Transmissions Of Light

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From The GateKeeper Of The Lion's Gate Portal, July 24, 2020.

The Energy Of The Lion's Gate (8:8) Is Beginning To Stream Into The Planet, Touch Us, And Elevate Us Into A Higher Level Of Consciousness As Well As A Greater Awareness Of The Divine Role That We Are To Fulfill Here In This Particular LifeTime At This Particular Time On The Planet.

Set Your Intention To Be Aligned With Your Own Highest TimeLine Going Forward From This Place And Spend Some Time In Quiet Meditation Receiving Energetic Infusions To Support You On Your Path In The Remaining Days Leading Up To The 8:8 GATEWAY.

After You Have Set Your Intention And Before You Go Into Your Time Of Meditation, Read These Sacred Number Codes That Will Support You In Integrating The Energy Of This Gateway & Sacred Portal:
22 2 2 3 9 5

Please Read Them Aloud 3 Times And Then Say 'Thank You' Aloud.