From The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light, December 26, 2019.

My dear and beloved ones,

I, The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light want You the beautiful beings of love and light who live upon my back to Know that:

♢♢ I love you all and am so Grateful for your Presence here upon the EarthShip. You bring Great Love And Light to many of my people, of whom you are one - but Know that you are also of the Stars and contain this Inheritance And Energy Within You.

♢♢ In these times of unrest and great dissatisfaction that pervade the planet and you my people, you are not to worry or fear. The Energy of Fear - of which worry is one variation - only holds you Trapped immobile in the situation in which you are ensnared. It holds you frozen, rendering you unable to move. It is Essential says I - The Mother Earth who Knows each one of you So Well and Loves You SO MUCH - to Breathe into the Body Deeply to Help the Fear and the Emerging Feeling of Panic and Tension to Subside. Only then can you Connect to your Highest Wisdom and Act from your Highest Place and your Highest Embodiment of Self.

It is and will be important to remember this often for some of you Going Forward. When Fear rises in you and comes upon you in an unwanted wave of emotion, do not try to ignore it or pretend it’s not there. First feel the Fear. Then use your Embodiment of Your Sacred I Am Presence to Dissolve it, Trusting that it - as an Energy - will be Released from your Body when the Time Is Ripe and that you can Hasten this by first looking honestly at your Fear, admitting it is there, and then seeing through it; seeing that it is not based in anything Real: by which I mean that which is occurring in your Current Present Moment Reality; not that which you project may happen or occur going forward.

Once you have done this, or first if you prefer, Ground In the Body. Come back to the Body through the Breath - for when you Come Back to the Body you Re-Connect with your own Soul’s Highest Wisdom and the Potentiality to Hear your Highest Guidance. Only then think about what course of Action it is that you want to take , asking yourself WHAT CAN BEST SERVE MY HIGHEST SELF IN THIS MOMENT AT THE SAME TIME AS BEST SERVING THE WHOLE?

You came here to live as part of an EcoSystem. I As Mother Energy ask you not to fight amongst yourself like unruly brothers and sisters, You have developed the potentiality as a COLLECTIVE to Be Above that now. You have had thousands of years of human history to learn the lessons of war and fighting from.

It is time to take this lesson, which is one that Humanity as a Collective has engaged with for a long time, to heart. For you to start to Consciously Choose To Embody The Sacred Love THAT YOU ARE In Your Essence in your Interactions with ALL your Fellow Men And Women And Fellow Creatures That Walk Upon My Back, As Well As The Plants And Trees And All Living Things Including Myself - for I am not without Consciousness and the Choices you make - good or bad - affect me also: to a greater extent than some of you think, and a lesser extent than others of you think, but affect me they do.

Sometimes Embodying the LOVE THAT YOU ARE will be Easy. Sometimes it will be more of a Conscious Choice that needs to be made to help you Shift from the old paradigm and way of Being in the world into the New One.

Make That Choice. It Is Important.

Not just for you, but for the Whole of Humanity and for the WellBeing of the Whole as well as the Greater WellBeing of I The MotherShip Who Loves You so so Much.

It is I, The Sacred Consciousness Of Gaia Of Absolute Light.