From the Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light, October 30, 2018
/Beloved ones,
What a great deal you have done! What a lot you have accomplished.
You have burst through the barriers that were holding you back.
You are now strongly and powerfully aligned with your Truth.
Let me show you what you look like from here.
You are a gleaming star: shining so brightly that you can be seen far and wide.
This is the Expansiveness you now Embody.
This is the Light You Are.
You have been steadily growing into this.
Each time you say "Yes" to who your Soul came to Be, to your Soul's Highest Desires and Purpose, your radiance expands and shines more brightly still.
A great deal of what your Soul intends to do is now in place.
It is important that you allow yourself time to Integrate all that has been activated within you.
The next month will be one of consolidation.
Use the time to rest and to consolidate all you have learned.
This is a New Beginning; for you and for the Earth.
Be excited.
This is a turning point for you.
You will be clearly guided in the ways that you can be of the Highest Service going forth.
It is I, the Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light.