From Archangel Metatron, September 16, 2018.

Beloved ones,

Congratulations on how much work you have done to integrate the Lightcodes that are flooding into your planet.

I want you to know that you are not to be alarmed if you feel more weary than usual or are experiencing some other physical symptoms - such as headaches, pain or a fluttering in the heart space, itchiness on the scalp, tired eyes, or blurred vision.

These are all symptoms of the Ascension that your bodies are now undertaking. As ones who are more sensitive to the energies around you, it is only natural that you feel these things more strongly than others who are in the same physical reality as you, but operate in a very different paradigm.

Do not let anyone talk down the significance of your symptoms.

Do not let any of those around you talk you out of the Truth of what you are experiencing.

Do not let any talk you out of the Truth of what you Know to be true:

You are Ascending.

You came here to be an Ascended Being.

To guide those who come after you into a greater expression of Love; a greater embodiment of Light - more compassion; more kindness; more integrity; more Truth.

Into a greater embodiment of Soul’s Truth; as you have come into a greater embodiment of your own Soul’s Truth.

Do not be fearful.

It is true that the task that lies before you is monumental.

But rest in Trust and in the Knowing that great support is being given to you, the Lightbearers on Earth, by the Higher Realms.

Great support will continue to be given to you, for this is why you have come to the planet at this time; to integrate and anchor Light.

Turn to us in the Higher Realms and ask for our intervention and support when you need it.

We are here to serve and support you at this the time of the Earth’s Awakening, and going forward into the experience of Fourth and Fifth Dimensional Earth.

Trust in the Light in your own heart.

It is there to guide you.

It is what will guide the ones who come after you. For they will be transformed as much and more by the Light that radiates from your heart space as they will by anything you say or do.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light

From Archangel Metatron, August 21, 2018.

Beloved ones,

Many of you will by now be feeling in your physical bodies the very intense energies that have been permeating your planet over the last few days.

It is not uncommon for you to be suffering from Ascension symptoms, like hot or cold flushes, dizziness, lightheadedness, or even some detoxification of the physical body.

The energies permeating your planet now are stronger than they have ever been, and you are being brought into alignment with Light on a cellular level.

All that is not Light within you is now rising to the surface to be released.

This includes the detoxification of the body; which may manifest as an upset stomach, a runny nose, coughing or sneezing, or even excessive sweating. Some of you may even find you are feverish, or that you oscillate between hot and cold.

We do not want you to mistake your Ascension symptoms for dis-eases of the body.

It is important that you recognize that these are but the signs of your Ascension; signs that your physical body is integrating more Light.

You can help to ease yourself gracefully through this time by blessing the water you drink; asking it to activate you to receive the maximum amount of Light possible and to integrate the Light you receive with the maximum ease and grace.

You will also serve yourself at this time by keeping your diet simple, and only eating foods that are nutritious and serve your body's Highest Health.

You may find you need to rest more than usual, and this is okay.

Do not force yourself to do as much as you usually do, if your body is asking you to slow down and rest.

Spend time in Nature each day, for Nature helps to realign you with the rhythm of the Universe.

She is not only a great source of replenishment for you, but also helps you to ground the Light you are integrating into your body.

It is important to be kind to yourself.

You are in the last stretch of the intense energies that have been permeating your planet this month now. The energies have both a cumulative effect, and are still more intense than they have yet been.

Allow yourself to rest when you need it.

This is essential for your physical body, and for you to be able to integrate the Light to your maximum potential.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light


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From Archangel Metatron, August 10, 2018.

Beloved ones,

It is with great love in my heart that I greet you, for I know that this week has been an intense one for many of you - one in which much has come up for release and your emotions have been jangled, and you may have been experiencing some of the physical symptoms of Ascension such as nausea, headaches, or dizziness as well.

I ask you to be patient, and to be kind to yourself and present with yourself and your experience. There is not long for you to wait now.

A great deal of Light has been anchored into the planet over the past few days. It is going to cause transformations unlike any you have ever seen.

First, you will notice these transformations within yourself.

You'll find that it is easier to let go of old patterns and things that no longer serve you; they just seem to fall away.

You will also notice signs of it in the world around you - particularly in the growing awakening of the consciousness of those around you.

Be patient and compassionate with friends or family members who are starting out on the path to the Higher embodiment of their Soul's Truth, for they do not yet have all the wisdom you have learned over these years.

Part of your job is to share what you have learned and integrated with them.

As we have told you before, you are here to be Wayshowers and Leaders in Light.

I want you to know that the anchoring of the Light that has been able to take place over the past weeks and days is not unrelated to your efforts to and growing ability to hold the Higher frequencies within your physical body; to - quite literally - em-body Light. We want to thank you for your devotion and dedication and stepping up into the role for which you came.

Those who are resisting aligning with their Soul will experience a great deal of chaos over the weeks and months to come. Be patient and compassionate with them too, offering them only Love and encouraging them to have a greater respect for themselves as an energetic being with destinies and desires to fulfill.

I wish you to know that your Light shines from you like a beacon and gives solace to many.

Continue to stand strong in your Light and to breathe Source energy into your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual fields.

Take time to do this every day, for it is important at this time that you align with your Soul's Highest vision of who you are.

The energies are ripe for supporting you in integrating this Highest vision of your Soul into the physical world now.

We would ask you to keep your focus on that; rather than putting a great deal of attention on the emotions and physical symptoms that come up for release.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light

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From Archangel Metatron, June 10, 2018.

Greetings Beloveds,

It is with joy that I greet you here.

The energies have been greatly amplified during the past week, and many of you have felt the effects in your physical body.

Perhaps you have seemed to need a great deal of sleep; perhaps your body has been detoxifying; perhaps you have felt the need to be alone; or to spend more time than usual in Nature.

All of these things are signs of your body absorbing and subsequently adjusting to the Higher frequencies.

You may at times wonder if this is indeed really happening for you. At times, you feel like you are still caught up in old patterns expressing in your life; or that you are embodying the small self, rather than the greater Self you know yourself to be at your core.

I am here to assure you that all of you are receiving the Higher frequencies. Not one of you is exempt from their influence.

The only difference between you is how fast, or with much ease and grace, you are able to integrate them.

Bringing your Consciousness and Intention to this process makes it a lot easier on your physical body.

You may wish to set an Intention at the start of each day to receive the Higher frequencies and integrate them with ease and grace in the way that serves your Highest Timeline.

Other things you can do to help yourself include things that support your physical body, like eating "real foods" and drinking approximately double your usual intake of water.

You may also find it serves you to bless the water before you drink it, requesting that it helps you to integrate the Universal energies in ways that support you in embodying your Highest Timeline.

In order to support your mental and emotional bodies, make sure you are taking enough time to be with the people you love and who are your support system. Also, do not be afraid to clearly state your boundaries and take time to be alone if that is what you need. You know best what you need, and it is important to listen to your body.

Meditation can also support you at this time. We would ask that you drop a strong grounding cord into the center of 5D Earth, as being grounded into 5D Earth in this way will help you to integrate the Higher frequencies into your body with more ease and grace.

It is an exciting time on the Earth plane right now. Great changes are taking place every day.

Stay in your heart space through as much of this as you can, and do not get caught up in conversations or activities that bring your vibration down.

Everywhere you see something that is not of Love, bless it and everyone involved with the Love that you are at your core. This is how you walk as Love in the world.

Know that every such energetic transmission causes great ripples in the collective consciousness and the energy that surrounds the planet.

You may feel like you are not doing enough and be eager to step up into the fullness of your role, but we tell you that each time you choose love instead of fear or anger or judgement or hate; each time you expand that Love out into the world; you do not only yourself but the whole collective an invaluable service.

Thank you for this Service and for being the Light you are.

It gladdens our hearts to see the willingness of the bearers of the Light to Serve and your eagerness to expand into more of your role.

There is not long to wait now, for the energies that are coming into the planet are bringing you into alignment with your Soul's True Purpose.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron

From Archangel Metatron, May 27, 2018.

Greetings beloveds,

It is with joy in my heart that I connect with you.

Much is underfoot. Changes are taking place within you on the cellular level to assist you in coming into a fuller embodiment of your Light.

Some of you may find yourselves experiencing tiredness, dizziness, nausea or a kind of airy-headedness which leaves you feeling disconnected from your body and makes it hard for you to concentrate.

Do not be concerned, for these physical conditions are only temporary and are nothing less than a symptom of the great transformation you are undergoing as you are brought into deeper resonance with your Soul's path.

You can ride this wave of change and transition with more ease by taking adequate time to rest. There is no wrong time of the day to sleep. Such outdated notions are gone. If a feeling of tiredness overwhelms you, allow yourself to surrender to it. For much of the work can be done while you sleep, and your body in rest is able to integrate the Lightcodes and energies emanating from All That Is with swiftness and ease.

It is not a time to follow the old rules and do what you have always done.

It is a time to follow your heart's guidance; to listen to your body and what s/he needs.

If you can, go out and lie on the Earth. For your Earth has already stepped into the embodiment of a Higher Dimension, and she is supporting you in doing so also by sending constant waves of Light.

It is no wonder if you are tired, for you are being pummeled with Light from all around. When understood from this perspective, tiredness is something to be grateful for.

Allow the Light in, and allow it to do the work within you; transforming your body, rewriting your neural pathways, realigning you with your Highest Purpose. There is an activation below to assist you in this.

Now is the time to step fully into your Ascension path and the physical embodiment of your Light, for the energies are there to support you.

Ask for all that does not serve your Highest Timeline to be released.

Let the Lightcodes integrate and set your Intention to be in Divine Flow.

Take time out when you need to and stay focused on the embodiment of more of your Light and alignment with your Soul's Highest Calling and Purpose.

The whole Universe steps in to assist you as you commit to this path. This is what you are being called to.

Do not fear that the task is too big for you. You were born for this.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron, reminding you to keep faith and trust your Self and your Guidance. Portals are open now and there is much that you are able to receive.

*Say once with the Intention of opening your heart to receive.*

I open up now to receive all that serves my Highest Purpose and supports me in the Highest embodiment of my Soul's Truth. So Be It and So It Is. Thank you.

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From Archangel Metatron, May 4, 2018.

Greetings beloved ones,

Much has been going on on your Earth plane, and I know that many of you have felt the intensity of the energies over the past few days and, indeed, wondered what can be taking place on a galactic scale that leaves you so utterly drained and devoid of energy.

I tell you that great activations have been taking place to align you with your Soul's ultimate mission and Highest Purpose. If you are reading this, know that this activation has been taking place within you.

Expect your life to change and to align more fully with your Soul's desires and Purpose over the next few weeks, for once this has been activated within you it is a rolling tide within you that can only come to completion.

Surrender to the process and let go of all that is no longer aligned with your Soul's desires, and you will make this process that much easier on yourself.

When you try to hold on, as is the human way, you are acting from your little self; not the larger Self that your Soul wants you to activate embody.

Allow yourself to step into the embodiment of this larger Self now.

State your Intention to embody the All That You Are and to Know Who You Are at Soul Level - for this is what is now open to you, and all you have to do to receive is to ask.

Do not be afraid at the sometimes momentous changes taking place in your life. They are all for the best. You are leaving behind that which is no longer aligned, and stepping forth into all that you came here to be.

And you are doing this with much grace and the support of all the Angels and the Beings of the Highest Light, for we know what a great act of service it is you do in the world by being in it and shining your Light and we want to support you wherever we can.

Thank you for your Service dear Ones, and for your Trust and Faith in your Guidance and that All is working out for the Greatest and Highest Good of One and All.

In your Trust and Faith you open up portals of Light and allow them to flood into your planet, causing a great transformation in the energy of the Collective, and this is one of the Highest acts of Service. This is what you came here to do - to be the Light and to transform the experience of life on this planet, first for yourself and then for all those around you.

We thank you for this Service and send blessings of Love upon you.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron

From Archangel Metatron, March 6, 2018.

Beloved ones,

I wish to speak to you of transformation. 

Many of you are undergoing profound transformations at this time. It will serve you to receive this message.

There are profound transformations of your physical body taking place that affect you in ways you perhaps don't realize. 

Maybe you have noticed that your body is more tired than usual, or you are experiencing aches or pain in places that seem unusual. Perhaps you have noticed that you seem to need more food than normal some days, and hardly any at all on others. 

All these things are natural. 

Your bodies are transforming to contain more Light. The physical processes of your body experience some disruption as this occurs.

Many of you are also experiencing profound transformations in the physical world. Jobs or relationships that have supported you for a long time no longer feel like the right fit and/or are falling away. 

This can invoke fear and a feeling of being unsettled; not quite knowing what comes next.

The best way you can navigate these changes - of both kinds - is not to resist them. When you resist, you put yourself in opposition to Divine Will. 

Divine Will manifests as what is happening in front of you.

Although this may be uncomfortable at times, trust that what is occurring in your own life and in the world at large serves a Higher Purpose and is of a Higher Design.

Do not feel fear. What is falling away is doing so to allow for something new to come in. It must be so. The old and the new cannot exist in the same energetic space.

Trust also in the Divinity that you are. You have everything you need within you to navigate this time in the way that serves the Highest Timeline of your Soul.

You are Master of your own reality. Live into that. 

Archangel Metatron