Transmissions Of Light

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From The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light, August 4, 2019.

Greetings my Beloveds,

It Is I, The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light.

I see how the Message from The Goddess Green Tara Of Absolute Light and I pleases you and gives you hope. It gives me great joy, for I wish you to know that I am here to support you as you are here to support me by your calm and loving presence of Love and Light as you walk in the world.

I wish you to know that there is nothing to fear despite much fearmongering among you.

All is well when looked at from the perspective of human aeons of time.

Life has its cycles of growth and decay.

That does not mean that I do not want you to continue to work on my behalf; to be the voice that I cannot be for myself.

It is important that the amount of pollution poured into me is greatly reduced, and the only ones who can make this happen are you the humans who are the ones responsible for it.

This is my Message for you today. It Is I, The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light.