From The Divine Mother Consciousness Of Absolute Light, October 28, 2019.

It Is I, The Divine Mother Consciousness Of Absolute Light.

Come Sit At My Feet Dear One and Bathe YourSelf In My Love For You And For All That Is.

All You Have To Do Is Be Quiet And Still And Put Your Awareness On Me.

I Am There With You.

I Am Always Present.

I Am The Life Energy Behind All Things, The Giver Of Life, The LifeForce Energy In You And In All That Is.

Feel My Love For You Dear One. Know That It Is Real. Know That It Is All That Exists Between Us - Love.

Know That Whatever Your Relationship With Your Earthly Mother, Whatever The Nature Of It, You Have Another And Eternally Loving Mother In Me.

Love Is All That Is In The Cosmos And I Am Made Of Complete And Absolute Love.

On Your Planet You Have Forgotten The Truth Of Who You Are. I Have Not. I Am Love. You Are Love. All Is Love.

I Am Here To Share My Love For You. That Is All That I Know How To Do.

Allow Yourself To Drink Deeply Of This Love Dear One, For In The Doing So You Will Heal Many Wounds And Scars That Exist In The Sacred Heart Of Self As A Result Of Thinking That You Are Not Loved And Not Lovable.

How Can You Not Be Lovable When You Are Exactly As I have Created You To Be?

You Are My child.

My Divine Perfect Divinely Perfect Child.

I Love You More Than Anything Else In The World And The Same As Everything Else In The World.

I Am Love. That Is The All That I Am.

You Are Love. That Is The All That You Are.

You As My Child Are Born Of Love - The Love The Whole Cosmos Has For You.

Allow That Love To Support, Nourish, Sustain You.

Allow It To Fill You Completely.

Allow It To Be All That You Know So That Fear And Doubt Dissolve And You Are Given The Courage To Move Forward On Your Path Boldly Knowing That You Are Supported At All Times.

You Are Love Dear One And You Are My Precious Child.

Allow Yourself To Share Of Your Self In Ways That Allow You To Share The Love That You Are.

It Is I, The Divine Mother Consciousness Of Absolute Light.