From Archangel Metatron, August 28, 2018.

Beloved Ones,

It has been another incredible week in which much Light has been integrated into the planet, and into the cells of each of you who lives on Her.

As Light integrates into your cells, it may cause a great deal of drowsiness, or feelings of dis-ease.

Be careful not to push yourself to do too much.

What is needed more than anything else at this time is that you allow yourself time to rest.

Create blocks of time to rest in your day, and honor your body's need for rest as much as you honor your commitments to work, family and friends.

Your body is your Sacred vessel.

These are important times on your planet. In order to be able to receive and integrate the fullest amount of Light, you MUST slow down if your body asks you to.

This week create consciousness around your body as you go about your day.

Take time to pause and ask how your body feels, and what they need from you in order to be able to integrate the Light that is coming into the planet in the best possible way, and with the maximum ease and grace.

You may find your body asks for more rest; more water; time spent by water; time spent in water. Listen to him/her and honor his/her needs.

If you can not do so immediately; do so at the nearest opportunity.

Your body is your Sacred vehicle of life on this planet. She/He should be treated with the utmost respect.

This is what you are growing into as the human race.

Utmost respect for your Truth and who you are; including your body - your physical vehicle of Light.

Utmost respect for others' Truths and who they are.

You are doing so well.

This week set the Intention each day for the maximum amount of Light to be integrated into your cells.

Rest to allow this process to happen with maximum ease and grace.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light

From Archangel Metatron, August 21, 2018.

Beloved ones,

Many of you will by now be feeling in your physical bodies the very intense energies that have been permeating your planet over the last few days.

It is not uncommon for you to be suffering from Ascension symptoms, like hot or cold flushes, dizziness, lightheadedness, or even some detoxification of the physical body.

The energies permeating your planet now are stronger than they have ever been, and you are being brought into alignment with Light on a cellular level.

All that is not Light within you is now rising to the surface to be released.

This includes the detoxification of the body; which may manifest as an upset stomach, a runny nose, coughing or sneezing, or even excessive sweating. Some of you may even find you are feverish, or that you oscillate between hot and cold.

We do not want you to mistake your Ascension symptoms for dis-eases of the body.

It is important that you recognize that these are but the signs of your Ascension; signs that your physical body is integrating more Light.

You can help to ease yourself gracefully through this time by blessing the water you drink; asking it to activate you to receive the maximum amount of Light possible and to integrate the Light you receive with the maximum ease and grace.

You will also serve yourself at this time by keeping your diet simple, and only eating foods that are nutritious and serve your body's Highest Health.

You may find you need to rest more than usual, and this is okay.

Do not force yourself to do as much as you usually do, if your body is asking you to slow down and rest.

Spend time in Nature each day, for Nature helps to realign you with the rhythm of the Universe.

She is not only a great source of replenishment for you, but also helps you to ground the Light you are integrating into your body.

It is important to be kind to yourself.

You are in the last stretch of the intense energies that have been permeating your planet this month now. The energies have both a cumulative effect, and are still more intense than they have yet been.

Allow yourself to rest when you need it.

This is essential for your physical body, and for you to be able to integrate the Light to your maximum potential.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light


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