From the Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light, November 22, 2018.
/Beloved Ones,
Welcome to the Gateway into the Energy of December.
While you still have a week and more left on your calendar, the energy of December is ripe and ready to come in.
It is the energy of Completion.
The Consolidation and Integration of all that has been Activated in you during this year of miraculous-seeming Change and Transformation.
You are so different on the inside than you were at the start of the year. Very soon these changes will start making themselves manifest in the physical world and you will start to easily and with a great deal of help from Divine Grace draw to you All that is Aligned with your Most Very Highest Timeline.
Look forward to this, for this is to help you step into the next Highest Embodiment of your Light
As for the end of the year, we want you to celebrate all the change and inner transformation this year has brought and how much further you are on your path than you were at the start of it.
Focus on all that has already been transformed, rather than putting your focus on that which is still aligned with the old. As you move into the New Year these things will fall away if they are no longer aligned with who you are. If they are not, they are revealing to you something about yourself and it will serve you well to inquire why this thing that you are not so happy about is still in your life.
That is all I wish to say to you at this time.
Celebrate who you are.
Celebrate All you have grown into the Embodiment of and Become.
Be vigilant in your focus on that which is New and Aligned with your Very Highest Vision of Yourself.
All that is not aligned with this, let it go without regret or judgement of yourself or anyone else involved.
These are my words to you as you near the end of this year of powerful Energy, Transformation and Change.
It is I, the Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light.