Welcome To The Month Of March Dear Ones,
We are greatly honored to be able to speak with you in this way and Support you through the Passage of this time in your Dimension.
It is a beautiful time to be alive despite all appearances to the contrary. Much is shifting under the surface and the darkness of the times you see before you will not last as long as it may seem.
Today many of us are stepping forward to speak with you. We will each share a short Message that we hope will Bless You greatly on your Soul’s Highest Path as you navigate these times.
First, Sophia -
Dear Beloveds Of The Earth Realms,
You who I have known since before the beginning of Time and are yet to Know me as the Mother of All Life on the Planet GAIA. She is my Sacred Sister - and you as her kindred - those who have chosen to come here and be the Allies Supporting Her in her Ascension Process At This Time are my kindred also. It is with great love in my heart that I speak with you this day for I know that you see the turmoil on the surface of the planet and feel love and compassion for your human brothers and sisters and want to support them in their plight. The best thing that you can do right now is to hold the light - by which I mean not only hold the light of love and compassion for all beings in your heart and direct peace and love into the areas which need support, but to also Align with your own individual Highest Ascension TimeLine At This Time.
Take the time to focus your attention on what you need most right now to be Supported in your own personal Ascension Journey.
This is the most important thing you can do right now, despite external appearances.
I hold you in gratitude, honor and love and send my light to surround you in a cloak of light that will lift your Energetic Frequency and Support you now.
It Is I, The Sophia Of Absolute Light.
Next, from Yeshua.
Dear Beloveds, I am your brother in Light and you my Brothers and Sisters,
I thank you for the deep concern with which you hold the areas of the world that need support, of which there are many it is true.
I ask you not to let your own Energetic Frequency become depressed. The upholding of a High Frequency of individual light at this time is crucial to the next Evolution of the Collective. It is not selfish when you focus on that which gives you joy despite the sufferings of others - it is in fact vital for the Planet, your Beloved GAIA, that you do what will support you in remaining centered in a Higher Frequency At This Significant Time.
I love you and send you my love,
It Is I, Yeshua Of Absolute Light.
I pass you to My Brothers in Light - Metatron & Melchizedek -
Dear Beloveds in the Earth Plane,
How brightly your Light has shone for so long and how it has been the efforts of you the Ascension Guides and Catalysts and the LightWorkers and WayShowers that has helped GAIA + Humanity to Ascend to the degree that has been possible.
This is something that you are doing together as a Collective - Do Not Forget This. It is important that you come together and work together for the upholdment of the Light, rather than for personal gain or personal benefit.
Ask the Light Within You And Your Highest Light Team To Support you in making Aligned decisions - for these next few months will be very Transformational in the Earth Planes and we wish you to be Fully Supported Through This Time.
It Is We, It Is Us, Melchizedek And Metatron Of Absolute Light.
And now from The Lord Ganesha And Many Other Beloveds Of The Indian Ascended Masters Realms -
We Salute You At This Time,
Your presence of Light on the Planet has stopped the escalation of things in a number of situations and in various contexts beyond that which has been permitted by The Divine. We honor you for you have held the light even in the face of much darkness through multiple lifetimes for You Are The Mighty LIGHT WARRIORS who chose to Incarnate time and time again specifically to support Humanity and the Planet in their Evolution.
You are cherished by The Divine and held dear. We wish you to know this and to continue to be the very best self that you can be in each and every moment so that you may be the living Embodiment of All That You Share And Teach for those around you - this is important for people learn by what they see creating Transformation in lives, not by words alone.
It is important that you come back to presence and remember the Ever-Present Presence of the Divine in all that is Unfolding in the World. This will Support you as you watch the darkness seem to press forward. Know that it will always be turned back, will always be suppressed, will always be won over.
But that this requires both influxes of Energy of Light and Love and Clear Action in the direction of the Light on your part, United Together As The Brothers And Sisters Of Light That You Are And Came To Surround The World In LOVELIGHT And Stand As.
Stand strong in thee Knowing of the Light That You Are.
You are Blessed by Us and your Actions in Service to the Light will be Blessed by the Whole Of Creation.
Trust in your Inner Knowing for much is to change from now and it will be harder than it has been to rely on external sources of information.
Practice self-love and practice the art of practically loving others in ways that support them in embodying more of their truth.
Only you who have done this for yourselves know how to love in this way.
you are shining in the Entire Divine Cosmos.
We hold you in love. We support you in your endeavors and we are always there with you by your side.
It Is We, It Is Us, GANESHA And The Collected Indian Masters Of Absolute Light.