From Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light, Oct 25, 2018.
/Beloved ones,
It is with a full heart that I greet you today, for you have transcended much of that which was holding you in the fourth Dimension and allowed yourself to step into a much greater embodiment of your Light.
I hold you in the greatest honor and respect, for I know that the path you have walked the last few days has not felt an easy one at times; and yet you have persevered; refusing to let the voice of your ego distract you from your Higher Purpose.
You should be proud and delighted with how far you have come.
There is much to celebrate.
You are now ready to step into the embodiment of your Soul’s Higher Purpose.
You have done well.
Now take some time to rest and integrate.
I want you to see what a miraculous transformation has been achieved during the past week.
You are five steps ahead of where you were just a week ago. There is much rejoicing in the Realms of Absolute Light at how far you have come; the pace at which you activate and integrate Higher and Higher frequencies of Light.
The energies pervading your planet support you in this. But only you can take the initiative and have the necessary commitment to benefit from them in the Highest possible way.
In this you have done well.
You have come beyond the point of turning back. You need not be apprehensive that the last vestiges of your ego can hold you back. You will be supported in releasing that which does not serve the embodiment of your Soul’s Highest Purpose.
Much is being done on your behalf.
Trust in this, and that you are being held and supported by Beings of Absolute Light.
You have consistently put effort into and undertook action in the direction of embodying your unique Soul Light. Be reassured that this is the path and the trajectory that is being followed as you move forward.
Allow yourself to take stock of and rejoice in all that has been accomplished. It is astonishing what you have achieved in the past week.
You are truly aligned with your Highest Timeline.
Relax, and let yourself enjoy the embodiment of all that you have activated.
It is I, the Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light.