Channeled Message From KRISHNA & GANESHA, August 23, 2024.

It Is I Lord Ganesha & I Lord Krishna & We Are Here Today To Speak With You Of Things Of Great Import.

These Times That You Are Living In Are A Crucial Crux-Point Within The Earth Realms.

Much Is To Be Transcended & Left Behind As You, As A Species, Move Into A Higher EmBodiment Of The Divine Aspects Of Self.

There Are Several Of These Divine Self-Aspects That We Wish You To Put Your Focus On Embodying For Now -

1) Self-Monitoring - Consider These Areas -
Are You Being The Energy Of Peace, Of Upliftment, Of Kindness, Of Truth?
Are You Aligned With Your Own Truth & What You Know To Be The Divine Right Thing For You To Do?
Does The Way That You BE In The World Also Support Others In BEing A Higher Version Of ThemSelf?

2) BEing The Love & Light Of Compassion & Selflessness In The World -
This Entails Giving Your Support Where It Is Needed In Service To The Awakening Of The Human Collective. We Wish To Make It Very Clear That We Wish You To Direct Your Energy Where This Goal Is Served, Rather Than In Directions Where Service To The Old Values Is Being Enacted.

3) Fortitude -
There Is Much That Will Need To Change Both Personally And Within The Larger Communities That Make Up The Collective. We Know, We Understand, That Change Can Feel Extremely Frightening To The Human Self At First - Be Open To Change Knowing That It Brings Good In The Longer-Term Perspective Of Things. Hold This Strength Of Vision Even In The Time Of Confusion & Lack Of Logical Understanding That May Follow The Initial Introduction Of Change Into Your Life Or The Lives Of Those You Love. In Order For The Collective To Shift Into A Higher Embodiment Of Love Many Many More Need To Come Into An Understanding Of The Spiritual Essence Of Who You - As Humans, Present In Your Human Form - Are.

From The Human Perspective It May Feel Like Things That You Deeply Value And Hold To Be Important And Love Are Being Taken Away From You. Ultimately This Is Being Done In Order To Help Facilitate This Shift To A Greater Focus On The Spiritual Nature That You Each Are.

4) Hope & Belief In The New Earth Now Being Formed In Your Physical Realms -
First & Foremost Hope & Belief In Your Ability - As The Community Of Light - To Create The New Earth In Alignment With The Divine Plan As You Listen Attentively To Your Guidance And Allow - As A Community Of Light - The Divine Plan To Be Worked Through You - Each Playing Your Important - Essential - Part However Large Or Small That May Seem.

We Thank & Honor You For Your Great Dedication To The Light Service You Do.

It Is We, It Is Us, Ganesha & Krishna & We Are Greatly Honored To Speak With You This Day.