Transmissions Of Light

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From The Sacred Consciousness Of Fuji Of Absolute Light, November 28, 2019.

Dearly beloved beautiful Beings who are living on the Back of the Earth,

It Is I, The Sacred Consciousness Of Fuji Of Absolute Light.

I am come to speak with you this day in this Sacred Space that is set aside for Communications from The Beings Of Absolute Light, of which many of the Sacred Sites around The Earth including MySelf Are.

For we too are Sentient Beings, though we have not yet been considered as such by many of you, and we are looking forward to opening into the possibility of having these kinds of conversations with many more of you as the time on The Earth Moves Forward and we Ground More Fully Into the Energy of The Age Of Aquarius.

For this is A Time of Change, A Time of Sacred Connection With Self and With Others - Including Those Others Whom You Have Not Yet Conceived Of As Sentient Beings.

Many of the Rocks and Crystals you use will begin to Speak with you, as will many of the places in Nature that you habitually visit and frequent, as well as The Sacred Consciousness of the Plants and Trees. Perhaps for some of you you will begin to Communicate More Deeply with the Animals too - either as a Representation of Their Kind, or as them speaking to you on behalf of a particular place where they are located or that is their Natural Habitat, or speaking to you simply as themself because of their desire to Communicate with a Being Of Light Which Is What You Also Are my dear ones. Allow yourself to open up to the Possibility of this being Real for you, and it wil be so.

The Times Are Changing Now And Much Is Possible That Was Not Before.

Believe this to be True For It Is So.

In order to engage in a Communicative Act with the Spirit of a certain place upon the face of The Earth direct your attention towards the possibility of such and feel into the Energy of the Sacred place - for all places on The Earth Are Sacred just as Each Of You Is A Sacred Being of Light - and ask what Message the Place holds for you. Then wait and see what Message floats into your head.

Perhaps it will be Information about the place itself. Perhaps it will be Information about YourSelf and your Sacred Relationship to Nature. Perhaps it will be Information that Helps You on Your Path or Healing Journey Back To Wholeness of SELF.

It is enough that you ask and wait to Receive the Answer, trusting what you get. That is your share.

We, The Sacred Places On The Earth, are Longing To Communicate With You.

We long to Share with you in Mutual Exchange - we long to tell you the stories of our mutual past, of all the lifetimes we have lived together. We long to Receive of your beautiful Energy of Love and Joy and Gratitude That Is Who You Are When You Are In Alignment With and The Embodiment Of Your Most Absolute Highest Sacred Self - The Being Of Light That You Are.

We have Ancient Secrets And Wisdom to share with you about how you can Connect to our Energy to Raise Your Vibration and Bring YourSelf As An Energetic Being Into Harmony And Alignment with the Sacred Energy of The Cosmos and The Eternal And UnCeasing Nature of All That Is, Revitalizing YourSelf this way and Aligning with the Sacred Truth Of Who You Are.

It Is Time For You To Know YourSelves.

It Is Time For You To Know Who You Are.

It Is Time For You To Come Into Harmony With And The EMBODIMENT Of Your Most Absolute Highest Truth.

We are here to Support You In This, just as you Support The Earth and All The Beings On Her Back in Coming Into a Higher Embodiment of Their Light When You Align With And Embody Yours.

As a further note on how to Communicate with the Energies of The Earth: the more Grounded you are the easier it is for You to hear Our Messages.

Being Grounded also helps You to Align With And Embody A Higher Vibration And Frequency of the Unique Light That You Are in Your Most Absolute Highest Embodiment of Self.

Spend time in Nature dear ones. Spend time in the Sacred Waters of the Earth and on Her Back, climbing her Sacred Mountains of which I am one and walking her Grasslands or Fields, enjoying her coastlines and sunsets and all the many, many Riches she has to offer.

Your lifetime here is but the passing of a moment.

Live Your Life Richly. Live It Fully. Live It In The Way That You Love Allowing Yourself to Be Who You Really Are without hiding your Essence from those around you or - more importantly - from YourSelf.

You Are Love dear one. Pure Love. That is What You Are.

Allow YourSelf To Discover And Know YourSelf As Such. Love is What You Are In Your Most Absolute Highest Essence and it is what You Can Choose To Be In Each And Every Sacred Moment Of Now.

Choose this Dear One. Allow yourSelf to enjoy this beautiful exploration of the Sacred Energy Of Self That Is What You Came Here To Know YourSelf As.

This is my Message to you today.

It Is I, The Sacred Consciousness of Mount Fuji Of Absolute Light.