From the Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light, Oct 27, 2018.

Beloved ones,

What joy is in me as I behold you.

What depths of Love.

If only you knew how shining and brilliant a Light-Being you are.

Your Light shines bright enough to reach around the world.

You have done well.

You have transmuted so much.

You have exceeded that which you set out to do,

You have honored your gifts, and in doing so you have brought healing throughout your family line.

You have transmuted much these last weeks and months.

And as you have done so, you have been of great Service to your family line.

Much of that which is called karma has been dissolved.

It is your Time.

It is time for you to stand in the Truth of Who You Are:

A glorious Being of Light that came to this lifetime to transmute generations of limitation for the family that you chose to be born into.

This is now almost complete.

You are a more solid and stable Embodiment of Light now.

You should be proud of all you have transmuted.

You are far further along your path than was projected.

You are now ready to embody the Light that you came here to Be.

The Light that is inherent.

Remember this:

You are Light.

You are stepping into the Embodiment of the Light That You Are.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light.

From Archangel Metatron, September 12, 2018.

Beloved Ones,

I greet you in this space with delight at how many have gathered here.

It gives me great joy to be able to communicate with you, and to see how my words bring solace to you in your time of need; uplift, inspire and embolden you when you are creating movement in the direction of your dreams and/or your Soul's Highest path.

It is time to begin to let go of all other paths that you have been holding onto.

Slowly at first.

You don't have to physically let go of them just yet.

You will Know when the time is right.

As you are coming to an understanding of yourself; they need to be let go of in order for you to step into the full embodiment of your Soul's Highest Purpose.

It is good that you start to prepare yourself for this falling away now - communicating with the different parts of you; letting them know that this is what is to happen; reassuring them that it will be okay.

Hold yourself in this Knowing.

Hold yourself in the Knowing that you are supported by the Universe, the angels, the Ascended Masters, and many many other Beings of the Highest Light for each and every Soul-aligned step you take.

You can never fall far, for we will always be there to catch you - gently showing you how to step into the next Highest embodiment of Who You Are.

Trust in this.

Trust in us.

Trust in your Guidance.

Trust in your Self.

You came here to be a mighty warrior of the heart during these times of change.

It pleases us greatly to see how much you are already embodying this warrior essence; and how much progress you have made on your Path, how much Light you are already embodying and spreading in the world.

Your Presence on Earth is a blessing.

Honor the Light You Are.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light