Transmissions Of Light

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From Mary Magdalene Of Absolute Light, October 25, 2019.

My dearly beloved ones,

It Is I, Mary Magdalene Of Absolute Light come to enjoy speaking with you in this Sacred Space today. How filled I am with gladness, how filled I am with joy - for things in your world are changing more swiftly than you can see with your own perception or even begin to know.

The number of you who have come into a Higher Embodiment of Your Light through the Sacred Work that you do on YourSelf and through reading or listening to Channeled Messages such as these and others like them and making use of other Sacred Methodologies such as Energetic Healing Techniques, Light Language and such and Integrating the Lightcodes you receive from such Transmissions Of Light is Increasing all the time.

You my dear ones are the Love and the Light that you are longing to see in the world.

Don’t you see that you are Doing it already, BEing it already? You are the ones. You are the Light.

You are the Light in a world where is much Darkness and Shadow and Great Need of the Light that you Bring.

Be The Light Dear Ones. Be The Light.

You Are the Embodiment of The New Earth.

Love yourSelf and Honor yourSelf as such.

It makes my heart sing with joy and gratitude to see you Beloved Brothers and Sisters stand in a Higher Embodiment of Light and Claim the Truth That Has Always Been Yours To Claim:

I AM Love. I AM Light.

I Am Choosing To Embody The Light That Lives Within Me and Be My Most Absolute Highest Expression Of Self In Each And Every Sacred Moment Of Now.

What Joy! What Gratitude!

What Beauty to Behold.

You are Transforming the World as Each Of You Is Transformed.

Oh my dear and beloved Brothers and Sisters how filled my heart is with joy at the sight of you, how the tears would overflow with gratitude if I was still Embodied in human form.

It Is Happening.

It is a Real Thing.

The Divine Feminine is Rising and you are One With She.

Embody Your Light Dear One.

Embody the Magic of Who You Uniquely Are.

You Are Love. You Are Light. You Are Beautiful.

The Divinity Of Self And The Divinity Of The Cosmos All Is One.

It Is I, Mary Magdalene Of Absolute Light.