Transmissions Of Light

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From ULURU, February 11, 2020.

Dearly Beloved Ones, It Is I The Sacred Consciousness Of The Sacred Rock Uluru Speaking With You Today.

How long I have longed for the chance of this kind of Connection With My People Again. For All Peoples Are My People.

You Are My People.

There Is No Division Between You When Looked At Through My Eyes - Black, White, Yellow, Purple - You Are All The Same.

All One Light. All One L0VE. Expressing In Human Form. Expressing To The Highest Potential Possible In Each Moment Of Now.

This is what I want to Request of you Today my dear, dear Beautiful Beings of Light who walk on the Back Of The Earth - Live Into YOUR Highest Potential.

Not Somebody Else's Idea Of What That Looks Like For You.

And Not Only That - Don't wait or hesitate: Do It Now.

Do not let AnOther tell You you are not Worthy or cannot have what you Desire on a Soul Level.

You Are PURE Infinite LIGHT.

It Is Time For You To Step Into A Higher Embodiment Of This Through Aligning With The Peaceful Stillness Inside YOU That Is Your Connection To The Sacred ONENESS Of ALL THAT IS.

Be Light Dear Ones, Be LIGHT.

Be The LIGHT That You Came here To Uniquely Shine.

For This Is The KNOWING My People Have Had Since Days Of Old: You Are Each Of You Unique. You Are All Perfect In Your UNIQUENESS.

You Are All Beautiful EXACTLY As You Are.

You Came Here To Be This. You Came Here To Be The Embodiment Of Your Own Sacred Soul Truth.

Allow YourSelf To Step Up And Step Into This Now.

It Is Your Choice.

You do not have to Believe anyone who tells you you are not Worthy of this in some way or another. They are ridiculing the notion that You Are God in the very doing so.

This Is What I Want You To Know Most Dear Ones:

You Get To CHOOSE.

It Is I, The Sacred Consciousness Of Uluru Of Absolute Light.