From the Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light, Oct 27, 2018.

Beloved ones,

What joy is in me as I behold you.

What depths of Love.

If only you knew how shining and brilliant a Light-Being you are.

Your Light shines bright enough to reach around the world.

You have done well.

You have transmuted so much.

You have exceeded that which you set out to do,

You have honored your gifts, and in doing so you have brought healing throughout your family line.

You have transmuted much these last weeks and months.

And as you have done so, you have been of great Service to your family line.

Much of that which is called karma has been dissolved.

It is your Time.

It is time for you to stand in the Truth of Who You Are:

A glorious Being of Light that came to this lifetime to transmute generations of limitation for the family that you chose to be born into.

This is now almost complete.

You are a more solid and stable Embodiment of Light now.

You should be proud of all you have transmuted.

You are far further along your path than was projected.

You are now ready to embody the Light that you came here to Be.

The Light that is inherent.

Remember this:

You are Light.

You are stepping into the Embodiment of the Light That You Are.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light.

From Archangel Metatron, August 1, 2018.

Beloved ones,

It is with joy in my heart that I greet you. For those of you who are gathered here are a community of loving and dedicated Lightworkers, who grow into a greater embodiment of your Light daily, and are transmuting your shadow and past pain and transforming at a rate that has never been seen before.

We in the angelic realms are proud of you; of how much you have been able to integrate, grow and expand in the past few months.

Each of you is much more aligned with the embodiment of your Soul's Highest mission than you have ever been before - and by that I do not just mean in this lifetime, but through many lifetimes.

For you are Old Souls who have lived many lifetimes on this Earth, preparing for this one.

In this current lifetime - starting very soon - you are to step into your Highest act of Service yet: to aid and assist in the Awakening of all.

For it is time for all beings on the Earth plane to awaken, and you came here to assist and be of Service in this.

This is your Soul's destiny.

It is for this for which you chose to come and inhabit a physical body at this time.

For each of you are already Masters, who have been perfecting your expression of your gifts for lifetimes - precisely so that in this lifetime you can share your gifts with skill and ease and grace, and in doing so en-lighten the Whole.

This is for what you came.

And you are already living into this more than you know; for your sheer Beingness in the world is a gift to others, which helps them to see the possibility that there is another way.

It is important that you take care of yourself at this time, for the energies are intense and much is coming up for release. It serves you to let it all go. Allow the painful emotions from the past to surface; then bless them and watch them pass out of your body and energetic fields and be transmuted to Light.

For this, too, is one of the great acts of Service for which you came.

Each time you transmute a denser energy that has lived in your energetic field, than you transmute it not only for yourself but for the Whole.

For each of you is connected to all others, and in this sense you truly are One. The work you do on yourself is not for yourself alone, but also in Service to the Whole.

We would ask that you spend time in Nature, aligning yourself with her rhythm. For it is important that you replenish yourself; giving yourself time and space to get away from the chaotic nature of everyday life, and return to the peace and Stillness of your Heart Space.

Rest in your heart space often. For this is where your replenishment is to be found.

Do not neglect to look out for those around you; for each and every person on the planet is feeling the intensity of the energies at this time, whether they know it for what it is or not.

Be kind and compassionate with yourself. And be loving, kind and compassionate to those around you.

For at this time many of the Beings here on Earth are looking to you, the ones who have been walking the path of Light, for guidance. The example you set through your Beingness is worth more than even your words.

Your words carry weight and great significance, too. Do not be afraid or hesitant to share about your experiences. For those who come after you will learn a lot from the stories shared; and also see that they are not alone; that the path can be traversed.

The things shared by you will help them to walk the path with more ease and grace. For those of you who have been living into the embodiment of your Light for some time now are veritable masters in it. Whether you see this in yourselves or not; others see it in you. And they can learn a lot from your mastery, so do not be hesitant in your willingness to share.

These times are different. You will not be persecuted for speaking your Truth.

We want you to know that you are on the right path and you are doing well, and we are so very proud of you and all you have been able to grow into and embody.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light

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From Archangel Metatron, May 11, 2018.

Greetings beloveds,

It is with great joy that I greet you here.

I am here to speak to you of the things that are occurring on your planet.

As many of you will be aware, there is a great awakening and a quickening of the energies taking place. All that does not serve your Highest Timeline and Highest Purpose is rising to the surface for transmutation.

Let it go.

Do not resist this process, or blame yourself for not being further along or revisiting old patterns. Know that a deeper level of your Soul lessons is coming up for release, so that you can be more Light-filled.

This is the Highest Mission of all of you at this time. 

To grow into a greater embodiment of your Light.

When these patterns come up do not put yourself in resistance by bemoaning them, or criticizing where you are. Simply notice the pattern, bless it and let it go; choosing a thought of a higher vibration instead.

You are living with one foot in the Higher Dimensions now. Earth has shifted into the fifth dimension. But it is up to you as individuals to choose to align with the Higher Dimensions, and you do this with your thoughts and your mindset and by what you choose to put your focus and attention on in each and every moment.

Choose thoughts that honor you and honor others. You are Divine Beings, and it is right that you honor yourself and all those around you.

Where forgiveness is needed give it in abundance. This includes forgiveness of yourself. 

Challenge yourself to step away from old patterns into the embodiment of something greater; asking yourself when something arises, "How can I step into the embodiment of my Higher Self in this moment aligning with the Higher Dimensions?"

These are times of vital change on your planet. All that is not aligned with your Highest expression of Self is falling away.

Do not resist this process. 

Let it go, blessing it with Love. Know that something better is coming to take its place.

I want you to know that you are always lovingly held and supported by the Angelic realms and the other Beings of Light who surround you at all times.

Do not fear when all seems to be in upheaval, for this is only a phase. 

The other side of the upheaval lies a life that is aligned with the Highest expression of your Soul, and your Soul's Highest Desires and Joy. It is up to you to claim this. 

Do so by seeing the old patterns for what they are, letting them go, and choosing something else - that which is aligned with your Highest expression of Self - instead.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron. With all of you and your embodiment of Light, I am well pleased.

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