From Mary Of Absolute Light, Mother Of Jesus, December 4, 2018.

Beloved Ones,

I am a new visitor to your page. I wish you to think of me as "Mary, Mother of Jesus, of Absolute Light," for this is a title that most of you will resonate with and find it easy to comprehend a little of What I Am.

I am a Representative of the Sacred Divine Feminine Energy that is now permeating your Earth Plane.

It is tasked to me to help you move into more compassion, more gentleness, more of the Love That You Are And I Am.

In fact, We All Are.

I wish you to know that Compassion begins with yourself.

To remember this always.

Too many of you are very forgiving of others, and at the same time very harsh on yourself.

You chose to come into the world and forget who you are in order to then remember: I Am Love. I Am Light. I Am One With The Sacred All That Is.

When you do not honor yourself with the Compassion that you are intrinsically worthy of, then you limit your ability to see the Light That You Are Everywhere You Go; the Light That You Are In Everything You Do.

You Are Light.

It is Intrinsic In You.

Light Is All There Is.

There is no distinction between The Light That You Are And The Light That I Am.

All Is Light.

You must remember that when you chose to come to the Earth Plane, you didn't mean to forget The Truth Of Who You Are permanently, only for a short time.

This was meant to be an experiment to allow yourself to experience yourself more deeply as The Absolute Love And Absolute Light That You Are.

This is all there is: Absolute Light And Absolute Love.

In your Compassion for yourself, allow yourself to see yourself in your Truth and to Know yourself as the Absolute Love And Absolute Light That You Are.

It Is I, Mary Of Absolute Light, Mother Of Jesus.

Mary Of Absolute Light, Mother Of Jesus.jpg

Transcribed by Julia Greef, Appointed Scribe For The Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light.