Archangel Gabriel - The “Divine Messenger”

Archangel Gabriel is known as the ‘Divine Messenger.’

He is recognised for his ability to support Creatives and those who have a Voice that they want to share - especially when they are speaking for those who do not have a voice of their own, he adds to me now.

“Known as the Great Messenger… Archangel Gabriel acts as a muse to share inspirational messages to those on Earth to stimulate progress and bring new ideas into being… Call on Archangel Gabriel for help with ideas, inspiration in creative pursuits, and the energy, opportunities, and resources to complete projects.” (Credit:

He also works closely with pregnant women and those looking after small children -

“Gabriel also works very closely with children, guiding conception, pregnancy, births, and adoptions and parenting children.”

The Archangel Gabriel shares with me that he is also fond of working with animals - he loves their gentle energy and is happy to bless them with Healings that Support their Emotional Body.

He says he also wishes to Support women in their Empowerment.

He continues that he is greatly pleased by the Rising of the Divine Feminine Energy At This Time - and that he is Active behind-the-scenes in the Expansion of this Energy.

He encourages us to remember the Awakening of the Divine Feminine is as important for men as it is for women.

He asks us to stop thinking of it as a movement more related to those Incarnated in a Feminine Body - urging us all to explore the Feminine, the Yin Within Us - saying this is an important adjustment our Human Collective needs to make at this time.

As we read this text, he is Activating the Cells within our Bodies to come into a Greater Balance of the Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine.

This balance is essential for all to Integrate in this Era in which we transform from carbon-based bodies into more Crystalline Light, he says.

This is the Transformation of our Consciousness - and as we Elevate beyond who we have thus far know ourselves to be, we open the space for New Possibilities of the New Hu-Man To Come In.

It Is Time.

And It Is Us - he says.

We have come here to Birth This New Hu-Man Into Being through the difference we make in the world with our Elevated Consciousness and our Focus on being of Service to the Light and bringing more Light into these Realms.

As to his role as a Messenger - he says he recognizes me - and many others bringing through the Words of the Divine - as also being a ‘Messenger of The Divine.’

I feel honored to receive these words.

This is what I have dedicated myself to, my Intention being to be a clear and pure channel for The Divine.

And yet, in many ways I have shied away from fully owning it.

Within the framework of our modern world, it would seem a preposterous claim to most - and in the belief system in which I was raised more akin to blasphemy.

Perhaps there are vestiges of this old patterning clinging to me which have thus far preventing me from fully owning that which my Being knows to be true.

I don’t see myself as special in this ability to be a channel for The Divine. I believe we all have this innate ability - and that artists, poets, songwriters and other creatives are accessing it a lot of the time.

We all open up to allow The Divine to speak through us at certain times - when we allow our Soul to speak with words of love, care, compassion, passion; when we are guided to share the exact words that someone needs to hear in that moment; when we allow our Intuition to lead us or inspiration to flow.

I do believe that while this is an aspect of self that is innate to all of us, it is one that we can hone with our Intention and Attention.

I also believe that the Divine Speaks Through Us in multi-faceted ways: while I am a channel for both the Words and the Energy of The Divine; people also channel Art, Dance, Music; Presence; Light Language; Healing; and more.

All of these expressions communicate with us in some way - whether on an energetic level or directly.

They each have their own unique power.

Archangel Gabriel is known as the Archangel of Communication; the Archangel who appears before people to share with them the Words of God.

I am honored that he perceives the Channeled Messages I share as also being the words of God and gifts me with the epithet, ‘Messenger of God.’

I know that this opening to channel has been given to me - not just to me, but to all of us who are here as ‘Messengers of The Divine’ At This Time - for a specific reason.

As Archangel Gabriel communicated above - Now is the Time; We Are The Ones.

Those of us who are called to do this work - to be the ‘Messengers of The Divine’ - are here to Embody this role and this Beingness - in doing so, to be the WayShowers of a new way of Being in the world.

It is time for change; an uplevelling of Consciousness and a Grounding into our Sacred Truth as Divine Sons & Daughters of God.

We are here to be the Forerunners of that Change and to change the perceptions of what is possible for humanity.

We are here to Remind others of Humanity’s innate gifts and abilities and to Activate the Expression of these gifts and abilities within ourselves and others.

And we are here to share the Words - the Messages - of The Divine with Humanity At This Transitional Time.

This is important in an Era when many have lost faith or hope and are losing their way - which always comes back to losing self.

This is important in an Era in which we are mired in Separation - from our Self, from the Divine, from Each Other.

It is important in this Era in which we are Re-Awakening to the Truth of Who We Are; Activating our Divine DNA; Stepping Into our Multi-Dimensional Potential.

Archangel Gabriel - The Great Messenger - leaves us with these questions today -

  • What Unique Message are you here to share?

  • What loving words can you share with another who is experiencing difficulty at this time?

  • Where are you being asked to communicate more lovingly with your Self?

  • What important thing do you want to be certain you communicate to another this week?

Attributed to: Mateu, Jaime - 1425 - 1450. Tempera on panel.