From Archangel Metatron, March 6, 2018.

Beloved ones,

I wish to speak to you of transformation. 

Many of you are undergoing profound transformations at this time. It will serve you to receive this message.

There are profound transformations of your physical body taking place that affect you in ways you perhaps don't realize. 

Maybe you have noticed that your body is more tired than usual, or you are experiencing aches or pain in places that seem unusual. Perhaps you have noticed that you seem to need more food than normal some days, and hardly any at all on others. 

All these things are natural. 

Your bodies are transforming to contain more Light. The physical processes of your body experience some disruption as this occurs.

Many of you are also experiencing profound transformations in the physical world. Jobs or relationships that have supported you for a long time no longer feel like the right fit and/or are falling away. 

This can invoke fear and a feeling of being unsettled; not quite knowing what comes next.

The best way you can navigate these changes - of both kinds - is not to resist them. When you resist, you put yourself in opposition to Divine Will. 

Divine Will manifests as what is happening in front of you.

Although this may be uncomfortable at times, trust that what is occurring in your own life and in the world at large serves a Higher Purpose and is of a Higher Design.

Do not feel fear. What is falling away is doing so to allow for something new to come in. It must be so. The old and the new cannot exist in the same energetic space.

Trust also in the Divinity that you are. You have everything you need within you to navigate this time in the way that serves the Highest Timeline of your Soul.

You are Master of your own reality. Live into that. 

Archangel Metatron