From The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light, November 17, 2019.

Today's Message is From The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light and has three parts.

The first part asks us to be more conscious about our use of plastic. While we all know the use of plastic as a material for packaging to be a grave problem for The Earth and her EcoSystems most of us are still operating from within a system that requires us to use a lot of plastic as part of our daily lives because of the way things are packaged when we buy them. The EarthStar That Is Our Home And The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia asks us to use as little plastic as possible and to be very conscious about educating others around us to do the same whenever possible without imposing our opinions on them - respecting also their right to make their own choices.

The second part is a Teaching for us.

It shares the Knowledge that the Salt Waters of the Earth are as important if not more so than the trees and forests in Cleansing and Purifying the Atmosphere and the Energetics of the EarthStar's System. Though many of us have neglected to notice this and overlooked the importance of it, The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia assures me that it is so and asks that those of us who are in a position to make a difference look into this and start to promote the importance of protecting our salt water bodies as many groups and interested parties are doing in the case of the trees and the forests.

She also tells me that we can use salt water to Cleanse and Purify our own Energetic Field too, but that it does not need to be natural salt water. Instead we can make our own at home and that the perfect ratio for this is one cup of salt per each gallon of water. She says we do not need to drink it at all or use it to wash and cleanse our bodies more than once a month, but that the presence of a bucket of salt water in the room that we sleep in or spend most of our time in will greatly support us in Cleansing and Purifying our own Energetic Field.

The third part of The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia's Message asks us to walk on the Earth and particularly her uneven surfaces like sand and grass - barefoot if at all possible.

This not only helps to Ground Us and Bring our Energy Back Into Harmony With The Oneness Of All That Is, it reminds us of a Sacred And Divine Truth that most of us have forgotten which is part of the reason why we Suffer so Greatly when the road is rough and the path beneath our feet feels uneven and rocky.

The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia wants us to Trust that even when the Ground feels Uneven and the Path Forward feels rough and rocky beneath our feet we can Walk Forward Trusting And Knowing That We Are Fully Supported By Her And By The Entire Cosmos FOR IT IS SO.