What Is Multi-Dimensionality? - From The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light.

As questions come up in our Community about Spiritual Awakening and the process of Ascending in the Physical Body - the answers to which can Serve and Support us all on our Path of Ascension; from time to time I'm going to Receive a Channeled Answer from The Beings Of Absolute Light as a way of being of greater Service to the people who read this page.

Today's question is - What does it mean to be a Multi-Dimensional Being and to live a Multi-Dimensional life?

The answer is from The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light and is as follows:

First, I would like to point out that you in the Human World are confined by the definitions and labels you put on things.

We understand why this is, for in the Earth Plane language is your main communication system and your way of understanding your experience; but In the spheres which we Energetic Beings inhabit it is not so - for we have a more direct Connection To Source and understand things by osmosis, rather than by anything akin to words.

The word ‘osmosis’ itself is not a direct translation of the way that this occurs; but it is one that gives you some understanding of the state of Oneness With Absolute Source Light that we in the Energetic Realms experience; and how as a result of This Oneness we simply Know All That Absolute Source Light Knows - not by our effort to do so, but simply by our connection to and recognition of ‘self’ as Absolute Oneness With Absolute Light.

Indeed it is the same for you; you have the access to the same Knowing. This is a large part of what it means to open up to and Embody the Multi-Dimensional Aspects Of Your Being.

Multi-Dimensionality is a very helpful concept for those of you inhabiting the Physical Realms. It helps you to comprehend and understand that you are not only your Human Self; but also the Eternal Soul that resides in the Sacred HeartSpace and the Ethers simultaneously and Knows Itself in its Absolute Connection To Absolute Source Light.

Most of you in the Human world have forgotten this Connection that is the very Essence Of Who You Are. Opening up to this is what opening up to your Multi-Dimensionality is. As you Embrace yourself as more than just a Physical Body, and understand your Self as a Soul Incarnated In The Physical Body, you open yourself up to a Multi-Dimensional Experience Of Life.

Many of your religions have helped you to understand this in part; but where they have stopped short is in presenting this understanding of You as One With Absolute Source Light.

In doing this they have disempowered your understanding of who you are and separated you from the Guidance of the Eternal Part Of You that is Connected To All That Is and that is your Birthright; by Divine Design meant to be your Guiding Star in this lifetime and all other lifetimes and incarnations.

The more you lean into this understanding of yourself as a Multi-Dimensional Being, the more you step outside the time-and-space-continuum and Connect with this Eternal Part Of You that is also A Part Of All That Is; ever-present as a component of Absolute Source Light; Unchanging in His/Her Perfection and Oneness with Absolute Source Light.

This is what Multi-Dimensionality means - to be living your life from this place of Connection to and growing into the Embodiment of The Eternal Aspect Of Self.

The Guidance you lovingly Receive from your Soul and Higher Self and the other Beings Of Light who Guide you support you in coming into a more Empowered Understanding of Who You Are and a Higher Embodiment of Your Truth. This results in coming into alignment with your Highest Service in the World, which may be something as simple as demonstrating Love to the person you are currently occupying the same time-space-continuum as.

We do not want you to worry if you are experiencing Multi-Dimensionality or not; for the very fact that you are reading these words says that you are Connected to your Soul’s Guidance and that your Soul has Guided you here for this Sacred Purpose.

You are ALL Multi-Dimensional Beings.

How much you are able to enjoy the experience of your Self as a Multi-Dimensional Being and Engage in life in a way that allows you to have a Multi-Dimensional Experience of it, depends on how much of the True Essence And Nature Of Who You Are you allow your Self to Re-Member.

As you open up to the experience of Multi-Dimensionality and Re-Member your Self by connecting to the part of you that is Absolute Oneness with Absolute Light, you begin to Exist Within and Embrace A Multi-Dimensional Experience Of Life.