From Archangel Metatron, July 26, 2018.

Beloved ones,

I am glad to connect with you.

Much is afoot at the moment. Huge and transformational changes are about to take place on your planet that will change the human landscape in ways which are beyond your imagination.

Do not be alarmed when things seem to go wrong: if you lose your job; have to deal with confrontation; or people who have been a feature in your life for some time leave.

Know that all that is happening is in your Highest Good, and that that which is no longer aligned with your Highest Timeline is falling away.

Let it go.

Do not cling to it or to them.

They are no longer aligned with your Truth.

It is important now that you step into a Higher embodiment of your Truth, and surround yourself with the people and things that support you in this.

Now is the time for which you were called to this planet.

Now is the reason why you are here.

Have faith in yourself. Believe in your ability to share your innate gifts in the way you intended when you signed up to come to Earth at this time.

You are here to be a changemaker; a leader.

It's time for you to step up into active Service in this role.

Do not be afraid or concerned as to whether you are enough to fulfill the task that will be given to you.

This is what you were born to do. The ability to do it is innately yours.

Simply peel back the layers that have been preventing you from seeing yourself as - and stepping into - the Highest embodiment of your Truth.

Ask us to help you with this, for we are here to be of Service to all the the Lightworkers on the planet at this time.

Each of you is surrounded by a multitude of angels and Beings of Light - all of us there to support you in the path that is aligned with your Soul's Highest Timeline.

It is time for you to do this.

I repeat: It is your time.

You are more ready for what lies before you than you could ever know.

Go forth with confidence; standing strong in the Knowing that we are with you every step of the way, and that you came into this lifetime with, and have developed throughout it, the perfect gifts to do everything that is aligned with your Highest act of Service.

Go forth and step into this now.

With great gratitude for you the Lightworkers on the planet at this time.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron