to go Within, to Receive your Guidance, to Connect with the Vision of what you want to Bring Forth.

From August onwards the Energies will be more directed towards Active Creation And Fast, Forward Movement.

Now is a Breathing Space for you to prepare yourself for what it is you want to Create Going Forward into the New Energy of the Ascended New Earth.

We are here with you to Share Our Support.

With Love and Respect for the Light you Bring to the World.

It Is I, The Ascended Master St Germain Of Absolute Light.

From Archangel Metatron, August 10, 2018.

Beloved ones,

It is with great love in my heart that I greet you, for I know that this week has been an intense one for many of you - one in which much has come up for release and your emotions have been jangled, and you may have been experiencing some of the physical symptoms of Ascension such as nausea, headaches, or dizziness as well.

I ask you to be patient, and to be kind to yourself and present with yourself and your experience. There is not long for you to wait now.

A great deal of Light has been anchored into the planet over the past few days. It is going to cause transformations unlike any you have ever seen.

First, you will notice these transformations within yourself.

You'll find that it is easier to let go of old patterns and things that no longer serve you; they just seem to fall away.

You will also notice signs of it in the world around you - particularly in the growing awakening of the consciousness of those around you.

Be patient and compassionate with friends or family members who are starting out on the path to the Higher embodiment of their Soul's Truth, for they do not yet have all the wisdom you have learned over these years.

Part of your job is to share what you have learned and integrated with them.

As we have told you before, you are here to be Wayshowers and Leaders in Light.

I want you to know that the anchoring of the Light that has been able to take place over the past weeks and days is not unrelated to your efforts to and growing ability to hold the Higher frequencies within your physical body; to - quite literally - em-body Light. We want to thank you for your devotion and dedication and stepping up into the role for which you came.

Those who are resisting aligning with their Soul will experience a great deal of chaos over the weeks and months to come. Be patient and compassionate with them too, offering them only Love and encouraging them to have a greater respect for themselves as an energetic being with destinies and desires to fulfill.

I wish you to know that your Light shines from you like a beacon and gives solace to many.

Continue to stand strong in your Light and to breathe Source energy into your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual fields.

Take time to do this every day, for it is important at this time that you align with your Soul's Highest vision of who you are.

The energies are ripe for supporting you in integrating this Highest vision of your Soul into the physical world now.

We would ask you to keep your focus on that; rather than putting a great deal of attention on the emotions and physical symptoms that come up for release.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light

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From Archangel Metatron, August 1, 2018.

Beloved ones,

It is with joy in my heart that I greet you. For those of you who are gathered here are a community of loving and dedicated Lightworkers, who grow into a greater embodiment of your Light daily, and are transmuting your shadow and past pain and transforming at a rate that has never been seen before.

We in the angelic realms are proud of you; of how much you have been able to integrate, grow and expand in the past few months.

Each of you is much more aligned with the embodiment of your Soul's Highest mission than you have ever been before - and by that I do not just mean in this lifetime, but through many lifetimes.

For you are Old Souls who have lived many lifetimes on this Earth, preparing for this one.

In this current lifetime - starting very soon - you are to step into your Highest act of Service yet: to aid and assist in the Awakening of all.

For it is time for all beings on the Earth plane to awaken, and you came here to assist and be of Service in this.

This is your Soul's destiny.

It is for this for which you chose to come and inhabit a physical body at this time.

For each of you are already Masters, who have been perfecting your expression of your gifts for lifetimes - precisely so that in this lifetime you can share your gifts with skill and ease and grace, and in doing so en-lighten the Whole.

This is for what you came.

And you are already living into this more than you know; for your sheer Beingness in the world is a gift to others, which helps them to see the possibility that there is another way.

It is important that you take care of yourself at this time, for the energies are intense and much is coming up for release. It serves you to let it all go. Allow the painful emotions from the past to surface; then bless them and watch them pass out of your body and energetic fields and be transmuted to Light.

For this, too, is one of the great acts of Service for which you came.

Each time you transmute a denser energy that has lived in your energetic field, than you transmute it not only for yourself but for the Whole.

For each of you is connected to all others, and in this sense you truly are One. The work you do on yourself is not for yourself alone, but also in Service to the Whole.

We would ask that you spend time in Nature, aligning yourself with her rhythm. For it is important that you replenish yourself; giving yourself time and space to get away from the chaotic nature of everyday life, and return to the peace and Stillness of your Heart Space.

Rest in your heart space often. For this is where your replenishment is to be found.

Do not neglect to look out for those around you; for each and every person on the planet is feeling the intensity of the energies at this time, whether they know it for what it is or not.

Be kind and compassionate with yourself. And be loving, kind and compassionate to those around you.

For at this time many of the Beings here on Earth are looking to you, the ones who have been walking the path of Light, for guidance. The example you set through your Beingness is worth more than even your words.

Your words carry weight and great significance, too. Do not be afraid or hesitant to share about your experiences. For those who come after you will learn a lot from the stories shared; and also see that they are not alone; that the path can be traversed.

The things shared by you will help them to walk the path with more ease and grace. For those of you who have been living into the embodiment of your Light for some time now are veritable masters in it. Whether you see this in yourselves or not; others see it in you. And they can learn a lot from your mastery, so do not be hesitant in your willingness to share.

These times are different. You will not be persecuted for speaking your Truth.

We want you to know that you are on the right path and you are doing well, and we are so very proud of you and all you have been able to grow into and embody.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light

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From Archangel Metatron, July 26, 2018.

Beloved ones,

I am glad to connect with you.

Much is afoot at the moment. Huge and transformational changes are about to take place on your planet that will change the human landscape in ways which are beyond your imagination.

Do not be alarmed when things seem to go wrong: if you lose your job; have to deal with confrontation; or people who have been a feature in your life for some time leave.

Know that all that is happening is in your Highest Good, and that that which is no longer aligned with your Highest Timeline is falling away.

Let it go.

Do not cling to it or to them.

They are no longer aligned with your Truth.

It is important now that you step into a Higher embodiment of your Truth, and surround yourself with the people and things that support you in this.

Now is the time for which you were called to this planet.

Now is the reason why you are here.

Have faith in yourself. Believe in your ability to share your innate gifts in the way you intended when you signed up to come to Earth at this time.

You are here to be a changemaker; a leader.

It's time for you to step up into active Service in this role.

Do not be afraid or concerned as to whether you are enough to fulfill the task that will be given to you.

This is what you were born to do. The ability to do it is innately yours.

Simply peel back the layers that have been preventing you from seeing yourself as - and stepping into - the Highest embodiment of your Truth.

Ask us to help you with this, for we are here to be of Service to all the the Lightworkers on the planet at this time.

Each of you is surrounded by a multitude of angels and Beings of Light - all of us there to support you in the path that is aligned with your Soul's Highest Timeline.

It is time for you to do this.

I repeat: It is your time.

You are more ready for what lies before you than you could ever know.

Go forth with confidence; standing strong in the Knowing that we are with you every step of the way, and that you came into this lifetime with, and have developed throughout it, the perfect gifts to do everything that is aligned with your Highest act of Service.

Go forth and step into this now.

With great gratitude for you the Lightworkers on the planet at this time.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron

From Archangel Metatron, May 15, 2018.

Greetings beloveds,

It is with joy in my heart that I greet you.

You have undergone some days of great energetic shifts and transformations, and many of you have managed to walk through them with a great deal of ease and grace, showing how far you have come in your mastery of your human experience.

I want you to know that which you have been waiting for won't be long in coming now, for you are living in an era in which you are greatly supported in the fulfillment of your Soul's desires.

Keep your focus on all that you are becoming and expanding into, and the things your Soul desires.

Keep your focus on the new.

Now is a powerful time for planting the seeds of your Intentions.

Do not look back or hesitate to step forward out of fear of failure.

That is a trick your ego uses to try to keep you in old and known ways of being.

Look to the new, claiming your right to have and experience all that your Soul is drawing you towards.

It is your time to embody the Unknown; to claim as your own and embody that which you are in the process of Becoming. You do this by making all your choices and decisions from a place of Love and Trust in the guidance you receive.

How do you know if your guidance is true? Ask yourself, how does it feel in your heart space. If it feels expansive, then it's a decision which is aligned with your Soul.

Talk to your Soul on a daily basis; putting your hand on your heart and asking the Core of your Being how he or she would like to express in the world that day.

Guidance received through the heart space is always that which is aligned with your Soul and your Highest expression of Self.

Take time to drop into your heart space often, for it is there that you find your connection to Source and to the All That You Are.

Thank you for the beautiful work your are doing in embodying your Truth. You give others permission to do the same.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron.


From Archangel Metatron, March 6, 2018.

Beloved ones,

I wish to speak to you of transformation. 

Many of you are undergoing profound transformations at this time. It will serve you to receive this message.

There are profound transformations of your physical body taking place that affect you in ways you perhaps don't realize. 

Maybe you have noticed that your body is more tired than usual, or you are experiencing aches or pain in places that seem unusual. Perhaps you have noticed that you seem to need more food than normal some days, and hardly any at all on others. 

All these things are natural. 

Your bodies are transforming to contain more Light. The physical processes of your body experience some disruption as this occurs.

Many of you are also experiencing profound transformations in the physical world. Jobs or relationships that have supported you for a long time no longer feel like the right fit and/or are falling away. 

This can invoke fear and a feeling of being unsettled; not quite knowing what comes next.

The best way you can navigate these changes - of both kinds - is not to resist them. When you resist, you put yourself in opposition to Divine Will. 

Divine Will manifests as what is happening in front of you.

Although this may be uncomfortable at times, trust that what is occurring in your own life and in the world at large serves a Higher Purpose and is of a Higher Design.

Do not feel fear. What is falling away is doing so to allow for something new to come in. It must be so. The old and the new cannot exist in the same energetic space.

Trust also in the Divinity that you are. You have everything you need within you to navigate this time in the way that serves the Highest Timeline of your Soul.

You are Master of your own reality. Live into that. 

Archangel Metatron