Transmissions Of Light

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Channeled Messages From The Lemurian Unicorns, The Pegasi & Metatron, April 20, 2024.

Dear Beloved Light-Shining Beautiful Ones,

We Are So Honored To Be Here Sharing Our Messages With You.

Our Hearts Are Filled With Love For The Presence Of Light That You Are On The Planet & We Honor The Great Work That You Do On Behalf Of The Whole Of Humanity By Bringing Your Presence Of Light, Of Love, Of Truth, Of Compassion There.

We Ask That You Continue To Elevate Your Frequency. Do What Brings You JOY. It Is So Important At This Time.

With Honor For The Light You Are And The Various Roles You Are In.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Lemurian Unicorns And Pegasi.

Dear Beloved Ones In The Ascended Earth Realm,

This Is My Message For You Today And It Is Encoded With Many LightCodes To Support You In Aligning With The Ascension Process Of HuManity At This Time.

There Is No Need To Fear At This Time, For All Is Reaching You In The Perfect Timing.

The Divine Is Very Closely Involved With What Is Unfolding In Your Realms At This Time And Is Leaving Nothing Unobserved.

What Is Right For The Ascended Planet Is What Is Being Given Support - In All Kinds Of Ways, Both Visible And Not.

We Want You To Be Even More Careful Than Usual To Monitor Your Own Integrity.

Are You Being Kind?

Are You Forgiving Past Grievances?

Are You Honoring Your Self First And Then Others In Your Interactions?

Are You Being Fully Transparent And Honest With YourSelf And Others About Who You Really Are?

Are You Truly Doing What You Can To Align With Your Purpose Here Now?

Are You Being Just And Fair In Your Dealings With Others?

Are You Giving Compensation Where It Is Due?

Are You Being In Thanks For The Life Given To You?

Are You Being The Example Of The Higher Realms Embodied In This One In Your Interactions With Self & Others?

Are You Being Compassionate?

Are You Being The Listening Ear For Those Who Need Extra Guidance & Support At This Time?

These Are The Things We Would Have You Focus On At This Time - They Come Back To One Thing - Your Integrity With Regards Your Intention To Be The Best Self You Can Be In Your Interactions, Daily Choices & Every Day Living.

It Is I, The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light.