From Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light, October 9, 2018.

Beloved ones,

It is with open arms I receive you here; so pleased with your willingness to connect with those of us in the Angelic realms.

Today I will give you some clear guidance on how you can better do so.

First, be in a place of silence. By 'silence' I mean not only the external circumstances around you; but also the state of your mind. You can not connect and hear your guidance when your mind is busy chasing from one thought to the next.

Next, create a sacred place in your abode when you can come to connect with the Angelic realms and ask to receive guidance. This gives a clear sign that you want to connect and are ready to open up and welcome this.

Next, create a sacred ritual that you do each time you come to this place. Perhaps a short meditation; a prayer; or lighting a candle. Do what feels right to you. Those of us in the Angelic realms see beyond form. We see the desires of your heart.

Then ask your question; beginning by addressing the Being of Light you wish to receive answers from.

Sit in silence. See what comes.

Do not be surprised if an answer pops into your mind instantly in a voice that is seemingly your own.

The tenor of your thoughts is one of the main ways in which those of us in the Angelic realms communicate with you.

You may also find your answer given to you later that day in something you read, or see, or hear; or indeed in another thought that is seemingly your own.

Never doubt the guidance you have received; though it is wise to check if it comes from a Being of the Highest Light. You can do by asking your Self if the guidance you have received is aligned with Love.

Remember to thank your guides and angels for the guidance you have received.

Just as you prefer to be acknowledged for the part you play, so do we like to be acknowledged. Furthermore, this expression of gratitude on your part creates a closer and more personal relationship with us.

With that I leave you.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light.