Channeled Message From My Atlantian Higher Self, October 1, 2023.

It Is Time For Your Planet To Change.

Too Much Time Has Been Invested In Actions & Pursuits That Detract From The Evolution Of The Soul, Prioritising Technological Development Over The Human Heart & Soul.

This Mistake Has Been Made Before.

I Am Here To Warn You That The Divine Has Decreed That It Shall Not Be Made Twice.

Great Upheaval Will Result If You Continue To Follow This Path At The Costs Of Your Souls, The Other Life On The Planet, And The Beautiful Planet You Live Upon.

It Is Time To See With More Evolved Eyes - Ask What The Higher Perspective Regarding All This Race To Have Newer, Better, More Is.

Allow YourSelves To Evolve Into The Something Better That Seeks Harmony & Balance Rather Than To Always Be At The Forefront Of The Technological Advancements In Comparison To Your International Partners And/Or Adversaries.

This Era Must Shift This Tendency & Allow You To Become Gentler, More Heart-Centered, Life-Loving Versions Of The Human Race.

You Are One Race.

There Is Nothing To Be In Competition About.

A Sense Of Competition Leads To A Perpetual Need For Advancement.

This Is Where You Find YourSelves Now.

Ask YourSelf - Is It Really Making You Happy?

And This YOU Is The ‘You’ In The Larger Sense Of The Word Of ‘Your Entire Human Race.’

While You As An Individual May Be Fulfilled - & Even Happy - If You Happen To Be One Of Those Who Has ‘More’ ->> How Do You Think This State Of Existence Is For Those Who Do Not?

What Part Of This Strikes You As Fair Or Right In Any Way?

It Is Time To Change As A Collective.

And This Change Must Start With Individuals And Their Hearts.

I Implore You To Listen To This Message & Integrate & Act On Its Wisdom Before The Time For You To Make That Choice Is Gone.

It May Be Forced On You In Extremely Unpleasant Ways If Not.

You Are Beautiful Divine Creator-Creatures.

You Are Here To Know YourSelves As That.

Listen To Your Hearts Dear Ones.

They Guide You True.

It Is I, The Atlantian Higher Self Of Channel Julia Greef.


Channeled Message From White Heron, Feb 14, 2022.

It Is I, The Spirit Of White Heron.

I come with a Message of PEACE Dear Beloveds, for PEACE In Your Heart is the Highest Form Of Love and the Highest Form Of Connection To The DIVINE ESSENCE That You Are.

Don Not Let YourSelf Worry Or Fret. You Are Honored, Love And Taken Care Of More Than You Know By The Entire DIVINE UNIVERSE.

Do Not Harbor Thoughts Of Dread Or FEAR Or Thoughts That Go Against Another Of Your Kind - You Are Here To Discover More And More Of The LOVE That You Are.

How? First Find Love Within YourSelf In The Deep Peace To Be Accessed In The Heart.


This Is The DIVINE LOVE FREQUENCY You Came To Hold At This Time.

This And The Love Frequency Of COMPASSION - The True Kindness That Honors Another In Their Experience Without Trying To Take Over It Or Needing For It To Be A Certain Way.

This Is How You Discover The TRUTH Within You And The Full BEAUTY That You Are When You Are Aligned With This TRUE ESSENCE Of SELF.

It Is I The White Heron, I Thank You For Receiving My Message Today.

From Archangel Metatron, September 2, 2018.

Beloved ones,

You have just come through a huge energetic gateway. I am so proud of you and all the Light that you have integrated.

You will find it much easier to stand in your power and activate the Truth of who you are from now.

The energy of September is fast and flowing.

Help yourself to ride it with ease and grace by setting the Intention each day to be fully aligned with your Higher Self.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light

Sept 2018.jpg

- Image courtesy of standuppaddle.