Subscription Offers


Energetic Infusions Subscriptions

Various Energetic Infusion Subscriptions from Divine Source Light And/Or The Beings Of Absolute Light are available offering You Daily/Weekly Support and Upgrades in the areas of:

The Energetic Transmissions Received Support you in Aligning with your Highest Timeline in the Chosen Area.

Click on individual Subscriptions for more details and to subscribe.


Channeled Messages Subscriptions

Subscription periods are 3 months and 6 months.

You will Receive a 15 minute personal DiamondLight-Encoded Channeled Message from your chosen Group/Collective Of Absolute Light twice a month for the duration of your Subscription.

You will also Receive Various Clearings, Healings and Upgrades to Support you on & Accelerate your Highest Ascension Path and in Aligning with your Soul’s Highest Timeline.

The Channeled Messages are Embedded with Archangel Metatron’s and Melchizedek’s Ascension Lightcodes which Remain Active in your DNA, allowing you to continually upgrade into a Higher Embodiment Of The Absolute Light That You Are and offering you ongoing support in Ascending up to The Sixteenth Dimension And Above.

Please specify whether you wish to Receive your Message live or pre-recorded & which of the Groups/Collectives of Absolute Light you wish to Receive Spoken Channeled Messages from at checkout:

  • Divine Source Light

  • An Archangel Of Absolute Light

  • A Galactic Council Of Absolute Light

  • An Ascended Master Of Absolute Light

  • An Indian Ascended Master Of Absolute Light

  • A Representative of The Divine Feminine Of Absolute Light

  • The Rocks/Crystals of The Ascended Earth

  • A Totem Animal Of The Ascended Earth

  • One of The Sacred Sites of The Ascended Earth

  • The Dragons of the 66th Dimension And Above

  • The Pegasi and The Unicorns Of The Higher Dimensions

  • The Elementals Of The Ascended Earth

  • The Ancestors Of Absolute Light

  • Your Ancestral Line Members Who Have Passed Into The Highest Light

  • No preference (If you select this option, we will open the Energetic Space & see Who Comes Through for you in the Moment).

This is a service for which a recording is provided.

(The provision of the recording is a complementary service provided for you. If the Session should fail to record due to technical problems, we ask for your understanding ).


3 Month Subscription Period -
($60 per Message)


6 Month Subscription Period -
($55 per Message)