From Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light, Oct 2, 2018.
/Beloved ones,
You continue to progress in your Ascension process at an advanced speed, and we in the Higher realms are amazed at how Conscious you have become; how fast you are transmuting shadow and returning all to Light; at what an accelerated pace you are walking your Ascension path.
We knew you were Masters of this process from Time Eternal. Many of you have attained Enlightenment in many other lifetimes. It is somewhat easier for you than most to embody this most natural state of Being.
But still, to see the speed, ease and grace with which you are transmuting shadow; embodying Higher aspects of Self; and integrating the Light being showered on the Earth is truly astounding.
I want to speak to you today of how well you are doing; to congratulate you; and to offer two points that will enable you to make this process still easier and more Grace-filled.
- - Drink more water. Always this is needed. Your bodies are 70% water, and as you bring in fresh water you allow that which is not serving you to be released.
- - Do not allow others to discourage you from your path. Some would do so, for they do not understand the multi-dimensional nature of the reality you now live in. They may ridicule you, or simply not accept what you say you are embodying as Truth. Do no allow these things to hinder you. The fact that you are reading this is a certain sign that you are on your right path and the signs you are receiving are real.
This is what I would say to you today:
Have faith, for you are about to enter a glorious new chapter.
It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light.