From The Divine Cosmic Sophia Of Absolute Light, January 24, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

What an Expansion of Light you are bringing onto the planet. As each of you dearly beloved ones opens your Heart to your Guidance and eagerly and carefully follows it, taking steps to act on and Embody that which is being asked of you, you expand your Light until you become like a Beacon .

You do not yet know the enormity of all that you have been able to step into and Embody. You do not know how differently you walk in the world to the way others do. You are not yet aware of the Enormity of your own Light.

You do not yet know the Enormity of your Willingness to Surrender to Highest Source Light and to Be and Walk as the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine Intertwined here on Earth. How that in and of itself is enough.

We wish you to see yourself the way we do: to see yourself a a Beacon of Light.

Acknowledge yourself for all that you have been able to expand into. See yourself as Light Walking in the World, your Light radiating out to touch others wherever you go.

We wish you to know how much we Honor you for all that you are doing on behalf of the Expansion and Integration of Light into the Physical Realm. We wish for you to Honor your Self. We wish for you to feel safe and held by the entire Cosmos. We wish you to know that in 2019 things are going to accelerate, and all that you have been working on and practicing the Embodiment of is going to grow and develop into a much more solidified energy that you take with you wherever you go, and that will allow you to upgrade your Work in the World to the next level.

We wish you to celebrate yourself, for you are doing so well.

And now we wish to speak to you of the recent lunar eclipse. Any eclipse is a portent of change. This one is especially potent becomes it comes at the start of a New Year, and this combined with the energy of the 3 that is the energy of this year in linear time 2109 also amplifies the potent energy of the eclipse. You may harness this energy to step into the Mastery of the Divine Trinity of Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine and Divine Child within you.

Here is how: Go and stand under the moon before the end of this week that ends on January 27, 2019. Allow yourself to feel the Light of the moon wash over you. Give thanks to the moon for assisting you in Releasing all that which no longer Serves you and Supporting you in Integrating the Embodiment of the Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine and Divine Child within you.

This is also to be your focus for much of the year ahead.

It is important that you Honor each of these aspects within yourself, giving each what it needs.

We will speak to the Divine Masculine first. You must Embody the Divine Masculine by creating clear and effective boundaries that allow you to create time for and honor the Sacred Ritual of Communing with the Essence of Self that lives within the Heartspace and the Highest Guidance that you are able to Receive.

We wish you to also incorporate the qualities of the Divine Masculine in your life by giving structure to your days in such a way that what is being birthed within you is able to come forth and take shape in the physical world.

Next, to speak to the Divine Feminine. She is beautiful in her Power and Majesty and she is what we see Rising in you. Do not make yourself small for anyone. Do not pretend that the things you have to say are not of great import. Do not dim your Light to make another feel better about themselves.

The Divine Feminine is alive in your desire to Shine and Radiate your Light in a way that Blesses all those around you. She is your desire to nourish yourself; to take care of yourself before others, so that you can serve them with a loving and willing heart. She is manifest in your desire to dance and to sing; to engage in Creative Acts; to let the imagination roam; to allow the body to rest; to allow the body to play.

She is present in your growing Love for Self. She is present in your ability to Release things that no longer Serve you without clinging to the familiar because it is what you have always known.

Honor the Divine Feminine within you by taking enough time to rest, and by doing that which you love and that nurtures you. Allow yourself to tap into and Activate your Creative energies when you are creating your dream and vision for the future - for the rest of 2019 and Beyond.

And lastly to speak of the Divine Child that exists within you, and is often mistakenly called ‘the Inner Child.’ First and foremost, allow her or him to play for this is what s/he most loves to do. It is your role to create safe spaces in which your Divine Child feels lovingly held and seen and able to play freely without any judgement of Self passed on you by you. Do your Divine Child the Service of withholding all judgements about yourself; changing them for a new and more loving thought as soon as you spot them on the horizon of your thought process. Judgemental thoughts are low vibration and do not belong in the Fifth Dimension And Above.

Within The Fifth Dimension And Above, all is Love.

Judgements are the very opposite of that which you call ‘Love,’ Allow your Divine Child the freedom to be exactly who s/he is, without putting restrictive demands or expectations on her or him.

Especially do not expect her or him to be perfect, or hold that standard up as one to aspire to.

You were not Incarnated into the Physical World in order to be perfect. Perfection is what you are in the spaces between lifetimes; but in each and every Incarnation certain experiences and situations are chosen and given to you by the Absolute Light of your Soul in order that you may forget the perfection of who you are, only to have the Remembrance of it Activated again.

Your Perfection, or lack of it, has never been a question.

How can you be other than that which is perfect when you are in your Most Essential Essence Absolute Oneness with Absolute Light?

To come back to that which you call ‘Love’ and the human understanding of Love. Love is All That Is. It is an understanding that everything in its totality is okay, even the parts of yourself or others that your human self wants to reject or doesn’t want to see. In the Oneness Of Light that is All That Is, all is embraced; all is held and seen with Love, Compassion and Understanding.

It Is I, The Divine Cosmic Sophia Of Absolute Light.