From Archangel Metatron, May 4, 2018.

Greetings beloved ones,

Much has been going on on your Earth plane, and I know that many of you have felt the intensity of the energies over the past few days and, indeed, wondered what can be taking place on a galactic scale that leaves you so utterly drained and devoid of energy.

I tell you that great activations have been taking place to align you with your Soul's ultimate mission and Highest Purpose. If you are reading this, know that this activation has been taking place within you.

Expect your life to change and to align more fully with your Soul's desires and Purpose over the next few weeks, for once this has been activated within you it is a rolling tide within you that can only come to completion.

Surrender to the process and let go of all that is no longer aligned with your Soul's desires, and you will make this process that much easier on yourself.

When you try to hold on, as is the human way, you are acting from your little self; not the larger Self that your Soul wants you to activate embody.

Allow yourself to step into the embodiment of this larger Self now.

State your Intention to embody the All That You Are and to Know Who You Are at Soul Level - for this is what is now open to you, and all you have to do to receive is to ask.

Do not be afraid at the sometimes momentous changes taking place in your life. They are all for the best. You are leaving behind that which is no longer aligned, and stepping forth into all that you came here to be.

And you are doing this with much grace and the support of all the Angels and the Beings of the Highest Light, for we know what a great act of service it is you do in the world by being in it and shining your Light and we want to support you wherever we can.

Thank you for your Service dear Ones, and for your Trust and Faith in your Guidance and that All is working out for the Greatest and Highest Good of One and All.

In your Trust and Faith you open up portals of Light and allow them to flood into your planet, causing a great transformation in the energy of the Collective, and this is one of the Highest acts of Service. This is what you came here to do - to be the Light and to transform the experience of life on this planet, first for yourself and then for all those around you.

We thank you for this Service and send blessings of Love upon you.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron